Chapter 0242

Urgh. Seriously. Why do people keep bringing Jackson up?!? Jackson was part of my past. James is my


“Jackson is with his father.”

“But you are his mother.”

“Not anymore. His father is more than capable of taking care of him.”

“Don’t you care about your own flesh and blood?”

“URGH. SHUT UP ALREADY,” I thought to myself.

I needed to figure out how to close this little chapter once and for all. The last thing that I need is the

topic of Jackson and Antonio interfering with my relationship with James. I had been thinking for months

about how to solve the Jackson/ Antonio problem, but I had not had any good ideas.

But then, the solution hit me. Right when I needed it the most. Granted, the solution was a bit cliché and at

bit overused, but who was going to have the guts to challenge me on it?

I covered my face with my hands and forced myself to start crying.

“Are you okay, honey? What is wrong?”

“Mom, it’s just… Jackson…. it is so hard for me every time someone brings him up.

someone brings him up. I… I have been trying to

ignore it because I did not want to tell any of you this… but… Antonio…

I kept crying, making myself sound like a whimpering mess. Antonio was right when he said a few years. ago that I should have been an actress. I was actually offered a couple of parts in a couple of movies, but I had to turn them down because I was worried that someone from the werewolf community would

recognize me.

“Honey, what is it? You can tell us anything.”

“I… I don’t like to talk about Jackson… because… the night Jackson was conceived…. Antonio r-r-r-r-raped



my goddess,” my mother, Sheila, and Jane said at the exact same time. My mother sounded shocked and sympathetic. However, Sheila and Jane sounded frustrated and annoyed.


“Are you

“Are you seriously going to play the rape card?” Jane asked. “Are you going to pretend like the entire pack

I removed my hands from my face and stared daggers at Jane. My mother turned and did the same thing.

After a minute or two of silence, Jane relented. “Fine.”

My mother turned back to me. “Oh, honey, I am so sorry that all of that happened to you. Why don’t we

make Friday night’s party even bigger? A big celebration to celebrate your new and safer and happier life?”

“I would love that! Thank you, Mom!!!”

“How much is this party going to cost us?” Jane asked bitterly.

Seriously, what is wrong with Jane right now??? She was never like this before. I wonder what has

changed. Could it just be menopause? I mean, Jane would be pretty young to be going through it, but I

cannot think of any valid reason for Jane to be this bitter or angry with me.

I am going to have to talk to James about Jane when he gets back. Whatever the problem is, he will have

to help her fix it. I do not want to spend the rest of my life with a horrible, bitter mother-in-law. Antonio’s

mother was tough enough to deal with.

“Would you stop Jane?!?!” my mother yelled. “Money is not everything. My daughter just confessed to

being raped. Have some sympathy! And BACK OFF!”

Jane stood and looked at my mother angrily. “Back off? Your daughter is lying about being raped and you

know it. Your daughter has also cost this pack dearly for years. We have been bleeding money because of

her, and we have been losing alliances because of her actions as well. I have every right to want to know

how much she is going to cost us now with some grand party and unnecessary pampering trip.”

My mother reached out and slapped Jane as hard as she could.

“I will pay for our outing and party myself, out of my own funds. However, the next time that you raise your

voice to me or say something negative about my daughter, I will be talking to the werewolf council about

more than just the passes for Stephanie and Sheila. Am I understood?”

Jane held her cheek and looked down, trying to pretend like the pain did not bother her. Once she

gathered herself, she left the garden without saying another word.

“Mom, why does Jane hate me so much?” I asked once she was out of earshot.

My mother rubbed my shoulder. “Oh, do not take her too seriously, dear. She is just having a hard time with the idea of her only son getting mated and married. All mothers go through it to a certain extent.”

I plopped myself down in the chair that Jane had just been sitting in. “Well, she needs to get over it. I do not want my mate to believe I cannot get along with his mother.”

“Of course, dear. Now let’s talk about what kind of dress you want to be wearing when you see James for

the first time.”

“I should probably get two dresses… one to see him in and one for the party.”

My mother smiled. “Of course. I completely agree.”

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