Chapter 0211

(Brady POV)

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned as I struggled to open my eyes,

not wanting to wake up.

“She smells amazing.” Kalen linked me.

“What? Who?”

“The she-wolf laying next to you. She smells amazing.” Kalen repeated.


I quickly sat up in the bed and looked around me. Not only was there a she-wolf laying next to me, but

also both of us were completely naked.

“She is beautiful,” Kalen gushed. “She will make beautiful pups.”

I silently studied the she-wolf. Kalen was right; she was gorgeous. But why was Kalen talking about pups

and not yelling at me for blocking him last night? He never took any interest in any of my one-night

stands in the past.

More importantly, who the f&&k was this she-wolf? I rubbed my hands down my face, struggling to


Then, suddenly, almost like an answer to my question, the memories of last night came flooding back to

Charlotte. The she-wolf’s name was Charlotte. She rejected her mate yesterday. We bonded over

our broken hearts. She wanted to know if her breasts were big enough. I decided to inspect them for

her. They were perfect. Round, soft, full enough to perfectly fit my hands. She let me taste them. And

then we had the best sex that I have ever had in my entire life, including with Evelyn.

I had a vivid memory of pouring champagne all over some of Charlotte’s private regions and licking it all

off. And of her returning the favor.



As the memories came back to me, I started to wonder how much of what I was remembering was reality

versus just a dream. It has been years since my last one-night stand. Normally I drink and that is it. And

I have never had sex better than Evelyn. More than that, the picture I had in mind of what Charlotte

looked like was too perfect to be real.

I glanced over at Charlotte again. A blanket was loosely covering her. One look would not be wrong.

remember matches my drunken memory.

I waited for Kalen to scold me for getting such an offensive idea, but he didn’t. Instead, I felt him sit up straight in my head, as though he wanted to get a better look too.

I gently grabbed the blanket – thankfully she was not holding on to it- and lifted it.

“Whoooooooaaaaaaa,” Kalen linked me. “She…. She is better than your memory.”

Kalen was right. Holy f&&k.

I dropped the blanket.

Just then, my phone rang again. Sh&t. I forgot that was why I woke up. I hurriedly looked for my boxers and put them on, and then started to look for my phone. Hopefully I could find it before it woke Charlotte.

Unfortunately, it turned out that my phone was buried in a mess of shattered glass, liquor bottles, and clothing. By the time I finally found it, I had missed another two calls and what sounded like a few text


I took the phone with me into the bathroom, leaving the door ajar just a little bit so that I could watch the

bed and see if Charlotte moved at all.

Looking at my phone, I saw that it was Evelyn that had been trying to reach me. She had called me six

times and sent me five text messages:


“Where the f&&k are you, Brady? I heard you went to find your wh ore. Call me.”


“Are you done banging your wh ore yet, Brady? We need to talk.”


“Your son wants to know where you are. What should I tell him? Should I tell him that not

only is random sex more important than your mate, but

So it is more important than your son?”

Evelyn: “If you want to continue to have a relationship with Sammy, I suggest you put your di ck in your pants and call me. Now.”

I found myself getting angry as I read through Evelyn’s text messages. It had been many years since everything happened between us. I suffered for years, but she had happily moved on with a new mate and a new pack, and she now had a new pup on the way.

Who did she think she was to be acting like a jealous angry b&&tch with say over how I lived my life?

It was sort-of funny. Years ago, I would have taken Evelyn’s recent behavior as a positive sign that she was jealous and still loved me. But things change, and everything she has done on this recent visit to Black Moon has made me irritated and angry.

“The fog is starting to clear,” Kalen linked. “For both of us.”

I sighed.

Annoyed, I kept reading through her messages. The fifth message caught my attention. In fact, it caused.

my heart to stop.


Call me.”

F&&k. Sh&t.

“Brady, please. I am sorry for the other messages. It is Sammy. He has been kidnapped.

No. Please no.

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