The three first periods were boring and tiring to all of them.

Until the lunch break.

Lunchtime is always a scary time. Or at least it was for Fleurie. She mostly gets bullied in the lunch hall, or the school's hall.

Graysen and Fleurie had the same first-period and she didn't have any other classes with him, but she has the seventh and eight periods with Marissa.

In her prior school, she remembers groups of Goths and punks would sit at one table on one side of the cafeteria and the other side would be the cooler kids; football players would take half a table and the cheerleaders would take the other half.

she didn't belong to any group, but she thought being with Marissa, Graysen and the others it will be different.

"I will fetch Fleurie, you should go and get us a table,” Graysen said to Martin while heading out of the classroom

The halls were crowded, all of them heading to the lunch hall to fill their angry and growling stomach, but he didn't spot his mate in the halls and corridors of their school.

A small smile formed on his face when he smelled her in one of the classes, he pushed the door open and his eyes fell on his beloved, she was sitting alone, sadness appears on her face, he approached her, putting his hand on her shoulder.

She left her head up startled.

"What are you doing here alone?"He asked her but she didn't talk to him. She pulled her notebook out.

I don't like going to the lunch hall.

She wrote down and Graysen was surprised, not surprised of the fact that she doesn't like going to lunch hall but he was surprised because she didn't talk to him, he knew that something was wrong but he ignored it.

"Come on, let's go they are waiting for us,” He said pulling her out of her chair, walking towards the lunch hall.

She was terrified, she didn't want to, she thinks that they will humiliate her as usual.

She started to panic.

Graysen smelled her fear and he felt her hand trembling

The blood pounded in her ears.

Her heart thudded in her chest.

Her hand shock. Her feet tingled.

Her vision disfigured as if she were looking through a fisheye lens. She collapsed on the ground, hyperventilating.

"Fleurie?! Fleurie?!" She couldn't focus on his voice.

He pulled her into his embrace, whispering calming words in her ears. Her vision was back to normal, breathing heavily but slowly she gained her normal breathing, and her heart calmed down.

She buried her face in his chest, seeking more comfort.

"Fleurie?! I know that there's something wrong, please tell me" Graysen frowned when she shook her head repeatedly.

She didn't want to talk anymore, she wanted to rest and isolate herself from the others.

"It's okay, if you're not ready right now, tell me later okay?" She nodded, leaning more toward him.

"Can you stand up?" He asked his trembling mate.

She shook her head. She could still feel her leg trembling.

He carried her bridal style immediately, walking towards the school parking lot, the drivers with the cars stayed there.

One of the drivers sensed his king and queen and he rushed out of the car quickly to open the car door for them.


Gray, what's wrong? My wolf was pacing earlier

Martin asked worried about his Alpha and Luna.

Fleurie was panicking and we are heading back to the castle, you don't have to worry.

Mind link me if something happens or if you want me to do anything. Fine, and tell the others that I left with Fleurie.


He ended his conversation with his Beta, looking down at his sleeping mate, his heart thudded hard knowing that there was something wrong with her.

About twenty minutes later, they reached the entrance of the castle, the driver rushed to open the door for them. Graysen thanked him.

Xaun and Apollo were laying on the couch, watching their favourite Tv show.

Apollo being sleepy and all didn't notice his Alpha's and Luna's scent. Xaun heard them and smelled them the moment the stepped on the castle grounds, he pushed his mate gently rushing towards the castle entrance, he saw his Alpha carrying his sleeping Luna.

" Your Highness? what happened to Fleurie? what's wrong?" Apollo was behind him instantly, being his mate made him sense his distress and anxiety.

* don't worry Xaun, she was just panicking and in the way back to the castle she fell asleep,” Graysen said and Xaun sighed in relief and contentment.

Apollo bowed and pulled him away to let their Alpha continue his way to their floor.

* calm down, she's fine, the aroma of fear and anxiety is all over her, I think that she's just overwhelmed and trying to cope with this environment,” Apollo said to his mate with his soft soothing voice. Graysen layed his Fleurie on the bed covering her with the blanket, turning off the lights and shutting close the door behind, he headed downstairs to the kitchen to make for himself and his mate the lunch they missed

But of course, the maids and servant wouldn't let him, taking everything out of his hands declaring that it's their job to do, Graysen chuckled softly looking at his once filled palms.





They all stood out of the Akari kingdom borders, no one could sense them nor smell them due to their magic.

The moment they step into the grounds of the kingdom,

chaos will start.

hatred and love will be found.

separation and sadness will appear.

Victory may happen.

loss may happen.

Sacrifice may happen.

Death may happen.

Ryan didn't care, He was ready years ago, he prepared himself for the chaos, He stepped in.

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