Ch 8

Damian pov

I’m sitting in a house I purchased to be nearby and waiting for my guys to give me some kind of news. We got an in with the guards and offered one of Tony’s men some money he couldn’t refuse. It’s been almost two weeks and they were supposed to take the kid this week but so far nothing. Tina is sitting on the couch like a good girl, and I never thought I would keep one around. She just wants to be my little pet, and I kind of like it.

Reading paperwork I get frustrated since we haven’t had any news. What the hell is the holdup? I should have had this kid by now! I slam my fists down standing up and start pacing. Anton comes barging in and startles us both as Tina shrieked covering her mouth.

“Jesus Christ Anton!”

“We got a problem boss. You need to come outside!”

I tell Tina to stay and not move and I’ll be back. I quickly rush through the house and out to the front door. When I exit I see body after body laying side by side while more are being unloaded.

“What the fuck is this shit Palo?”

“We found them on the property by the front, but hidden while we made our rounds.”

He informed me since he was still in shock that not only are there quite a bit but they have been there for a few days now. I just stare at Anton and Palo as they hand me a note. I take it and see a royal seal from the Alpha King.


You may have thought you had an insider working but we discovered their little plan. See you should never underestimate what we can and will do to protect the baby. Being humans you’re limited to what you can see, hear and smell. Us on the other hand have an advantage, and are always watching! Whenever you take a step we watch, when you’re sleeping we watch. Come after them again and we will be back.

King Nick and Queen Tara

P.S. Might want to keep tabs on your girl. I’d hate for her to go missing!

I hand the letter to the guys and I have to think. If I go against them it will be a bloodbath for us. I know they have Tony and his mafia guys there. Plus the royal armies that are all shifters. Then we have the bear shifters also. No doubt their king may also come. I run my hand down my face in frustration. I need this kid man! But at what cost am I willing to go to get it though. I’m going to go call my dad.

I walk back inside and make my way into my office seeing Tina still sitting like a good girl. I sit down in my chair picking up the phone when I tell Tina to get me something to drink. She quickly jumps up to my bar and pours me a whiskey. I quickly down it, handing it back to her for more when the phone rings and my dad picks up.

“They found out about the plan and I got 21 bodies in my yard. If I keep this up I’m going to lose my men. What do I do?”

“What’s it worth to you? You have an heir yet you cannot get the baby! Fuck your men and get the baby. If you can’t man up then I’ll come out and do it myself! I will be there in one week!”

I hit my fists on the desk and screamed out loud. Am I doing the right thing? What if he comes out and gets us all killed? I just got a girl that is beyond amazing, and then what? Have us all die for this baby. I motion for Tina to come over and have her sit on my desk.

“I want to tell you a story Tina because I have a big question to ask at the end. I need you to listen carefully ok?”

She nods while looking down at the ground and I proceed to have her close her eyes and just listen. I spent the next twenty minutes telling her my shitty life story and watched while tears fell from her eyes. Once done I sat back in my chair while tears fell from my eyes that I quickly wiped away reliving all those feelings of hate, disgust, anger, and guilt.

“Now look at me in my eyes, and tell me if what I’m doing is right. Should I risk all our lives for this baby? If I go in I can almost guarantee we will all die including you!”

She stares at me while tears freely fall down her face. I look for any sign from her on what I should do.

“I have feelings for you Damian. I just found you and to know I could lose you hurts me. Let alone risk our lives. Why not wait a week and see how you feel then. See if it’s worth it. Why raise a child and have it go through what you went through to be the same way? Why not rewrite your story?”

I just stared at her when I felt tears start to build up. She is right. In one week I know what I need to do! Someone will pay the price with their head.


Tona pov

Nick sent over all the bodies a few days ago with a letter and to say it wasn’t well received wasn’t a shock. We have a feeling something will be happening soon, and reached out to the King of the bear shifters, but haven’t heard back yet. We decided to talk about what could be next and how we can deal with it. Nick has had spies watching them and reporting through the mind link.

I’m resting in our room on our bed with a headache when Corrin comes in bawling, holding Dominick. I quickly jump up, headache or not grabbing her and asking what’s wrong. Tara and Nick are right behind her shrugging their shoulders. I quickly get Domi and pass him off to Tara when Corrin sits in a chair, They leave me with Corrin to try and figure out what is going on when I kneel down in front of her.

“Corrin baby what is wrong? Please talk to me?”

“I can’t do this anymore! I feel ugly, my body is wrecked. You won’t even have sex with me!”

Yeah ok I wasn’t expecting this. I feel like no matter how I answer this I’m screwed. Yet she is looking at me for an answer. Shit I think I’m taking too long to answer so here goes nothing.

“Baby I love you, and your body just the way it is. I was giving you some time since I know you recently had a baby and didn’t want you to feel pressured.”

I watch as now she is pissed and has gone from crying to crazy in two seconds. She stands up and starts pacing and huffing and I would swear she is part bear.

“Well maybe, just maybe I wanted sex. Did you ever think to ask? Did you ever think to maybe try and make a move? I thought shifters were like horn dogs? Well in your case a horn bear. Is that even a word? I don’t know and I don’t care!”

I slowly stand up and walk over to her holding her against my chest when she starts crying once again. I wait till she calms down and slowly lifts her face to look at me. I lean down kissing her lips and I can taste the salt from her tears. I never would have thought she felt this way, or thought I was ignoring her. Of course I wanted to have sex but hell she just birthed a kid. I feel her start to deepen the kiss when I grab her by her thighs lifting her up leading her into the bathroom.

I carry her into the bathroom and I close the door locking it and place her feet on the floor. I quickly strip off her shirt and bra, throwing it on the floor. I spin her around so she faces the mirror and quickly strip off her pants and underwear. I toss my shirt and pants and kneel down seeing her wetness slowly creep down her inner thighs and Konak is beside himself. I slowly lick up her inner thigh to her core and bury my face while I flick her nub with my tongue. I can feel her squirm and moan making Konak excited to keep her going.

I place one finger inside and watch as she grabs ahold of the counter. I place a second finger and she starts to clench down around them. Before long I hear her sweet voice scream out my name when her orgasm rips through her body. I see her shaking when she just lays down on the counter. I smirk when I slowly rise up from behind her. She has her head turned to the side looking at me sideways when I lean over and whisper.

“We aren’t through yet Corrin! Little did you know what comes with being mated to a shifter. I will be gentle this time love.”

I slowly place myself behind her when I snake my arm up her stomach between her breasts and under her chin lifting her body off the counter so she can look at me in the mirror. I see her watch me smirking when I place myself at her entrance rubbing my tip against her folds. She gives the slightest nod and I ram into her pushing her hard against the counter. The look on her face of pure ecstasy when I entered and stretched her core was a sight to see.

I move in and out quickly and before long she is right at the edge when I pull her up to my chest plunging my canines into her shoulder sending her over screaming again clenching down on my cock sending me over. I see her in the mirror looking at me biting her shoulder and I smirk growling out mine so she can see my canines. I retracted them, licking her wound while she watched. I slowly kiss her neck while saying mine in between. I look up and smirk in the mirror when her eyes go wide.

“Oh yes my love you will most likely not be able to walk tomorrow. That’s ok because I will pamper you all day!”

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