Chapter 11


In the Lust Club, Alexander sat on the leather sofa, his shirt collar wide open, revealing a tight muscle outline. His muscle was se xy and powerful. His eyes were deep.

There were more than a dozen bottles of expensive wine on the table, and Alexander opened them in one go.

“What’s wrong with you, Alexander? Why have you been drinking so sadly these days?” Howard asked.

Knowing some of the inside story, Joc smiled mysteriously and said, “It’s just those things with the one he is with.”

“Oh, how dare she annoy Mr. Knight?” Howard winked, and the man beside him immediately brought in a woman. “There are so many good women out there. Any one of them knows how to please Mr. Knight. You, go and drink with Mr. Knight,” said Howard.

The woman came forward carefully and called in a low voice, “Mr. Knight…”

Other people in the box looked at each other with strange expressions.

These days, the Lewis Family had a hard time. Although the previous scandal and smuggling were solved, the losses were immeasurable. Howard couldn’t find any other way to change the situation, so he could only try his best to please Alexander. As long as Alexander was willing to help the Lewis Family, it wouldn’t be difficult for the Lewis Family to revitalize itself.

This woman was not ordinary. Her simple white shirt made her stand out among other women who wore corsets and short skirts. Her beautiful and noble appearance and a red mole at the corner of her eye made her more eye-catching.

Eugene and Joe looked at each other.

Howard was playing d*rty.

However, Howard didn’t get what he wanted.

Alexander just raised his eyes and glanced at the woman after she called him gently. So she thought it was acquiescence, and she happily poured Alexander wine and lifted the hair around her ear to completely expose the red mole under her eye.

“Mr. Knight, let me feed you,” said the woman.

Alexander looked at the woman expressionlessly, smiled coldly, and took the glass of wine slowly.

Chapter 11

Howard breathed a sigh of relief, and the woman was extremely happy.

The next second, however, Alexander lifted the glass of wine and poured it down the woman’s head.

Dark red liquid trickled down the woman’s head, ruining her makeup and making her look terribly embarrassed.

The woman was so scared that she knelt on the ground. She looked at Alexander. pitifully and said, “Mr. Knight…”

Alexander kicked the coffee table violently.

“Bang!” The solid coffee table slid directly out, and the corner of the table hit Howard’s knee heavily, which almost cracked his kneecap.

Alexander warned gloomily, “Don’t play such a trick.”

Howard’s face turned pale with cold sweat. “I see,” said Howard.

Then Alexander turned his head and looked down at the woman.

Howard really spent effort on this. From his point of view, Alexander felt the woman on the ground was somewhat similar to Isabella.

Alexander said in a gloomy tone, “How dare you imitate her?”

The woman trembled and said, “I dare not, ever again! Mr. Knight, please spare me!”

Howard and the woman were taken out. Because of the farce, the private room became quieter, only the sound of glasses clinking could be heard clearly.

Alexander took a sip of wine and said, “You guys…

The other men immediately got serious and sat upright.

“What if your lover is pregnant?” Alexander asked.

That was what happened!

The men couldn’t wait to share their experiences and try to solve Alexander’s problem.

“She can’t get pregnant. I always watch her take the pill. If she gets pregnant, my father will beat me to death.”

“Well, I’m pretty much the same.”

“She can have an abortion if she’s pregnant. I can buy her another car to comfort her, or I can just break up and find the next one.”

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Chapter II


“I’m different. I like her very much. She can give birth to the baby if she is pregnant. I can raise her and the baby outside. When I get married in the future, it’s best if my wife doesn’t care about them. If she minds them, then I will send them away.”

They talked a lot. Alexander frowned and put the glass on the table, saying, “It’s all


Then he picked up his coat on the sofa and was about to leave with a sullen face.

The rest looked at each other, and someone whispered, “Wasn’t what we said practical?”

Suddenly, a girl who was browsing Instagram exclaimed, “Isn’t this Isabella? Why is she with Ethan…”

As soon as she said so, Alexander turned around and stared at her closely. Her scalp tingled and her voice became lower and lower.

Alexander frowned and said, “Phone.

He remembered Ethan, the deputy general manager and successor of HEALER. Although Ethan came from a wealthy family, he was a businessman and didn’t have common topics with Alexander at all. They only knew each other and had no further connections.

Ethan posted a few photos on his Instagram, in one of which Isabella was standing in front of a river wearing a dark dress. The evening breeze blew through Isabella’s hair and the sunset glow plated her with a beautiful halo like an oil painting.

Another photo was about food. The person sitting opposite showed the corner of her. dress which happened to be the one Isabella wore.

Alexander’s face darkened suddenly.

Alexander was depressed these days, but Isabella had gone to Londisy as if nothing had happened.

Alexander immediately called Isabella. The call was answered more than ten seconds later. “What’s wrong?” Isabella asked.

“What are you doing in Londisy?” Alexander asked in an unhappy tone. “Did you get my permission?” he added.

Isabella’s voice was calm. “I’m on a business trip. Aren’t we in a fight?”

What she meant was that she didn’t need to tell him what she was doing since they were in a fight.

Alexander was about, to say something again when Isabella said, “I’m working. I have to


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Chapter 11

go.” Then she hung up the phone without hesitation.


The private room fell into a dead silence. Everyone was afraid of annoying Alexander.

Jane was happy and even sent a message to Sherry.

Jane: [Isabella is doomed. How dare she hang up Mr. Knight’s call and show that attitude? This is the right time. Seize the opportunity.]

Alexander stared at the phone and ordered his men in a deep voice, “I’m flying to Londisy tonight. Make everything prepared.”

Everyone looked at each other with surprised expressions.

Was Alexander going to punish Isabella in person?

It was late when Isabella and Ethan returned to the hotel. Ethan smiled at Isabella and said, “Since we have finished our business, I’ll give you a few days off. You can go around and all the expenses will be covered by the company. Good night.”

Isabella smiled and said, “Thank you, Mr. Myers.”

Their rooms were adjacent to each other. Isabella opened her room with the key card. Before she could turn on the light, a hand suddenly stretched out of the darkness and dragged her in.

The door was closed suddenly. Isabella’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated. She wanted to raise her knee to hit the man’s lower abdomen, but she didn’t expect the man to touch her waist. She couldn’t help but fall into the man’s arms softly.

Then Isabella felt Alexander’s hot breath on her ears, and he chuckled, “I didn’t expect you to be so active.”


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