Chapter 233 

Right now, Leonardo didn’t want to argue with her. He squeezed himself next to Marcus and said, Marcus, I just met with Cameron. He lost a big deal. No, I should say I saw him lose a big deal. I think he’s going to pin the blame on me, so I came back here to dodge the bullet. With you around, he wouldn’t dare to mess around.” 

Marcus had a clear understanding of what kind of person Cameron was

He also knew about all the things Cameron had done

As long as Cameron didn’t pose a threat to him, he could turn a blind eye

He gently pushed his silver glasses up his nose and said casually. If he’s losing deals even when they’re at the dining table, he can’t be that great, Cameron.” 

He just looks down on people and talks behind their backs about how poor they are.Leonardo paused as he remembered his previous 


He didn’t mean to discriminate; he just wanted to annoy people. Cornelia, and your two friends, I apologize. I shouldn’t have belittled your Rosenberg dishes. There are all sorts of people in this world, and everyone has different food preferences. Preferences do not equate to superiority.” 

Abigail asked, Why are you suddenly being so nice?” 

Leonardo said, “My impression of you won’t change.” 

Cornelia, worried that they might start arguing again, quickly interrupted, Mr. Wilson, why don’t you give our Rosenberg dishes a try? You might like them.” 

Leonardo replied, No need to try; I already know. Your Rosenberg dishes are just like Rosenberg girlsdistinctive!” 

Cornelia said, I’ll take it as a compliment from Mr. Wilson towards the Rosenberg girls.” 

Indeed, it is a compliment.Leonardo raised his glass and said, “I’ll drink as a selfpunishment for my apology. Drink up, everyone.” 

You’re playing both the good guy and the bad guy tonight.” Marcus had planned to treat Cornelia to dinner tonight. But then Leonardo showed up and stole all the limelight. Annoying

After dinner, Cornelia thought Marcus would ask her to drive him home for free again. But surprisingly, his driver was already waiting downstairs

She saved a lot of time by not having to make that extra round trip. She was thrilled, but she kept her excitement in check and politely 

saw him off to his car

After he got in the car, she took a couple of steps back, and Marcus rolled down the window and said, I’ll be spending the next few days with my wife. You’re off.” 

Okay, President Hartley! I hope you and your wife have a great time! Best wishes for a baby soon!The perk of being a CEO’s assistant kicked inwhen the boss was with his wife, she got a vacation

Was she happy because she got a vacation

Or because he was spending time with his wife

Either way, Marcus didn’t seem too thrilled

Marcus rolled up the window and told his driver to take off

Watching him leave, Cornelia did a little happy dance on the spot. She could finally take care of the renovation work in the next few days

Once she got home, she received a message from Jeremy, Cornelia.” 

Jeremy, the dude only said her name and then nothing else

Today, Cornelia was a bit annoyed with him. Since he didn’t send any more messages, she pretended not to notice and intentionally didn’t reply 

She took a shower, put on a face mask, and started drawing on her tablet. Since she didn’t have to get up early the next day, she planned to draw for a bit longer before going to bed

At this moment, she had completely forgotten about Jeremy’s message

Just as she picked up her pen, her work phone rang. Seeing that it was Marcus calling, she quickly answered, President Hartley.” 

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