Rocky sneered at himself for having assumed that Nicole’s intention to help her step-sister was genuine and she really wanted someone to be there to care for her.

It was not until now did he realize that Sylphiette was actually afraid of Nicole getting into a relationship with the man she had a crush on.

Indeed, humans were really a bunch of selfish creatures.

He then kept away his phone and ignored her.

With a loud thud, Evan shut his laptop in frustration.

He found it unbelievable that any man would be interested in a woman like Nicole and the fact made his blood boil in fury.

“Evan, what’s the matter?”

“Nothing, let’s dig in.”

At the dining table, Sylphiette made use of the opportunity to bring up things in the past. “Evan, do you still remember how I used to sneak in here through the dog hole just to pick the flowers?”

Images of the past soon emerged in Evan’s mind.

Sylphiette, who was still a little girl at the time, often had her body covered with mud because she had sneaked into the garden of the mansion through the dog hole to pick the flowers. There was a time when Evan deliberately filled up the hole and as a result, she burst out crying in anxiety because she had no way out.

At the sight of her weeping miserably and her helpless gaze, he decided to clear out the hole for her as his heart went out to her immediately.

With the images playing in his mind, the way Evan looked at her softened considerably because he couldn’t help but feel remorseful for what he had done to her in the past.

At the same time, he reminded himself that she was the woman he should care about.

As for Nicole, he shouldn’t care about what she did and who she hung out with. Thats right! Sylphiette is the one I should care about. Who cares about Nicole?

Deep down inside, he warned himself not to be too concerned about Nicole’s matter.

“Sylphiette, you know someone who can read and speak the language of A Nation, don’t you? You may ask the person to arrange an interview with my company.”

Sylphiette was ecstatic to hear that. Does that mean Evan is going to fire Nicole?

With Rocky around, Evan had really started distancing himself from Nicole.

How nice was that?

She knew no man in the world could stay calm and unbothered when there was a possibility that the woman he was interested in was dating another man.

The more a man fancied a woman, the more bothered he would be.

“Very well, I’ll give him a call and ask him to arrange an interview then.”

After lunch, Evan drove to the office.

As for Nicole, she brought Rocky to her clinic after sending the kids to the kindergarten.

Rocky was an adept acupuncturist. Back then, Nicole and him used to be similarly accomplished in their medical skills. She counted herself having more luck than him because their master, who favored her, had taught her more stuff.

Otherwise, she couldn’t even be sure that she would turn out to be a better doctor than him now.

Being satisfied with the environment and facilities of her clinic, Rocky persuaded her to go all out and hire more employees because he was sure the size of her clinic could be expanded to be several times bigger in the future.

Nicole only chuckled in response to his suggestion. She was not too ambitious for the time being because she was contented enough if she could provide a more comfortable life for her kids.

When it was time for her to pick up the kids at the kindergarten, she didn’t close her clinic earlier because Rocky was there. She left her patients to him while she made her way to the kindergarten.

After sending the kids back to Rose Garden, she helped them settle down as usual and then scuttled off to Evan’s study at a hurried pace.

When she reached there, Sylphiette suddenly appeared out of nowhere and stopped her from entering the room with her outstretched arms.

“Evan is not interested in meeting you and he’s hired another translator. So, your presence is no longer needed and you’d better stay out of his way!”

He has hired a new translator? Why didnt he tell me about it?

After some contemplation she came to the conclusion that she must be too insignificant for Evan to see the need to inform her anything.

But anyway, she would be able to put her whole attention in managing her clinic from then on without having to work as a translator for him.

Just as Nicole turned around to leave, she spotted Evan making his way over.

Since he deemed her to be such an unimportant presence, she really couldn’t see why she needed to treat him with respect.

Being caught in a trance for a moment, Nicole quickened her pace and walked past him as though he were non-existent.

Did she just pretend not to see me? Very well. Just stay as far away from me as possible in the future! It would be best if she just ceased to exist in my life from then on!

While Evan was criticizing her in his mind, Nicole suddenly scrambled to his front and blocked his way.

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