Jack stared at her with a lecherous glint in his eyes. Then, he abruptly took out a packet of substance and poured it into the drink before extending it to her.

“Here. One last drink. After you’ve finished it, I’ll collaborate with Lane Corporation. I’ll sign the contract.”

Collaborate. Sign the contract.

Upon hearing this, Nicole forced her eyes to stay open to meet his gaze. Jack was wearing a salacious smile on his face as he continued coaxing her to down the drink.

“Here, take it. Bottom up!”

Nicole accepted the drink from his hand and slowly lifted it to her lips. She was about to gulp it all down when suddenly, Juan dashed across the distance to grab the drink from her, then threw it harshly at Jack.

He was completely caught off guard as the contents in the glass splashed all over him.

Looking down at the sorry state he was in, Jack’s blood boiled and he slammed his hand on the table at the same time he shot to his feet.

“Where did this little idiot come from?”

“Little idiot? Says the man who has an IQ lower than a child’s!”

With that, Juan gave Jack a hard kick.

“Whose damned kid is this? Insolent! I’ll teach you a lesson since your dad failed to do so!”

When Nicole saw that Jack was about to hurt Juan, she bolted up from her seat to stand in front of Juan.

“No… Don’t… Don’t hurt him!”

She leaned against the chair on unsteady feet, shaking her head vigorously to clear the fog in her mind.

Evan, who was by the door, narrowed his eyes at Nicole as she swayed on her feet.

Who wouldve thought that even blind drunk, shed still protect her child? It seems like shes still useful in some ways.

Jack looked at an intoxicated Nicole with lust in his eyes.

“You can barely stand now, can you? After I deal with this damned kid, I’ll take you to bed!”

The words had only left his lips when he let out a shriek of pain.

Juan and Kyle had each grabbed an unopened bottle of wine and smashed his legs with it.

A wave of excruciating pain swept through him. He could not even lift his foot to launch a kick at them. Hence, he bent down with the intention to grab them.

The twins nimbly dodged him. Juan even made a face at him just for the fun of it.

“Damn uncultivated kids! I’ll skin the two of you alive!” Jack gritted the words through his pain as he shot them a ferocious glare.

“C’mon! Catch us if you can!”

Jack breathed through his pain while making his way towards both of them, one step at a time.

“C’mon! Come and get us!” Juan taunted him and stuck his tongue out.

Jack clenched his jaw in fury and tried to catch up to them.

Nicole felt like her head was about to spilt open from a pounding headache. She cracked open her eyes and pushed herself up onto her feet. However, she only made it two steps before she fell back onto the wooden chair.

“Why is… Why is the room spinning…” she mumbled in a daze.

“Can you get home on your own?” A deep and sexy voice sounded.

Nicole raised her head to look at the source of the voice.

She made an abrupt sound of surprise.

Then, she pointed a finger at him and slurred, “Why… Why do you look like that a**hole Evan Seet?”

That a**hole Evan Seet!

Is this damned woman cursing at me because shes drunk, or has she always been secretly calling me this?

Evan studied her with dark eyes before prodding further, “Do you hate him that much?”

“Him? Who?”

Nicole blinked unfocused eyes at him as she questioned him back.

Evan repeated his question, “Do you hate Evan Seet?”

Nicole nodded her head at first, but shook her head the next second, then nodded again.

Evan’s brows creased in perplexity. Does this woman hate me or not?

Forget it. I should switch to another way of asking.

“Why do you hate Evan?”


Nicole mulled over the question for a while, then released a chuckle. “Because he’s despicable! He… He’s a jerk! A big jerk! Have you seen a jerk… that is this big?”

She drew an enormous circle with her hands as she said that.

Evan was speechless and his face darkened.

He suddenly recalled that time when Maya had called him a goodie. That little weirdo had indeed inherited her mother’s genes.

“How is he despicable? What gives you the right to criticize him like that?”

Nicole thought about it for a moment before bolting out of her seat to clumsily shove Evan backward.

“You… You said that I stole money to buy a villa… Which… Which eye of yours saw me doing that, huh?”

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