Chapter 229 

Leonardo wanted to argue, but Marcus’s icy stare made him zip it

Zack, who had just parked the car, walked over and asked, Picking on a girl, are you even a man?” 

Abigail scanned Leonardo with a disdainful look and said, You only look like a man on the outside; otherwise, you lack any masculinity.” 

That was a major bum

Leonardo was pissed. Marc, you heard that; they’re ganging up against me; you can’t keep defending them, can you?” 

Marcus retorted, Why are you, as a man, arguing with a girl?” 

Leonardo considered himself a man with a backbone and knew when to back down: Alright, I’ll listen to you; I, as a man, shouldn’t be arguing with a little girl.” 

He didn’t forget to throw a contemptuous glance at Abigail after his words

Abigail asked, Who are you calling a little girl? You scumbag!Abigail, furious, tried to hit Leonardo, but luckily Cornelia quickly grabbed her and said, Abby, cool it.” 

Leonardo may be bold, but he had never hit a woman, let alone encountered such a hottempered one.. 

When Abigail charged at him, he nervously hid behind Marcus and said, Marc, control your friend.” 

Marcus kept his cool: You brought this upon yourself, deal with it.” 

Leonardo went silent

Why should he bear it

When had he ever experienced such humiliation

He silently swore to himself that if he ever bumped into this girl again, he’d make her pay

Cornelia, less physically strong than Abigail, had to struggle to hold her. Abby, chill out. Don’t stir up more trouble.” 

Cornelia didn’t know Leonardo well, but she knew such people were not easy to deal with. Today, with Marcus around, Leonardo could be kept in check, but what about when Marcus wasn’t there

Whether Leonardo had thoughts of revenge or not, Cornelia needed to be prepared

Leonardo remained silent

Whatever, he’d be the bigger man and not squabble with this rude girl

He said, Fine, I won’t argue with her. It’s already late; let’s go eat.” 

Cornelia asked with a smile, Mr. Wilson, are you joining us?” 

Leonardo responded matteroffactually, I have no one to eat with; if not with you guys, am I supposed to eat alone? I might not have an appetite if I eat alone. Marc, you wouldn’t have the heart to leave me alone, would you?

Leonardo’s best trait was his shamelessness, which guaranteed he always had a meal

They all headed to the restaurant; Cornelia had already ordered food on the way, taking everyone’s tastes into account. The portions were generous; even with an extra Leonardo, there’d be plenty

Once seated, Leonardo grabbed the drink menu, eager to see what good drinks were available since he wasn’t paying anyway. He ordered two bottles of vintage red wine and asked, Who’s treating tonight? It looks like you guys might have to shell out some extra dough.” 

Cornelia chuckled. President Hartley is treating.

Leonardo said, Oh, so Marc is treating; I should order two more bottles then.” 

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