Chapter 7 

Gavin and her mother turned their heads in unison when they heard the commotion, looking at her. Claire had to rein in her emotions quickly and pretended to be calm. She smiled sweetly and said, ‘Mom, you’re awake.” 

Wanda and Claire shared a striking resemblance, with Wanda’s face showing more tranquility and gentleness after the passage of years. 

Wanda also smiled, but her smile was more genuine than Claire’s, and there was a hint of apparent surprise that could not be concealed under her eyes. She looked at Claire and said, slightly reproachfully. “You silly girl, you didn’t inform me in advance when it came to such a significant matter like getting married.” 

Before Claire could speak, Gavin took the initiative to respond, “Wanda, it’s all my fault. I didn’t think this matter through and acted on my own. Claire just wanted you to feel at ease and focus on recovering. She didn’t mean to hide the fact that the two of us were registered as married. Don’t blame her.” 

With these words, Gavin took responsibility for everything. Seeing this, how could Wanda harbor any dissatisfaction! She looked at Gavin with some more satisfaction in her eyes. 

Claire, on the other hand, observed her mother’s every reaction. She couldn’t believe her eyes as she looked at Gavin. Who would have thought that Gavin, who seemed otherworldly, could make elders happy so skillfully 

At that moment, Gavin raised his hand to check the time and said gently, “It’s getting late now, and you need more rest. We won’t stay and disturb you further. We’ll take our leave first and come to see you again tomorrow.” 

“Alright, you two can go home first, Wanda happily replied as she looked at them. 

Gavin then walked to Claire’s side and softly added, “T’ll go get the car. You can have a brief chat with your mom for a while and then come down.” 

Claire was taken aback by how gentle and thoughtful he was when he talked, and she looked at him with her eyes wide open in shock. However, Gavin seemed completely unperturbed. He opened the ward door and left the room. 

“Claire, Wanda called her daughter with a gentle voice. 

Claire quickly went to the bedside and tightly held her mother’s hand, suppressing her discomfort. 

“Mom…” Claire’s eyes reddened as she said the word. Regardless of her age, she would always be the anxious little child in front of her mother. 

Wanda lovingly patted her daughter’s head as she said with satisfaction, “Mom is very happy. When you told me before that you had found someone to marry, I thought you were lying again. Now, I’ve finally met him, and he’s a nice person. I’m satisfied you’ve found the one you can spend the rest of your life with.” 

Claire blinked with some guilt. At that time, she hadn’t met Cavin through a blind date yet, so she did lie to her mom. But she had indeed registered her marriage with Gavin now, so those details didn’t matter anymore. 

Seeing Wanda’s face–fight up with joyful expression, Claire felt a great sense of relief. 

“Gavin is a good guy. He is polite, well–mannered, and handsome. His profession is excellent too–he’s a lawyer, stable and reliable. Most importantly, I can see that he values you a lot. You hold a lot of weight in his heart.” 

Everything Wanda said before was agreeable to Claire, but the last sentence left her puzzled. She had no idea how her mom 

could discern that. 

Seeing Claire’s indifferent reaction, Wanda couldn’t help but tap her forehead. “You just don’t know how much fate favors you. Gavin told me everything just now. He fully understands your situation in the Byrd family and is aware of my health condition. He doesn’t mind and has promised to take good care of you. Claire, I can tell he is a good man, and you should not miss out on him. Listen to me, and forget about the past. Forget about him, okay? Over the years, I know how much ridicule and injustice you’ve endured because of him.” 

Claire was initially surprised by Gavin’s words, but Wanda’s last few sentences brought a pang to her heart again. The man’s face popped back into her mind, and she couldn’t help but feel sad. 

“Mom, I know,” she said with a slightly choked voice, 

Wanda didn’t continue and pretended she did not see through her daughter’s emotions. 

It has been very hard for Claire to take this step. There’s no hurry, and 1 believe she’ll be able to let this matter go someday! she said inwardly. 

She changed the topic and said. Alright, you get back first. Don’t keep Gavin waiting. Come see me again tomorrow.” 

Claire nodded, gave her mother a gentle hug, and left the ward. 

By the time she reached the entrance to the hospital, the sadness had completely disappeared, and in its place was an endless tangle of emotions. Taking Gavin’s car back home would be awkward, she thought to herself

Just as she contemplated a discreet escape, a black Lexus timely stopped before her. Gavin, driving the car himself, lowered the window on the driver’s side and raised his chin toward the front passenger seat. “Come on in.” 

Claire clutched at the hem of her clothing, a little torn between getting in the car or not

Suddenly, the driver behind them honked impatiently. 

Claire, not daring to delay any longer, quickly opened the passenger door and got in the car. 

