
I hate the bitch. She tries staring me down as Tia virtually runs toward her little girl.

The calculated look in her eyes fires vitriol in my direction, and I smirk at her in response.

“You don’t look like a businessman.” She raises a perfectly manicured eyebrow, and I’m both shocked and impressed that damn thing actually moves; it looks like her face has been lasered to make her appear younger. My eyes rake over her body in contempt, my lip curling for added effect.

How the fuck she can think she’s better than us is beyond me. She’s a Grade-A bitch with a stick so far up her ass, I’m surprised she isn’t growing leaves out of her fake lips.

Clearly, she’s older than she’s portraying‍—‍the lines on her neck are a dead giveaway‍—‍although she’s tried to hide them with the scarf she’s wielding.

I want to use it to throttle the life out of her, and I will, but for now, I need to bide my time.

“You don’t look like someone young enough to want a family. How can I put this politely . . .” I pause for effect. “Oh, I can’t. You look old enough to be Harper’s grandma. What’s all that about? Too dried up to have kids of your own?”

The hag sucks in a sharp breath. “How dare you!” she hisses in my direction.

“Oh, I dare. And I dare to go so much further . . .” I smile at her manically. “If you try and keep Harper from my girl one more time, you’ll see how far I dare to go.”

The atmosphere between us is deadly, my words hanging thickly in the air. Her pompous chin raises as though unperturbed. But I know better; I see her flushed cheeks and hear her heart racing below that hideous blouse.

“Cole, I’d like you to meet Harper.” Her soft voice washes over me from behind, and when I turn to face Tia, I see the hope in her eyes, a light of happiness shining through, begging to not be extinguished.

A shuffle behind her draws me to my knees so I’m level with the little girl hiding behind Tia’s legs.

I soften my deep voice so not to scare her. “Hey there, Harper. It’s good to meet you.”

She steps out from behind Tia. Her blue eyes meet mine, and I’m jolted with an awareness of familiarity. She’s Tia’s double just in a smaller form, and right then and there, I instantly love her.


“I heard that you like the park. Is that true?”

Harper nods her head.

“Is it okay if I tag along? I’m real good at pushing swings.”

Harper lets out an adorable giggle. “Can we have ice cream?” Her eyes light up in expectation.

“No,” her sharp voice snaps from behind. “I’ve told you before, Harper. Ballet dancers don’t eat ice cream. It makes them gain weight. You want to be a ballet dancer, don’t you?”

Harper nods.

“Words, Harper. Use your words,” the bitch snaps from behind, and I swear to God, it takes everything in me not to snap her neck. My hands tighten, balling into fists. Tia places a reassuring hand on Harper’s shoulder, and, possibly without realizing, she draws her closer toward her. Any doubt anyone could have about Tia’s intentions toward Harper would be extinguished within just this short length of time seeing them together.

“Y-Yes, ma’am.” Harper’s words come out shakily, making my teeth grit. No child should react the way Harper reacts to her.

“Okay, no ice cream,” I say the words while still kneeling, but a smile plays on my lips, and I give Harper a little wink, causing her to grin back at me knowingly.

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