She staggered a few steps forward and grabbed the front of his shirt. After that, she pointed at his left eye and said, “Was it this eye that saw it,” then pointed at his right eye and said, “or this one?”

Evan’s brows knitted into a frown. Could it be that she really didnt take that five hundred million?

“If it wasn’t you, then how did you buy Imperial Garden under your name?”

Nicole froze momentarily. “It wasn’t me. I know who did it. It was… It was…”

“Who?” Evan pressed on.

Nicole suddenly pinched down hard on his cheeks and slurred, “It was your… It was my… It was our… our… I-I can’t tell you…”

Evan was at a loss for your words.

He glanced at her with cold eyes. What gibberish is she saying? Looks like this woman is seriously drunk!

“Since you’re already rich, don’t mix around with people like him and get yourself drunk to the point that you can’t even get home!”


Nicole curved her lips into an alluring smile. “Evan, can you take me home, please?”

“Why should I-”

Evan had not even finished speaking when Nicole burrowed into his chest and hugged him tightly.

Evan lowered his head to look at a very drunken Nicole, his eyes deepening with a maelstrom of emotions.

The scene before him seemed awfully familiar.

He could vaguely recall roses in their full bloom, and the little girl with glittering eyes hugging him the same way.

Back then, she had always been bullied by others. To protect her, he had been beaten black and blue.

Tears resembling crystal-clear pearls had rolled down her fair cheeks, soaking the fabric covering his chest and shooting straight to his heart.

He had brushed away her tears while saying, “Don’t cry. It’s alright. I’m here and I won’t let them bully you.”

However, the little girl had cried even harder after he said that.

He did not dare to say more, only silently wiping her tears away.

Those were memories from many years ago, but it felt as though all of that had just happened yesterday.

At the time, he was serious about wanting to protect that little girl for the rest of his life.

The little girl had always been a cry baby back then.

The corner of Evan’s lips tugged upwards into a small smile as he dipped his chin down to look at Nicole again.

She was indeed different from the little girl back then. Now, she was stubborn and strong-willed. When they got into an argument, he would often be left speechless.

When young, she was weak.

Now, she was tough.

A groggy Nicole suddenly raised her eyes to his and asked, “Where are the children?”

Evan abruptly returned to his senses, recalling about Juan and Kyle.

He would not be surprised if the twins were still trying to deal with that horny b*stard, Jack.

Deciding to go check up on them, he grabbed Nicole’s arm, tugging her to sit on the sofa.

Unexpectedly, Nicole clung to him and refused to let go.

“I’m going to go see the kids.”

“Mm. Sure.”

“So, let go.”

“No. I’m not letting go.”

“How am I supposed to look for them if you don’t let go?”

“No! No! Not letting go!”

Evan pursed his lips.

He tried to push her out of his arms first, but she clung onto him like a koala bear. The more he tried to push her away, the tighter she hugged him.

Evan sigh helplessly and had no choice but to let her be.

Juan and Kyle lured Jack to the parking lot and begun looking for a place to hide.

Jack scanned the rows of luxury cars with eyes that were as wide as soccer balls, trying to pinpoint those two damnable children. He gnashed his teeth together when he thought about those faces they made at him earlier.

“Come here you b*stards!”

“I’ll distract, you hide!”

Kyle took out the stone he picked up earlier, aimed it at Jack’s head, and sent it flying towards him.

“Ouch! Rascals! Y-You stay right there!”

“Hey! I’m over here. Come get me!” Juan’s voice sounded from behind Jack.

He pivoted around towards Juan, and Kyle quickly took the opportunity to hide. When Jack turned back around, he could not find Kyle anymore, so he could only go after Juan.

When Kyle saw that he was at Juan’s heels, he threw another stone at him to get his attention, allowing Juan to escape.

The two children alternated between distracting and hiding, causing a very enraged Jack to stomp his foot in anger, unable to vent his pent-up frustrations.

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