Chapter 0212

(Brady POV)

My heart pounding, I called Evelyn. She answered the phone on the first ring.

She was crying hysterically, which made it hard to understand her. However, from what I o could gather from between her so bs, Sammy had been kidnapped from his room at some point between Evelyn’s

fourth and fifth text messages to me this morning.

Worse, the kidnappers left a note, which Evelyn agreed to text to me. The note said:

“You have 48 hours to bring us the she-wolf. We no longer care if she comes dead or alive. If we do not get the she-wolf, you will never see your son alive again. We will be in touch about the transfer details.”

Holy Goddess.

The guilt for leaving Black Moon while my pup was still there hit me hard and fast. Had I been there, he

would have been with me. And if he had been with me, he would not have been kidnapped. I let pride,

emotions, and jealousy cloud my thinking.

And even though it was none of Evelyn’s business, I really had been f&&ing another she-wolf while Sammy

was in trouble. F&&k. (No pun intended.)

I needed to get back to Black Moon and fast.

I quickly hung up with Evelyn after promising to do everything in my power to get our son back. I then called my father. Perhaps for the first time ever, I was relieved when he answered the phone.

“You have heard,” my father said calmly.

So much for “hello.”

“You already know?”

That Sammy was kidnapped?”


“Yes. It seems the wolves searching for Lily were not happy when they saw the sky last night.”

My heart stopped. I had been hoping that Evelyn was wrong or that I misunderstood her.

I silently began praying to the Moon Goddess. Please do not let them hurt him. Please. He is just a little pup.

“Do you have any leads on where Sammy is?” I asked after a short pause.

“You need to get home.”

“Yes. I will hang up with you and go to the airport.”

“Good. We need you here to deal with this and everything else. I talked to James and Lily this morning,

and they will be heading here soon as well.”

To my surprise, it did not bother me when my father brought up James and Lily being together. Maybe it was just my fatherly instincts prioritizing my emotions. Th

“Do you have any leads?” I asked again.


I took a deep breath as I stared at the phone. The father in me was falling apart. Last night’s heartbreak seemed juvenile and st upid in relation to my son being kidnapped and the fear of what might happen to


“Dad… I… I am falling apart here. Do you think that Sammy… is going to be okay?”

“He is with Alpha Brett and your mother in Red River.”

Wait…. what?

I looked at the phone in confusion. Did I just hear him right?

“What? So… he was not kidnapped?”

“He was.”

“I am confused. Please, Dad, no more games. This is my pup. What is going on?”

My father did not say anything.

“Dad, please. Think about how you would feel if you were in my shoes. Just tell me what is going on.”

I heard my father take a huge breath, blow it out, and then tap his fingers on the desk. It was rare, but

when he did those three things in a row, it usually meant that he was fighting the urge to say “I told you


“Dad, please.”

Another minute passed. But then finally, he explained.

“When you told me about your fight with Evelyn, I had a theory. I had her phone and computer tapped, and I also had her followed. It turns out that I was right.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Evelyn has been working with some of the wolves that have wanted to get their hands on Lily.

hey were

going to pay Evelyn $200 million to bring Lily to them unmarked. Evelyn, in turn, hired some tracker to find


Evelyn lost it when she found out that you left to go and find Lily yourself. But then obviously last night


Evelyn did not know what it meant when the sky changed, but the wolves she was working with did. They blame Evelyn for feeding them bad information and leading them on a wild goose chase.

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