Chapter 283 

Marcus didn’t want to hear Comelia explain one more time that she wasn’t his wife So, he stepped in to stop her 

Comelia mistook his interruption for impatience so she quickly waved goodbye to the gil and humed to catch up with him 

This trip was personal for Marcus, net workrelated to Cornelia din arrange for company staff to pick them up. Instead, she rented a business car from a rental company 

Comelia knew Marcus wel He didn’t like to stand out when he was out and about if it weren’t for his good looks, no one would notice han 

Like his clothes never with a big brand logo Even insiders might not realize they we custom made 

Comella didn’t malize that as they got into the cat Hayden Raff’s luxury car passed by them 

Hayden Ruff in a lousy mood, noticed them and instructed his assistant, Find out who owns that business car 

Yes sirHis assistant made a quick phone call 

Before long the assistant got the info, Mr Ruff, the car is from’a rental company, rented today by a woman named Cornelia” 

ComeliaSo, that was her name Nice name, but she shouldn’t have crossed him, Hayden Ruff Find out which hotel she’s staying at 

Before Hayden Ruff was cautious, thinking that the man with the strong aum was someone important But now, knowing they could only afford to rent a car, and a plain business car at that Hayden Ruff decided the man was just a nobody 

In Harbor City everyone but the Dixons had to make way for him, Hayden Ruf

Soon, the assistant reported with a troubled look, Mr Ruff, they’re staying at a hotel owned by the Dixon family We couldn’t find out anything about the man.” 

Hayden Ruff was dissatisfied but didn’t dare to offend the Dixon family. He got lucky this time 

The top auction was held at the World Art International in Harbor City, which happened to be owned by the Ruff Corporation

The auction started at eight, and by seven, most guests had arrived 

Cornelia and Marcus were among the last to arrive Marcus’s invitation didn’t list him as a special quest, so their arrival didn’t attract any special attention

Among the attendees were industry big shots like Steven Dixon Lucas Duncan, and Zavier Rivera 

Steven was accompanied by Hannah Daxon, Lucas had Rosie Duncan by his side. With Skyler Blue gone Zavier attended alone, giving Comelia a new understanding of him 

The men were all in suits, the women in beautiful gowns. The most stunning were Hannah and Rosie 

Hannah was an actress, and Comelia often saw her gown styles on TV Each one had a different kind of beauty, so Hannah standing out didn’t surprise Comella 

What surprised her was Rosie, who usually seemed so gentle and elegant, was transformed into a dazzling beauty in her gown, impossible to ignore 

Their male companions were like protectors, always closely following them Whenever someone’s gaze landed on Hannah and Rosie Steven and Lucas’s eyes became stern, as if ready to attack 

Steven saw Cornelia and Marcus first. He walked over with Hannah and his drink, Marc, I thought you weren’t interested in attending tonight What changed your mind?” 

Marcus took a drink from a waiter, swirled it casually, Just felt like it.” 

Steven glanced at Cornelia, Marc, we’re all dressed formally Why is Cornelia in work clothes? If you cant afford a dress, let me know I can buy one for her” 

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