Fleurie pov

I am conscious, though my eyes aren't open. I don't want to open them. Opening them would be admitting that those horrible things happened to me.

I remember sitting with Gray's mother outside that huge house, suddenly a burning sensation took over my hand and it was hurting me so badly, I remember grey's mother face after all the pain went away, she was shocked and looking at me with disbelieving eyes.

she started saying that it was weird, that a strong power was radiating off of me, and then I blacked out.

I'm not sure it's me they happened too, opening my eyes would be admitting that was real.

I opened my eyes trying to adjust for what's a dream and what's a reality, a bright light shone hurting my eyes.

woods and leaves, the sound of the river flowing not far away, birds singing and butterflies roaming around. I look down at myself realizing that I'm still wearing the same clothes I was wearing and I'm laying on the green soft grass.

I sat up, I tried to follow the sound of the river because I was feeling bad and thirsty, I'm being cautious because I don't know how I did get here and why or what was that burning sensation.

I looked down at my wrist, there was a black crown inked on it, I tried rubbing it off but it didn't budge.

I was getting closer to the river, it's voice becoming more clearer.

the river is cleaner more than any river that I have seen before, there was a squirrels family but they ran away the moment they heard the crunches of leaves.

I walked to the river, cupping some of the cold water in my hands and splashing it over my face.

A tap on my shoulder caught me off guard, and the strange thing is that I screamed and my voice came out, it was a strange feeling and a weird sensation because it was a long time ago the last time I heard my voice.

I turned so quickly and the voice of the person surprised me.

" Fleurie,?" said Graysen with a shocked tone and face

" what are you doing here? " he asked looking more confused

I tried signing it to him but I couldn't

And I decided it's time for me to talk I should do it even if it scares me that much I should do it

I remember when I first started to not talk he was getting mad and mad every day but I don't think that grey is going to be mad

He was gentle and caring when I first met him

I just should defeat my fears

I looked back at Graysen and he was watching me patiently

" i-it sta-started t-to h-h-hurt" I said and I was scared of his reaction first, he was shocked, and I showed him my wrist.

" OMG, you talked" Graysen looked at her in shock.

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