Chapter 0241

(Stephanie POV)

My heart racing, I immediately began looking for my mother. I could not find her anywhere.

“Mom!” I shouted in the mind-link. “Where are y


“I am in the Steffie Garden with Jane and Sheila. Are you okay?”

“I am on my way!” I replied.

I hurried downstairs and cut through the packhouse kitchen, shoving any omegas who dared to get in my

way. A couple of them fell and began crying, but that was their problem. I needed to get to my mother as

quickly as possible.

I finally arrived, finding her having afternoon tea with Jane and Sheila. The Steffie Garden had been built

and named after me after I “died.” It had previously been used as a lounge for omegas during their

breaks, but my mother wanted an interior garden space dedicated to my memory, and this was the only

room that was not only big enough but that could also have large portions of the roof replaced with glass

to allow a sufficient amount of sunlight.

The best part about the Steffie Garden was that, because it was located within the four walls of the

packhouse, Sheila and I were allowed to be there notwithstanding our current house arrest.

My mother stood up and approached me. “Stephanie, darling, are you okay?”

“It is James!”

Jane stood up. “What about James? Is he okay?”

I smiled as I started jumping up and down. “Yes! He is on his way home! He just texted me! He will be here on Friday!!!!”

“Oh, that is amazing news! I am so glad! Finally!!!” my mother exclaimed. She then turned to Jane.

“See, Jane! I told you that they were mates. Why else would he reach out to Stephanie before any of us?”

“Maybe because you are the one who texts him 50 times each day,” my wolf said in annoyance.

Ignoring my wolf, I explained the crisis situation to my mother. “There is a problem, though, Mom… I have not been able to leave the packhouse, so I have not been able to get my hair done, or my nails done, or. even get a proper waxing. And what am I supposed to wear if I cannot go shopping?!?!?”

My mother thought for a moment. “Oh, dear. Well… perhaps we can ask the werewolf council for

meet your mate! What do you think, Jane?”

Jane scoffed. “I think Stephanie looks fine the way she is.”

I felt hurt by Jane’s words, and so I gave my mother a look.

“What Jane means, dear, is that you are so beautiful already that you already put all the other she-wolves

in the pack to shame. Isn’t that right, Jane?”

Jare scowled at both of us.

My mother waved her hand dismissively. “Whatever. You can ignore Jane; she is just sad that James did

not text her. Now, let us talk about how get that pass for you—”

“-And for me, too,” Sheila piped up.

“For you? Why for you?” I asked, annoyed.

“I am the future mother of James’ heir, I should look the part too, Stephanie.”

I glared at her, ready to attack. “Sheila, if you say one more time that you

“GIRLS! Stop it,” my mother scolded. “We have already talked about this. Stephanie, even though the pup

is in Sheila’s womb, he or she was conceived as a result of the love that James has for you. When the pup

is born, you and James will raise him or her. And until then, we will treat Sheila with respect and include

her as part of our family.

I growled but reluctantly agreed. I was still not comfortable with the fact that James slept with Sheila. No

matter how many times my mother told me that James only cheated because he believed Sheila was me,

it did not feel right. He was mine, and our first time together should have been with me.

I also could not get over Sheila’s betrayal. Even if James thought he was sleeping with me, Sheila clearly knew who she was sleeping with. Urgh. I may be pretending to play nice now, but once I am made Luna, I

will have to come up with some way to punish her.

“So you will get the pass for both Stephanie and me?” Sheila asked my mother in excitement.

“Of course.”

“Another issue, Mom…. I know we have been working on the plans for my welcome home and engagement party, but that is still a ways away… I know that James and I are going to want to celebrate on Friday night as well. We all are! The future alpha and luna will finally be reunited! Do you think we could do a small get together on Friday night as well? Just close family and friends?”

“I do not see why not. We would not need to accommodate more than 50 wolves, right?”

“Maybe 100?” I suggested. “I don’t want anyone to feel excluded.”

My mother smiled: “Of course, my dear. 100 should not be a problem.”

“What about your son, Stephanie?” Jane asked.

“What son?”

“Jackson. You know, the one that you had with that human? Is he going to be invited?”

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