"Ryan, we are heading to the castle,” said Medea to the man who's laying on their bed

He looked at his lovely mate with his topaz blue eyes that are full of emotions, the silky dirty blonde hair and asked.

" they are there?" Medea sat beside him holding his hand in her's, caressing his hand gently.

" yes they are”

Fleurie woke up with the warmth of her mate around her, his muscular arms hugging her closer to him, she looked at the fancy golden small alarm clock that was on the nightstand beside their king-sized bed, it was 7:04 am, she wanted to cuddle more with her mate but they will be late to school.

She prayed Graysen's arm being careful not wanting to wake him up, getting up and walking toward the bathroom to take a shower and dress up for school.

Graysen woke without the warmth of his mate, he didn't find her in his arm as he expected, he heard the water running in the bathroom assuming that his mate is showering and getting ready to go to school. Bryce, you're awake?

He asked his best friend through the mind link.

Yup, ready to face the 'six cruel hours of our lives' school

Stop complaining and check on the others.

Yes sir, Alpha king or whatever.

Graysen shook his head chuckling at his friend. His best friend will be staying in the castle for about a week to sort out things then head back to their pack to take over and sort out the other things in their pack. Graysen lifted the soft covers from him, landing his feet on the cold floors

he got up groaning and stretching, he heard the click of the bathroom door and saw his mate getting out of the bathroom, wearing a soft pink sweater and a pair of blue jeans.

" good morning,” Graysen said startling his mate, she looked at his bare chest blushing madly.

" g-good morning" she replayed stuttering.

" You should go downstairs and eat breakfast,” He said to her while getting his clothes out of the walk-in closet.

he walked out of the walk-in, kissed her forehead and headed to the fancy bathroom they got.

Fleurie felt tingles go throughout her body, her heart fluttering with happiness, she nearly skipped happily out of their room and to the elevator, surely not forgetting her new brand backpack and note boke to communicate.

she got out of the elevator heading to the huge kitchen, she had more courage now, to walk herself without Graysen trailing behind her or in front of her.

Xaun, the father of land and forests, was sitting on a stool with a young man tucked beside him, Fleurie didn't know that he was already here in the castle so she was surprised when she saw him and the pretty young man.

Xaun sensed his queen presence in the room. The mother of werewolves gave him the ability to speak the human's language freely, his mate Apollo snuggled to him.

Xaun got up pulling his lazy and sleepy mate up to great their queen with a bow.

"good morning your highness" Xaun greeted his queen happily.

good morning Xaun

she greeted him by writing on her notebook

who is that?

she wrote asking about the sleepy young man who is snuggled to Xaun He smiled saying " this is Apollo, my mate, forgive him, my queen, he's always like this grumpy in the morning”

Apollo's being tired and sleepy, he just wanted the warmth of his mate, so he snuggled closer, burying his face in his mate's chest.

it's okay

she wrote because she didn't mind at all, she had days like this.

Fleurie walked towards the long table, getting a plate and serving herself a couple of pancakes and some fresh fruit and took a glace of fresh-looking orange juice.

she sat in front of Xaun and Apollo the pretty man.

is he a werewolf too?

she wrote down on her notebook, showing it to Xaun.

" He is not a werewolf my queen,” He said smiling at his queen, he was truly happy to meet her.

you can call me Fleurie

and if he is not a werewolf what is he?

"he's a fae," He said smiling at his now sleeping mate.

what is a fae?

she wrote while eating her pancakes, she had never heard of faes before that, and all the new creatures and the new pieces of information are overwhelming her.

Xaun chuckled looking at his adorable mate.

" well, this little creature is a type of mythical being and a legendary creature actually, they are isolated from the world in their perfect home and lands, they have many abilities plus magical powers, and they kind of can turn into a tiny butterfly"

Fleurie is so much more excited to see the pretty man turn into a tiny creature.

I would like to see him change one day

she smiled slightly looking at Apollo fondly, she hopes that they will be good friends soon.

Fleurie finished her plate, she took it to the sink to wash and put it back, but a maid rushed to her.

" Your highness, that's my duty, you can rest,” she said smiling at her queen softly.

Fleurie wasn't used to this, she was used to cooking, cleaning, washing and being beaten over and over again, all of this service and all of the other things.

"Hey," a not so cheerful Marissa said, getting her plate to get her breakfast.

To Marissa, the thought of going to school filled her with dread.

She didn't like school or the sight of it and its students.

She never knew why they needed school, to her, knowing how to read and write was enough.

She cursed the innovator of school every day.

But with her Luna, Queen and mostly best friend being with her in school made it more bearable.

"Good morning Fleurie, and good morning who you might be"she smiled to Fleurie the moment she saw her and was confused to who that built man was with the beautiful man snuggled up beside him.

His white hair amazes both Fleurie and Marissa.

“I'm Xaun, the father of land and forests, and this Apollo my mate and he's a fae," He said to the tired-looking girl.

Bryce who his mate was left in the pack, came later to eat breakfast, Martin and his mate Amber came after Bryce to eat breakfast and lastly, Graysen ate breakfast then all of them rushed to the cars that are waiting outside for them with the drivers and they got in heading to school.

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