Ch 9

Damian pov

This last week I’ve just relaxed and had Tina by my side. I see what our lives could be like and I’m trying hard not to resort to the old me. The old me wouldn’t care who lived or died but when I look at her that spark of actually giving a shit is there. My dad arrives today and I’m scared as hell about what his plan is.

I’m sitting on the couch asleep with Tina snuggled up to me when I feel her ripped away from me. I quickly jump up and see my dad has her by her arm while she starts crying and squirms trying to get away. I step forward towards him when he points a gun to her head. I quickly raise my hands and back up when she begs for me to save her. The emotions I have right now going through my mind is creating a haze, and I don’t know what to do.

“So is this why you haven’t done shit yet? She must be a great piece of ass if you haven’t got your kid yet! Maybe I will just have to try her out!”

I watch when he goes to head upstairs with her screaming and kicking. I quickly ran into my office grabbing my gun heading back out for the stairs. I take the steps two by two and run upstairs trying to find out what room they are in when I hear a loud smack and screaming. I run down the hall when I hear Tina scream when another smack echoes through the house. I make my way down to the door and hear a zipper unzip and throw open the door and raise my gun letting the shot ring out.

I see Tina cover her ears and face when my father’s body drops. I just stare while tears begin to fall when Tina comes rushing over stumbling to her knees grabbing onto my legs. I quickly kneel down, scooping her up in my arms and I walk over to another room. I kick open the door and walk in sitting down on the edge of the bed just holding her while she straddles my lap. I lean back against the headboard while she clings to me burying her face in my chest crying and shaking. I yell for Anton and Palo to go burn my dad’s body while I figure out what to do.

I didn’t even want to know his plan. There was no doubt he would have had us all killed for what. Yes this baby is my son, but would this one child be worth losing hundreds of lives. That was the million dollar question. For my dad the answer was obviously simple and it was yes. For me the answer was no. To go through all this, I would be dead so they would still win.

I wrap my arms around Tina and just think. Do I want to continue down this road and rewrite my story like Tina said ? With all the stuff I’ve done in my life and yet Tina still runs to me. That should tell me my answer if anything. Tina knows about all the kids I have at home and the two that are due and she still wants to be by my side. She knows I have killed the children’s mothers yet she is still here. She just watched me kill my father without flinching and yet she still ran to me.

I pick her up carrying her and make my way downstairs into my office. I sit at my desk pulling out paper and I start writing a letter to Corrin. I think carefully about my words and when I finish the letter I yell for a guard to take it to Palo and have him leave it for the wolves. Hopefully I’ll get a response then and there, but if not I’ll wait.


Nick pov

When the mind link breaks I find out from my eyes at his property that there was a gunshot and the fathers body was brought out and set on fire. He killed his dad. What had to have been happening in that house to have him go to that length. I double check and they verify that it is in fact his father and that they have a letter for me.

I tell them to bring the letter to me so I can read it and discuss it with everyone. What could he possibly want now? He will not win this game so the fact he is even attempting would be suicide. Maybe he figured it out that he can’t win this battle or the war. I tell Jenna to find Tona and Corrin and have them come down as we will have a letter arriving shortly.

Within twenty minutes they are seated in front of me when my guys come running in with the letter in shorts. They walk over handing me the letter and when I open it and start reading it, I can’t help but think this guy is nuts. Or he has one hell of a set to even think this would work. I see them anxiously looking at me as I start reading the letter out loud.

Dear Corrin,

I want to say I’m sorry. I have realized what a monster I was and what I’ve put you through. To put you in the situation that I have is unforgivable. As I’m sure you have found out by this time that yes I have killed my father. I got some great advice that I could either follow down the same path or rewrite my story. I have chosen to rewrite it. I will not take my son, nor will I come after him again. I will leave the state and never return so you can live your life in peace.

I do have one request. Can I at least see him and at least hold him. I’m willing to be escorted with my hands tied if needed surrounded by the king’s guards by myself. None of my men, just me. Then I’ll leave and never be heard from again. I will give up my rights, and never come back. I swear on everything that I speak this from my heart. All I’m asking is just one moment with you and him. Your mate and the King can even stand next to us.

If you can find it in your heart to please allow me just this I’ll forever be grateful.


I watch to see what their reaction is and she just holds Dominick crying while Tona is pacing the floor back and forth. I wait to see what they want to do, and Corrin speaks first.

“Let’s just get it over with! If it means he signs his rights away and never comes back then let him. In one weeks time let him come by himself and have the paperwork signed for my hands. Then and only then will he see him for the one and only time.”

“Are you insane Corrin! Seriously Nick, how safe can we make this interaction?” Tona bellowed.

“Oh we can make it very safe with Tara and Tony!”

“I don’t know, I don’t like the whole situation!”

Tona starts mumbling to himself clearly having an issue, and I don’t blame him. I would be nervous also. Except if this means he’ll be forever out of their lives then so be it. They can go back to wherever and live in peace.

I see him motion for me to follow him. As we walk I wait for him to talk. I can only imagine what is going through his head.

“Nick, if anything happens to Corrin and Domi I would be devastated and wouldn’t survive.”

“Tona I understand. I know how you feel. I have had my mate almost killed by her parents, had to fight to keep her from the former Alpha King and her parents, then had to rescue her from said former Alpha King. This will be a walk in the park. Plus he is coming on our terms. So Tara can have a grip on his neck the whole time. And both you and I can stand right next to him. I promise on my life Tona if I felt we could not do this safely I wouldn’t even entertain the idea. But we have a week to get everything in order.”

I watch while he nods and heads over to Corrin taking Domi and walking hand in hand back up to their room. I mind link my guys over to his property with our answer. He has one week to get the paperwork in order. We will verify the paperwork, and only then allow him to see his son then escort him back off. I mind link Tara telling her of the plan and I can feel her smirking through the mind link. It’s been a while since she got to play with someone. Rogues only go so far, before they don’t satisfy the itch any more.

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