Both she and Gavin were silent throughout the ride, and the car smoothly entered an upscale neighborhood. Claire couldn’t help but glance at Gavin, who was focused on parking. In the dim light of the underground parking. Gavin’s well–defined profile still looked remarkably handsome

Without realizing the turmoil in Claire’s mind, Gavin turned and smiled, asking casually. “What are you looking at?” Only then did Claire react to the fact that the car had already been parked a long time ago. 

Claire shook her head and reached out in a hurry to unfasten her seatbelt, but suddenly, she realized something. Is your home in this neighborhood?” she asked in shock. 

“Yeah, it used to be. But from now on, it’s our home,” Gavin replied.. 

Claire was thoroughly taken aback. “No, L..” 

Claire couldn’t articulate a complete sentence in her confusion, but Gavin, on the other hand, had already taken the initiative and opened the car door to get out. Then he came around to her side and pulled her out as well 

“Let’s go, Mrs. Byrd.” 

In fact, nothing Cavin said was wrong. In legal terms, Claire was indeed his wife. So, there was nothing wrong with him being gentle and considerate in front of her mom. It was just right for him to live with her and address her as Mrs. Byrd. These were all in line with the legal status they now shared, 

But for Claire, everything felt surreal, including Gavin. He was too perfect to be real. It felt like a giant pancake falling from the sky at the perfect moment when Claire was about to starve to death. He was like a gift from fate that saved her when she needed it most. 

Now, this gift from fate had brought her into a house. He bent down, hunded her a pair of brandnew women’s sl*ppers, and said, “Change into these. Take your time to explore; I’ll get dinner ready?” 

Without waiting for her reaction, Gavin walked toward the kitchen. 

Claire cautiously took a small step forward and, after taking a deep breath, decided to go with the flow. She moved confidently around the apartment. 

The duplex was filled with a strong personal touch, displaying a minimalist and slightly cold decor–a clear sign of a 

Chapter 7 

bachelor’s residence. 

At least, Claire saw no traces of any woman ever being there. 

When she descended the stairs somewhat leisurely, Gavin had already prepared dinner–two plates of simple pasta, one with an added fried egg. 

Seeing Claire’s hesitation, Gavin pushed the egg–containing plate toward her and said with a faint smile, “Forgive me for average cooking skills. Have some for now; if you don’t like it, I’ll go out and buy something else for you. 

Seeing that he had misunderstood, Claire waved her hands quickly and said, “No, I don’t mean that. L She was more astonished than anything. Someone like him actually knowing how to cook was really beyond her expectations. 

In the end. Claire really did not know what else to say, so she used actions to express herself. She sat down in front of the dining table and started eating heartily. 

Observing her devouring the food, Gavin couldn’t help but reveal a fond smile. He then brought the other plate and leisurely began eating his own portion. 

After they finished eating, Claire insisted on doing the dishes. Gavin couldn’t refuse, so he let her bc. 


He leaned casually against the kitchen counter, his long legs crossed, and watched her carefully dry and put away the dishes. 

Suddenly, without warning. Gavin took two steps closer, trapping Claire between the counter and his embrace. 

The sudden proximity reminded Claire of the intense k*ss in the hospital earlier in the day. She instinctively raised her hand to cover her mouth, her beautiful eyes staring at the man in front of her with a vigilant look. 

She looked like a startled fawn, and under her gaze, Cavin felt an urge and couldn’t resist lowering his head to k*ss her tender palm gently. 

Claire felt as if a tingling electric current surged through her entire b*dy. 

“I’ll finish what I haven’t said today. I won’t do anything more, Gavin said. He deliberately lowered his voice when he said the last sentence with a kind of seductive charm 

Rascal, Claire said inwardly. 

Gavin smiled, then composed himself and said solemnly, “Sirena and I don’t have the kind of relationship you think. She’s my client, and the reason I didn’t explain it to you immediately was due to confidentiality obligations in the contract 

“Don’t you need to keep it confidential now? Claire was skeptical. She clearly didn’t believe his explanation: 

Gavin didn’t get upset; instead, he looked more pleased. “Yes, I was afraid you’d start making all sorts of wild assumptions, so I discussed it with her. Aren’t you currently in need of her help? It just so happens that she owes me a favor.” 

He stopped there without elaborating and shifted to another matter. “And about the Barker family, I’ve already talked to Wanda, Claire, remember, I never do things without certainty. Since I chose to marry you, it not only means you are my wife. More than that, I promise I won’t let you be harmed again. Your mother is also my family, and you don’t need to worry about her medical expenses.” 

His voice remained calm, but Claire sensed the profound weight behind his words

She could not help but ask, “Gavin, why? You obviously have better choices, and I… 

Tve been living in a mess, and there is no way I could fit the spouse standards of someone as distinguished and elegant as you,” she murmured in her heart. 

“There’s no better choice than you, Claire. Remember what I said. I don’t like repetition. In this lifetime, I will only marry dne person. Since it’s you, there will be no one else, understand?” Gavin said seriously. 

Since he first saw her ten years ago at sixteen, no one else had been in his eyes and heart. 

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