Evan, who was caught off guard by her sudden movement, eyed her in puzzlement.

Nicole extended her palms toward him.

In response, he frowned at it wondering what it was supposed to mean.

Is she proposing to make peace with me so that we could get along well with each other again?

Or, is she doing that because she would like to salvage her job?

Whichever it is, thats a sensible decision.

At that thought, a trace of contentment emerged in his brooding eyes as he posed her the question, “I don’t understand what you’re trying to do.”

He wanted to hear his presumption from her mouth.

Seeing that his attitude was not as cold as how she expected, Nicole thought it was the perfect time for her to bring up the money’s issue. She spoke confidently and determinedly thinking that it was not necessary for her to be too tactful, “Please give me the money.”


Is she asking money from me or is she trying to borrow some?

Evan narrowed his eyes slightly when he queried, “How much do you want?”

“I charge five hundred per hour and one thousand for a whole day’s work. Mr. Seet, you may pay me the amount according to the hours I’ve worked for you.”

Turns out that she was asking for her salary. So I was wrong!

Noticing the flicker of astonishment in his eyes, Nicole thought the sly smile on his handsome face rather frightening.

Hence, she quickly clarified, “Since you’ve found yourself a new translator, please pay me my salary.”

After a long beat, Evan asked breezily, “Would you prefer payment in cash or via digital wallet?”

“I’m fine with both.”

“I’ll pay you in cash then.”

Nicole nodded in agreement.

A moment of hesitation later, Evan said, “I’m sorry, I don’t have enough cash with me right now.”

“You may pay to my digital wallet then.”

She replied readily because the payment method didn’t matter to her as long as she received the money.

Once again, Evan paused for a moment before sharing her the bad news. “It so happens that my digital wallet is experiencing some technical issues.”

Nicole was left speechless. So that means he will not be paying me today?

At the thought of the scant balance in her bank account, Nicole mustered her courage and asked, “When would you be able to make the payment then?”

Evan replied after a brief moment of silence, “I’ll be able to do that when the technical issue is resolved.”

Nicole was stumped.

How nonsensical was that excuse?

Obviously, it was just his lousy excuse to avoid paying her.

Soon, a blaze of fury was ignited deep down inside her as she wondered whether he would refuse to pay her forever with that reason.

Tsk, tsk. She didn’t expect him to be so hesitant in making the payment because the amount of her salary was nothing compared to his wealth.

Her eyes sparkled with menace when she suggested, “Mr. Seet, I’m afraid I’ll have to frequent your place from now on to check whether your digital wallet is free from issues.”

She was trying to warn him that he stood no chance to avoid the obligation to pay.

The money was desperately needed by her to provide a living and buy some winter jackets for the kids.

On top of that, she also deserved to receive the reward for her effort and what she demanded from him was nothing more than reasonable.

All of a sudden, Evan’s eyes lit up. Is she going to watch over me to make sure I pay her? Great.

He was really curious to see how far she could go.

“I’m pleased to hear that. Ms. Lane, please feel free to visit me as frequently as you can.”

Nicole couldn’t come up with any response.

Is he trying to say that he isnt going to be disturbed by my pestering in the future?

What a jerk!

Cant he just give me the money?

Evan gave her a once-over before moving in large strides toward his study.

Without the need to turn around and check, he was sure Nicole must be admonishing him under her breath at his back.

Being an outspoken and straightforward person, Nicole wouldn’t give up so easily for sure.

He couldn’t help but turn around to take a peek at her out of curiosity when he reached the door of the study.

However, what he saw soon put a crease on his forehead.

She wasn’t whispering obscenities at him at all.

Instead, she was pointing her slender finger in his direction and performing a kick in the air toward him from time to time. Judging from how furious she looked, she wouldn’t hesitate to beat him up if she could.

Evan was having a great time watching Nicole venting out her frustration.

“Ms. Lane, are you going to get physical with me over just a few thousands?”

Stupefied, Nicole forced a faint smile at him as she quickly retrieved her legs to stand still.

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