My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 156 What do you think he is?

She lightly pursed her lips and asked lightly, “Is it true that you can agree to help as long as you don't get a divorce?"

Ayan laughed.

He laughed not because Camille hit the nail on his head, but because he was laughing at Camille's insolence.

The handsome face showed a light smile, but the bottom of the eyes did not show the slightest ripple, only a lukewarm indifference, he pursed his lips and said, "Camille , what do you think I am?"

Camille's gaze was lost in thought, she didn't mean anything else, but that was the only condition that came to her mind subconsciously.

So that's how she asked the question out.

Her silence became a tacit acceptance in Ayan's eyes, and he coldly questioned, "Camille, do you think I really don't want a divorce that badly? You're really doing a good job, you are going too far to ask me not to divorce for the sake of Sienna!"

Camille looked at his face, which was cold like ice, a pair of obscure eyes were even more wrapped in coldness, she said lightly: "Sorry, I misunderstood you, I just want you to see my sincerity, also hope you can understand the importance of this matter, so I ....."

“You don't need to explain it to me, it's your business."

Ayan interrupted her in a cold, indifferent voice.

She sat rigidly in her chair for a long time without responding, her heart in turmoil, a mess, and every response Ayan made at the moment was what she had said to him.

It's hard to find someone in the huge Hance City. Hance City was unfamiliar to her and her contacts were almost non-existent, so it was extremely inconvenient for her to make a living.

But Ayan was very vindictive, so there's no chance at all with him. Camille took a silent breath, and then said lightly: "Okay, I understand, I interrupted this matter, you are right, we are about to divorce relationship, Sienna is my friend has nothing to do with you, you are not obliged to help me, it is me who wants too much."

She convinced herself calmly and rationally that she could not keep imposing on people, and that would be embarrassing for everyone in the end.

Camille stood up when she was done, she looked at Ayan and whispered, "I'm full, so I'll leave now."

She took a deep look at Ayan , then lifted her feet and walked out.

As she was about to walk out of the restaurant, his voice sounded unhurriedly, "So I'm a useable object that you need if you have a use for it and throw it away if you don't?"

Camille stopped in her tracks for a moment.

She glanced back at Ayan, who was sitting there calmly and unmoving, but his displeasure could be clearly heard in his words.

She responded, "I didn't think of it that way."

"So what do you think? Do you think you can come and go whenever you want?"

Camille frown and looked a little heavy.

Then she saw Ayan stand up, he glanced at her coldly and faintly dropped a sentence: "If you want me to convince Rex for you, then let me be happy with it!"

After that, he walked out of the restaurant and went back upstairs. Camille stood there in a daze, confused, what did he mean by that?

Is he willing to help?

Of course, the premise was to make him satisfied and happy, and then he was willing to help once he was happy. .

But there was hope, otherwise she still has to go around and spend a lot of effort, not to say that the results were still unknown in the end. Camille's mouth spilled into a faint light smile.

Since she didn't know what Ayan meant by satisfying and delighting him, Camille thought it would be nice to cook him a meal to make him happy.

Ayan didn't come down all morning, and it happened to be Saturday, so he didn't have to go to the office.

Camille asked Kit to help her buy the ingredients for a few of her favorite dishes, and then spent the morning rooted in the kitchen. Upstairs in the study, Ayan was sitting at his desk reading papers, Kit brought him coffee, put it down and was about to leave when he asked lightly, "What's she doing?"

The "she" is, of course, Camille.

Kit immediately understood and responded in a low voice, "Cami also prepares lunch and does not allow the cook to help, she does everything herself."

"Hmm." Ayan simply responded lightly and then said nothing more.

Kit also left the study shutting the door behind him in passing.

Ayan leaned back in his chair and couldn't read the document in his hand anymore. He picked up his cell phone and dialed out the number. The other person asked, "Yes?"

"Is Sienna the woman who dumped you?" Ayan went straight to the point, his eyes slightly narrowed, his face a little cold.

Rex also startled and asked: "You got it?"

"Where is she? At your place?"


Ayan said lightly, “You better not do anything to her.”

“Is Camille here for you?"

“It has nothing to do with Camille, that's my advice to you, if Sienna is out of touch for a long time, do you think the Kings family will keep quiet about it?"

Ayan coldly reminded, deep eyes flooded with indifference, if he had known the relationship between Sienna and Rex, he would not have revealed to Rex know earlier?

Downstairs in the kitchen, Camille made a four-course meal with a variety of colors and flavors that made their mouths water.

After Camille finished cooking, she untied her apron and prepared to go upstairs to call Ayan.

At that moment, the doorbell rang.

The maid immediately went to open the door, and Eileen came in from outside in a long light green dress.

When she saw that Camille was there, she looked around her eyes and made sure Ayan wasn't there before she asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Shouldn't you be asking yourself that?" Camille swept her away indifferently.

Eileen added, "Do you think it's appropriate for you to be here now that you're divorcing Ayan?" Camille, you're not regretting not getting a divorce, are you?

"What does it matter to you? Can't you wait for me to divorce him? What if I don't give you what you want?"

"You ......." Eileen is not used to her, but she can't do anything about it, she has nothing to say in response to her sarcasm, she can only provoke her with words: "You think you will agree to leave Ayan if you don't want to?

Camille didn't care what she said, she just gave him a cold look and prepared to go upstairs to call Ayan.

But she was just about to lift her foot up the stairs when he came down the stairs.

Camille looked over at him and whispered, "It's time for lunch.”

Ayan gave her an expressionless look, then before she could respond, Eileen spoke up: "Ayan, I want to talk to you."

He glanced lightly at Eileen , and asked, "What's up?"

"Ayan , I think we should talk alone, I want to say this thing I do not want others to know, and I think Camille will not mind, after all, she is also aware of the relationship between us, if cared, she probably could not say it long ago, right?"

She said the same thing about the others, except for her and Ayan, Camille is left here, so it is self-evident who the others are.

Afterwards, he looked at Camille and asked, "Camille, do you think I'm right?"

"Since when do you care so much about what I think?" Camille stared coldly at Eileen and said indifferently.

Eileen pursed her lips, and since Ayan was there, she hastily explained, "Camille, I just want to make it clear to you, but you don't have to be so mean to me!"

"Or do I have to be gentle with you?"

Camille narrowed her eyes and gave her a faint glance.

Eileen's face turned red with aggression as she pursed her lips and asked in a low voice, "Camille, are you mad at me because of the night of Ayan's birthday?"

Camille looked at her self-directed performance and smiled indifferently: “Eileen, you really should change your career to acting." Camille didn't look at Eileen any more than she has to, and just drops her gaze on Ayan as she asks, "Ayan, do you want to eat now or after you've talked to her alone?"

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