Chapter 282 

After getting off the plane. Comelia, as usual, went to collect the luggage by herself 

Ben wasn’t with them today, so she was in charge of all three suitcases It was a real pain to move them, so Comelia went to get a luggage cart, planning to put all the suitcases in it, which would make things a lot 


But when she turned around. Marcus was holding the luggage cart saying I got this” 

Comelia was shocked that the big boss himself was going to handle the luggage. “Mr Hartley, this isn’t your job” 

Marcus said. This is a personal trip” 

Even if it was a personal trip Comelia didn’t dare to let him handle the luggage. Mr Hartley” 

At the critical moment. Marcus gave Briana Hartley a look and she immediately grabbed Cornelia and started walking. Cornelia, let the big guy handle the luggage” 

Bru no wayComelia firmly opposed, shook off Briana, and went back to the luggage carousel, Mr Hartley let me do it. I won’t feel easy letting you handle the luggage 

If the big boss had to handle the luggage himself, what was the point of having her as an assistant

if Marcus was in a bad mood and took it out on her, this could be a reason for her to get fired 

Marcus gave her a glance and easily put the three suitcases on the luggage cart, I told you, this is a personal trip, why are you uneasy?” 

Comella candidly said. Worried you’d give me trouble” 

Marcus laughed at her is that what you think of me?” 

Comelia said. You’re not, but” 

Marcus interrupted her, No buts, if you are really worried, help me push the luggage” 

Comelia was speechless

What was up with Marcus

Why was he trying to steal her job

Did she do something wrong and he was forcing her to quit

Cornelia and Marcus walked out of the airport, and right outside they met a young couple, “Miss, could you take a picture for us?” 

Comelia nodded. Sure” 

The girl quickly handed Comelia her phone and pointed at it, Please get the words Harbor Cityin the background. It’s our first time in Harbor City, we want a souvenir” 

OKComelia looked at Marcus, “Mr. Hartley, you go ahead be right there after I take their picture.” 

Marcus nodded but didn’t leave, he quietly stepped behind Comelia, not disturbing her while she was taking the picture

Comelia used to like taking such pictures when she and Zack Ruck went to new cities. Later, she often traveled with Marcus and they might go to several cities in a month, so she no longer had the mood to take such pictures 

Seeing the young couple taking this picture. Cornelia felt as if she had returned to the days when she traveled with Zack and the others, so she took the picture very carefully 

After taking the picture, she handed the phone back to the girl, Take a look, if you don’t like it, I can take another one” 

Cornelia was a cartoonist, she was very familiar with composition and visual expression. The young couple admired her work, Your pictures are amazing, we look better in the picture than in reality, and the background is beautiful” 

The girl was very satisfied with these pictures and wanted to return the favor in some way, so she suggested, Can I take a picture for you and your partner?” 

Comelia laughed, “My partner is not with me today” 

The girl pointed behind Comelia, Isn’t he your partner?” 

Comelia turned around and saw Marcus right behind her, realizing he didn’t leave, which made her feel embarrassed Just as she was about to explain, Marcus said, Lets go.” 


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