
Tia’s leg bounces uncontrollably as we drive toward the Lancasters’ mansion in Chester.

My mind wanders. Is she like this every time she has her visitation with her daughter?

“So, you get to see her once a month?” I glance toward her as she stares out of the window.

“Yes. It started out as more, but they’re slowly trying to shove me out of the picture. Each time they get granted more, I struggle to pay the bills to fight it.”

I nod in understanding as my eyes take in the rows of mansions along the estate. “How long do you get her for?”

“Ten until four.” Tia stares out of the window. Her face looks defeated and pained, as though she’s battling inner thoughts.

“I have money, Tia. Besides, all this doesn’t mean shit.” I wave my hand out at the perfectly manicured lawns. “What matters is you’re her mom, beauty. You love her more than anyone else on this goddamn earth. That’s what matters.”

She turns her head to face me, and a sad smile graces her lips. Her face is full of sadness but a tinge of hope also sparks in her eyes.

I take her hand in mine, lacing our fingers together before bringing them to my mouth and gently kissing them.

“It’s this one here.” Tia points toward the imposing Victorian-looking mansion with the gates already opened. It shouldn’t piss me off, but it does. Where is the security?

A tremble vibrates through Tia, and I choose to ignore it. Instead, anger builds inside me at how disgusting this whole setup is. She seems terrified at the thoughts of the visitation, which is absurd.

I pull the car up outside of the house. It’s dated but well kept. It’s something I imagine has been in a family for generations, and I can’t help but think that they need to get their own family instead of trying to steal Tia’s. Mine.

“Cole, can you not say anything to them?” Concern mars her face. My eyes narrow in confusion, forcing her to elaborate. “If they say anything you don’t like, please don’t retaliate. Promise me.” Her hand tightens on mine, and her eyes implore me to agree.

The look of sheer despair on her face makes my heart race. The thought of something upsetting them leaves her with nothing more than what can be described as terror for her, and I want to kill them for it.

I find myself agreeing with her just to make her feel comfortable. “Sure.”

Her shoulders relax slightly before she licks her lips, takes a deep breath, and steels herself. With shaky hands, she opens the door.

Anger bubbles inside me. The gravity of the situation we’re about to walk into is unmistakable, but I’ll do what she asks. I’ll support her.

For now, I’ll play nice, while behind the scenes, Lucas is working toward getting Harper back where she belongs: with her mom.

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