Graysen and his fellow members of the pack headed to the school and everything seemed to be perfect as usual, there were no fights,

Fleurie was getting closer to the mother and the other sons, she tried smiling but the smile never seems to have the idea of coming closer to this young lady.

There was nothing wrong except two heart and two souls that were lost in the realms.

those two souls wondered between the streets, the stones, and roaming around just looking for thousands of years and these two souls never seem to separate after all these years.

but something attracted these souls, two bodies that seem too interesting for these souls but unfortunately, the two bodies are in different places doing two different things that are completely different, these two bodies have different hearts,

one is filled with gloominess, dismalness, and hopelessness,

the other is filled with a lot of worries and love for the other heart. these souls separated after all these years longing and in need of the two hearts but these souls cant be separated for too long or the both of them will crumble down needing the other but they have to separate and soon they will become one.

Graysen pov

I don't know what's happening but that feeling went away.

I'm now in the middle of math class and I really hate that class so much I can some of them sleeping on their desks,

some of them sending glances for the other and laughing and some throwing notes for each other.

everything felt peaceful but it felt strange at the same time then I felt it, a

very strong and strange power started surging through my body and I started sweating and hyperventilating,

I felt a burning sensation on my wrist and it hurt so bad.

I couldn't take it anymore and some of my pack people were watching and sending some worried looks toward me.

I grabbed my backpack flinging the door open and running towards the exit, I mind linked Martin to follow my scent and to bring no one.

the burning sensation started getting bad and I ran towards the wood, my wolf was strangely calm.

I looked down at my hand and I saw a black ink starting to appear and the pain started to go away and I can sense Martin behind me and he was starting from a distance

the pain was gone completely and a black crown was drawn over my wrist and I felt different, my wolf was yipping and enjoying the new feeling.

" Alpha?" I heard Martin, and I turned to his way and shock was written all over his face.

* what?" I asked him confused

he gulped and said " your eyes are different and there is a very strong power that is radiating from you that my wolf is bowing for you" THIRD PERSPECTIVE

the other soul also found the young lady's body but there is one problem, that they are too far away from each other and they have to immediately close the distance between each other.

it was too late because both of the bodies already collapsed and fell to the ground and they were brought to the other realm.

and one of the hearts didn't know a bit about the other heart world. and by that witches rise

Sages rise

warlocks rise

and the hidden kingdom appears

all of them are longing and waiting for the lost souls from thousands of years

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