Chapter 1673 


Emmanuel had already sensed that something was amiss, and now he was 

even more sensitive. After helping his wife onto the bed, he asked cautiously, 

“Mackenzie, you’re not really planning to go to the Dark Night Islands, are you? 

I disagree!” He stated his stance directly, not giving his wife any illusions. 

“Why?” Mackenzie hadn’t expected Emmanuel’s attitude to be so resolute. 

Slightly agitated, she asked, “Aren’t you always deeply troubled by 

Claudette’s death? You’ve sacrificed so much before to find her with Ashton. 

Now that you know her whereabouts, don’t you intend to rescue her?” 

“I will rescue her, but not personally, and I’m certainly not letting you go!” 

Emmanuel asserted firmly. “I’ll send Sage to lead the team! Snake Master can 

also help!” 

“What if Sage and the others can’t save her, and she dies on Dark Night 

Islands?” Mackenzie countered. 

Emmanuel fell silent, offering no response. 


Chapter 1673 I Like Life With Just the Two of Us 

“Emmanuel, I know Claudette means a lot to you. If she really dies, you’ll never 

forgive yourself! That’s why I need you to do everything in your power to save 

her. If even that doesn’t bring her back, at least you’ll have no regrets, right?” 

Mackenzie said with a smile. 

“No!” Emmanuel shook his head. “I won’t go!” 

“Why?” Mackenzie was surprised by his attitude. Even her grandfather agreed 

to her going. Why would he be so determined not to go? 

“Don’t you get it?” Emmanuel’s voice rose with emotion. “Yes, Claudette 

sacrificed herself for me twice. I’m grateful to her, and no one can replace her 

in my heart. I’m willing to risk my life to save her! But for me, you and our baby 

are the most important! And a man’s responsibility is the most important! For 

you two, I can only give up rescuing Claudette in person. Otherwise, if I fail to 

protect you both, I’d truly be better off dead!” 

This dilemma wasn’t something new for Emmanuel. Over the past three 

years, he had been regretting deeply. 


Chapter 1673 | Like Life With Just the Two of Us 

Back then, to save the lives of his comrades in the Wolf Warrior Unit, he chose 

to abandon the mission, ultimately leading to the failure of the entire battle, 

the deaths of thousands of comrades, and the disbandment of the Wolf 

Warrior Unit. 

At that time, he didn’t regret his choice, nor did he know what the right thing 

to do was. But now, he understood! As a man, responsibility was paramount. 

In a situation where he couldn’t have both, sacrificing himself for the greater 

good was the only option! 

For the Northern Region Wolf, the country and the mission were paramount; 

the Wolf Warriors themselves and their lives were secondary. Sacrificing all of 

them for the country and the mission was worth it. 

As for a man, family and responsibility were paramount, while a confidante 

was secondary. He couldn’t afford to lose sight of the bigger picture for the 

sake of something trivial, even if it meant bearing the blame in the end. He 

had to protect the greater good. Therefore, between protecting his family and sending people to rescue Claudette, he would choose the latter. 

00:28 Sat, 15 Jun 

Chapter 1673 I Like Life With Just the Two of Us 

Looking into his eyes, Mackenzie almost couldn’t hold back her tears. After a 

while, she kissed Emmanuel’s cheek gently and whispered, “I understand 

now. Thank you, Emmanuel.” 

Emmanuel hugged her tightly, kissing her forehead. “Both you and Claudette 

are important to me. I’m willing to die for her, but I want to live for you and our 


Mackenzie kept a smile of happiness, but in her mind, the sinister watch kept 

swinging, making it impossible for her to think calmly… 

Early the next morning, Emmanuel woke up to find his wife missing from the 


“Mackenzie?” He called out uneasily, quickly getting out of bed. 

As he stepped into the living room, he saw Mackenzie making breakfast. 

“What are you doing, cooking?! Let me do it!” Emmanuel hurried over to take 

the spatula from her hand. 

00:28 Sat, 15 Jun 

Chapter 1673 I Like Life With Just the Two of Us 


But Mackenzie smiled gently. “You’ve always cooked for me. Now that I’m 

resting at home, won’t you let me make you breakfast once?” 

Emmanuel smiled wryly. “You’re pregnant and need to rest. Even if you feel 

sorry for me, you can hire someone else to do it!” 

“Hasn’t it always been just the two of us, without any servants? I like life with 

just the two of us!” Mackenzie said earnestly. 

Emmanuel smiled happily. “So do I.” 

Although Terence and Beatrix were also currently living with them in the 

mansion, it was massive, and the elder and the young woman were very 

considerate not to disturb the couple’s life unless Emmanuel and Mackenzie 

went to them. 

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