
Claire remained silent, simply watching him in quiet contemplation. 

Gavin displayed no discomfort, just as composed and unruffled as when they unexpectedly encountered each other at the hotel entrance carlier in the day. 

“I have to go now. We’ll talk properly tonight. I’ll explain this matter to you. Stay at the hospital, and don’t wander around, alright?” Gavin said. 

Once again, the tables turned, leaving Claire feeling uncomfortable. 

Setting aside that seemingly comical marriage license, they had only met a few times. Claire couldn’t fathom how Gavin could act so naturally as if they were very familiar. 

While Claire was still indignant, Gavin stood up and was about to leave. Just as he took a few steps, he coincidentally collided with Julia, who was coming toward them. 

“Hello, nice to meet you. Are you Claire’s good friend?” Gavin said. 

Holding cereal in one hand and a bag of bread in the other, Julia nodded in confusion. 

Gavin flashed a perfectly polite smile and said gently, “I am Claire’s husband. I’d appreciate it if you’d take care of her for the time being. Thanks.” 

‘Claire’s… husband? Julia murmured in her mind and almost dropped the cereal and bread. It wasn’t until Gavin had entered the elevator and completely disappeared that she regained her senses. 

Claire observed her expression and instinctively swallowed hard, revealing a look of prepared confession. “If you want to ask something, just go ahead. I’ll confess openly and tell you everything! I hope you’ll forgive me for keeping it a secret.” 

Under Julia’s probing gaze, Claire insisted on finishing breakfast first, then laid our the entire story between her and Gavin in detail. 

“Just because your mom was worried about your marriage last time she was critically ill, you hastily got yourself married. I really can’t believe that!” Julia exclaimed in surprise. 

Claire nodded guiltily and said, You know, my mom still hasn’t found a suitable kidney donor. I’m really worried. I’m afraid. she’ll always be concerned about me and won’t let go. 

Do you think your mom will be reassured if she knows you met a man and got a marriage license in less than an afternoon?” Julia asked, 

Claire pursed her l*ps and fell silent. Finally, fed up with Julia’s incessant nagging. Claire yelled impatiently, “We’ve registered our marriage and got the license. What else can I do now?” 

Now, it was Julia’s turn to be speechless. After a while, she suddenly looked at Claire with a strange expression. 

Claire’s b*dy suddenly tensed up at Julia’s scrutiny. “What do you mean? Why are you looking at me like that?” 

‘Claire, tell me the truth. Did you really meet Gavin through a blind date?” Julia didn’t think Claire was telling the whole 


Claire replied, “Or else would it be? Do you think I can get a man by staking out the place like waiting for a gossip report?” 

Julia still maintained a skeptical attitude. “It shouldn’t be. No matter how I look at it, a man like him doesn’t seem like someone who needs to go on a blind date.” 

This was also something Claire still couldn’t figure out. 

“Who knows? If you don’t have any other questions, I’m going to see my mom. She stood up to leave, but julia suddenly 

grabbed her wrist. 

Claire looked down in confusion, only to see Julia’s expression suddenly become solemn. 

Enough with the jokes, Claire. I’ll only ask you one last question. Did you marry another man with the genuine intention of giving up… him?” Even now, Julia dared not mention that name in front of her. But even without saying it, Claire understood. 

Her heart felt like it was hit by a heavy object when she thought of that person, a dull pain spreading from her chest to her limbs. 

Claire took a deep breath and forced a smile on her pale face. “Yes, Julia, I finally decided to give him up.” 

She met Jeffrey Dickinson when she was twenty, and when she was twenty–two, Jeffrey proposed to her, promising to be by her side forever. But after that, like disappearing into thin air suddenly, he was gone without a trace. 

Now, three years had passed. She did not want to wait any longer. And she couldn’t afford to wait any longer. 

That handsome young man, who smiled with both beauty and cunning, was like a beautiful yet painful dream forever buried in Zaltward. 

How could Julia not see through her forced smiles and the deep sorrow in her eyes? But, as Claire had said, she and Cavin had registered their marriage and gotten the license, so what else could she do? 

‘Being able to start a new life decisively might be a blessing in disguise. Besides, that Gavin guy seemed really nice, Julia thought to herself. 

Claire’s mother, Wanda Atkinson, had been transferred to a regular ward in the afternoon. 

Julia was relieved after that and left, leaving Claire alone in the hospital. She stayed by her mother’s bedside the whole time. 

Looking at her mother lying on the hospital bed, pale hut peacefully asleep. Claire felt an overwhelming sense of 


As long as her mom was here, no matter how much suffering she endured, it was worth it. 

In the evening, Claire thought her mother should wake up soon. After asking the nurse to take care of her mother, she stood up and went to the bathroom. 

Just as she turned the door handle when she came back, she heard a faint conversation inside, and her footsteps stopped. instantly. 

The female voice was from her mother, and the male one was unfamiliar yet strangely familiar. 

Her heart pounded, and she hurriedly rushed in. Gavin had returned to the ward, sitting upright in her previous seat, smiling humbly at her mother. 

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