Chapter 234 

Marcus asked, Aren’t you home yet?” 

He wasn’t happy and Comelia was a bit on edge, worried that her upcoming holiday might go up in smoke. She wasn’t sure if it was because she hadn’t replied to Jeremy’s WhatsApp, which might have made him worry about her safety 

She replied, I’m already home What’s up?” 

There was a pause on the other end, then Marcus voice came back Thave some personal stuff to deal with in the next few days. You guys can take a break” 

You already told me thatThe midnight call to tell her about the holiday hinted that the boss was excited about a date with his lady 

Marcus seemed puzzled Did 17” 

Sorry, I must have remembered wrongCornelia responded, reasoning that the boss couldn’t have forgotten, so it must have been her Well, good night, President Hartley!” 

She said goodnight and waited for him to hang up He didn’t, and she felt awkward hanging up first Is there anything else, President Hartley?” 

Marcus said her name again in his deep, captivating voice. Cornelia” 

Why did he and Jeremy like to call her name but say nothing else? Was it a guy thing to seem mysterious? Yes?” 

Nothing get some rest earlyHe finally hung up 

After putting down her work phone, she remembered her own. She opened WhatsApp and saw a few unread messages from Jeremy 

Are you home yet?” 

Why arent you replying?” 

Comelia, reply to me” 

Hmm, he seemed anxious

She replied. President Hartley treated us to dinner tonight I just got home and took a shower, I didn’t see your messages” 

Jeremy responded. Hmm” 


He sent several messages urging her to reply, and when she did, all he said was Hmm

Annoyed, Cornelia asked, Don’t you have anything else to say?” 

Jeremy replied, I just wanted to make sure you got home safely” 

His casual remark meant the world to Cornelia 

She hadn’t told Granny Rebecca and Abby about the incident that night. She had been dealing with the fear it brought all alone, and only he had been consistently concerned about her


I’m over what happened that night Im not afraid anymore, and you don’t need to worryShe typed a lot, then thought, He’s her husband; what’s wrong with him worrying about her

She deleted everything and ended up replying with two words: Thank you” 

Jeremy responded, What for

Some things didn’t need to be spelled out. Cornelia didn’t want to revisit that night, so she changed the subject to Thanks for recommending the interior designer

Jeremy I’m your husband, you don’t need to be so formal with me. You can trust Trent Brown, his interior design skills are pretty decent. You can tell him any ideas you have. You can ask him to submit the design 

of the entire house first and only start the renovation when you’re completely satisfied. Our goal is to make the actual result match the design as closely as possible.” 

Cornelia didn’t know much about renovation, but she understood that the actual result could never perfectly match the design. If I’m really that strict, will I make it impossible for your friends to work?” 

Chapter 235 

Jeremy replied, Remember, he’s not doing this for free, you’re paying him, youre the client. Don’t worry about whether you guys can still be buddies afterward 

Comelia thought he made sense I got it‘ 

ComeliaJeremy said 

Here we go again, just as always Cornelia pouted, Stop just saying my name without adding anything else‘ 

Marcus had a lot to say to her but didn’t know how to start, so in the end, all he replied was. Nah, it’s pool” 

Cornelia was pissed. What does he mean by it’s cool? Can’t he just bring up his work and let her know him better

He knew her job like the back of her hand, but she was still clueless about his, just like when they first met, not even knowing exactly what he did for a living Jeremy, are you busy with work?” 

Been pretty chill recently,said Jeremy 

If he were that busy he wouldn’t have had the time to let her comfortably handle the renovation 

Have you figured out when you’re going back to Riverton Cornelia asked. My boss is going to give me a few days off” 

in her view she was being pretty obvious, Jeremy should get her drift 

If he could make it back to Riverton these days, she’d have time to meet up with him

If he couldn’t she could fly to his city to meet him and have a good chat 

Chatting on WhatsApp all the time as a married couple just didn’t seem right

But to her surprise, Jeremy replied. “Well, you should take a good rest these days” 


Did she have to just say outright, I want to see you sooner?” 

Forget it if he’s not in a rush, why should she be 

She’s still a girl, if she’s too eager, he’ll probably think she’s not reserved enough

NightCornelia sent the message, huffed, switched her phone to airplane mode, and focused on her comic drawing 

She made up her mind, next time they chat, shell act as aloof as him! Humph

Recently, she’s been drawing Me and the Buddies Around Me. She planned to focus on Marcus today, but now her mind was filled with Jeremy

So she had to switch tonight’s drawing protagonist to Jeremy 

Sadly, she forgot what Jeremy looked like, so she could only try to make him look as good as possible, even better than Marcus, though, in reality, Jeremy might not be more handsome than Marcus 

She drew a lot of Jeremy’s, drinking coffee, sitting, standing, and in silhouette 

Her favorite one was Jeremy rushing towards someone 

It was the blurry image in her mind from the night she was in danger, and Jeremy came rushing 

After finishing the drawing, Cornelia poked at his face with her finger and said, You big dummy, if you don’t come back soon, your wife might fall for someone else, and then you’ll be crying” 

Cornelia laughed at her own words What was she thinking

She couldn’t even remember what Jeremy looked like, yet she created a perfect Jeremy in her mind according to her preferences and then daydreamed about him



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