Chapter 1674 She Boldly Embarked on the Journey 

Chapter 1674 

“Oh, c’mon, I’m making you breakfast just this once; don’t make such a big 

deal! Besides, it’s good to do some light exercise during pregnancy!” 

Mackenzie gave Emmanuel a stern look, prompting him to sit outside 

obediently. Emmanuel had no choice but to comply. 

Soon, Mackenzie came out with two simple breakfasts. Emmanuel was ready 

to dig in. However, Mackenzie, in a rare moment of coquetry, said, “We’ve 

been married for so long, and you still don’t understand romance!” 

“Um…” Emmanuel was a bit puzzled, not quite catching up with his wife. 

Genuinely annoyed, she demonstrated, scooping up a spoonful of food and 

bringing it to his mouth. At last, the man realized what she meant. 

“Open up!” Mackenzie was doing something sweet, but her expression 

remained aloof. Thankfully, Emmanuel was aware of her temperament and 

opened his mouth quickly. 

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Chapter 1674 She Boldly Embarked on the Journey 

Mackenzie fed him a bite of breakfast. Emmanuel, finally catching on, in turn, 

fed his wife a sip of milk. The couple finished their breakfast in this pleasant 


Little did Emmanuel expect, behind this happiness, disaster was looming. 

Soon, he started feeling a bit dizzy. It wasn’t that his medical skills were 

lacking; he just couldn’t bring himself to be cautious around his beloved. 


“Mackenzie… what… what are you doing?” Emmanuel knew he was passing 

out, but he still wanted an answer. 

“Emmanuel, I’m sorry!” Mackenzie’s face was full of distress as she held his 

face. “I know you love me and wouldn’t let me take risks, but everyone has 

different positions, and their views on the same thing differ. 

“To you, protecting me and our baby is the most important, but to others, it’s 

similar to your decision to protect your Wolf Warrior brothers and abandon 

the mission! Because I and our baby are your closest people. As your wife, I 

can’t let you make a regretful choice, but as a soldier, you have to do your 


Chapter 1674 She Boldly Embarked on the Joumey 

utmost to accomplish the mission for the best outcome!” 


Emmanuel’s vision darkened, and he collapsed onto the dining table. 

Mackenzie didn’t know if Emmanuel had heard her words, but she had to do 


After a while… 

“Emmanuel, Emmanuel! Wake up!” 

“Emmanuel, wake up!” 

Terence and Beatrix’s voices echoed in his ears, and Emmanuel shook his 

groggy head to wake up. 

“Water!” Emmanuel struggled to say. 

Beatrix quickly handed him a glass pitcher of water. Emmanuel first drank. 

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Chapter 1674 She Boldly Embarked on the Journey 

some, then poured some onto his head, trying to recover as quickly as 



“Emmanuel, where’s Mackenzie?” Beatrix asked, blinking. 

Emmanuel didn’t have time to answer. He quickly checked his phone for the 

time, then widened his eyes and stood up abruptly. “Did you guys contact 

Mackenzie earlier?” 

“We did!” Beatrix, oblivious to the severity of the situation, replied plainly. 

“Mackenzie said she went out for something important and had you call her 

back after you woke up!” 

Sh*t! Emmanuel exclaimed, “Mackenzie must have gone to the Dark Night 

Islands to find the Airspace Group!” 

“What Airspace Group?” Beatrix was still confused. 

Terence sighed deeply/He had known last night that Mackenzie would do 

this, but he couldn’t stop her. 

Chapter 1674 She Boldly Embarked on the Journey 

In the next moment, Emmanuel quickly called Mackenzie on video chat. 

Mackenzie hadn’t turned off her phone, and she answered directly. 

“Mackenzie, where are you? Don’t do anything reckless!” Emmanuel 

exclaimed as soon as the call connected. 


The three of them could see that Mackenzie was currently at an airport, and 

there was a woman next to her–Yasmine. 

“Emmanuel, I’m going to Dark Night Islands with Yasmine. I’ll keep my location 

on, so come pick me up when you’re ready!” Mackenzie smiled confidently, 

her eyes showing faith in her husband. 

“Don’t get on the plane!” Emmanuel shouted, but it was already too late to 

stop the determined Mackenzie. 

“Please, Ms. Quillen!” Yasmine was quite polite to Mackenzie and didn’t make 

any threats. 

Her target was the child in Mackenzie’s belly, so she wouldn’t harm her in the 

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Chapter 1674 She Boldly Embarked on the Journey 

slightest. Mackenzie believed in this, which was why she boldly embarked on 

this journey. 

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