Chapter 228 

This little chick held a grudge, eh? Just kidded around and called her a silly goose and she got mad

He chuckled and said, If not silly goose, what should I call you? Little smarty pants?” 

Comelia was speechless

Marcus continued, You’re very bright, you need to believe in your abilities. Hartley Group doesn’t keep slackers. You’ve climbed up the ladder all by yourself, which says a lot about how capable you are. Don’t ever let anyone, including me, belittle you, alright?” 

I get you.What he said made sense. If she didn’t trust her abilities, she wouldn’t have had the guts to ask those questions

But his response was another pleasant surprise. He was never stingy with his praise for his subordinates. Recognizing their capabilities is something only a real leader can do

This was different from some bosses who spent their time tearing their subordinates down, claiming that no one else would want them if they left the company

After a halfhour drive, they arrived at the restaurant

Coincidentally, they ran into an acquaintance, Leonardo Wilson, in the underground parking lot of the restaurant

Leonardo was with a lady with heavy makeup. Her makeup was so elaborate that it was impossible to guess her real age

Seeing them together so late for dinner, Leonardo’s curiosity was piqued. Marc, Cornelia, you two…. 

The woman with him was wideeyed when she saw Marcus. Mr. Wilson, can you introduce me to your friend?” 

Leonardo pinched her cheek and said, Darling, he’s out of your league; stop daydreaming.” 

She pouted, I just want to know more about your friends.” 

Leonardo was ruthless. You’ve already snagged me, and now you want to meet my friends? You can leave; I’ve got company for dinner tonight.” 

She tried to get closer to him, but Leonardo pushed her away. Didn’t you hear me? I said leave.” 

Seeing that he was serious, she had no choice but to leave, but not before throwing a last glance at Marcus

Once she was gone, Leonardo lowered his guard and asked, Marc, Cornelia, are you two having a secret date behind your spousesbacks?

Cornelia laughed, saying, Mr. Wilson, not everyone is as freespirited as you, changing dating partners as frequently as you change your socks. Do you think everyone is like you?” 

Leonardo refused to believe that nothing was going on between them and pressed on, So you guys can go on dates, but I can’t even mention it?” 

Marcus gave him a cold look and asked, Do you still want to go out?” 

Marcus’s greatest strength was his ability to shut someone down in a single sentence

Leonardo immediately changed his tune: I was just joking; you guys don’t have to take it so seriously.” 

A joke is only funny when both parties find it amusing. You’re being disrespectful. We four agreed to have dinner together, you can’t just assume they have a secret affair because you saw them first.” 

Abigail arrived a bit later, and right after she got out of the car, she heard Leonardo teasing Cornelia. She might seem careless usually. but she would defend Cornelia without any fear once she was bullied

Leonardo asked, “Where did this little Missy come from?” 

Abigail retorted/If you call me little Missy again, you’ll regret

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