Her Mythical Warriors (Book Two)
Chapter Thirty-Five: To a Higher Place

Akira whimpered as her Pegasus pumped his cock deep into her pussy.

“More,” she whimpered.

“Fuck yes,” Darius grunted as he took hold of her hips and slammed into her, pushing her chest into Zelious.

Zelious grinned down at her, “I thought we were going to go slow.”

Akira moaned, “change of heart.”

Zelious chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her and held her while Darius fucked her from behind.

Niall sat off to the side, watching the other warriors fuck their Psychi. This will be his third time with his Havent and first time in front of the others. And possibly the last time of ever having sex. He closed his eyes and tried not to think about it.

If he’s not her chosen mate, he knows she won’t choose him to be her lover. He knows the wolf and vampire have that slot. It would be a miracle if he turned out to be her chosen mate. But a man can hope.

Darius came deep inside Akira, making her body tremble with her own orgasm. Too bad none of her warriors were wind walkers or Elementalist. If they were in water, Zelious would have had her orgasming this whole time. Maybe that’s a good thing. She’s already exhausted. She doubted a shadow walker could use the shadows to get her off. Though it is a wicked thought.

“My turn,” Zelious said, pulling Akira against his chest and kissing her.

Akira moaned against his mouth.

Darius pulled out of her, and Zelious moved her onto her back. When he entered her, her body shivered, and her eyes almost rolled to the back of her head. She fought to stay lucid and not lose herself in the sensations, so she could watch her merman move inside her.

Zelious moved slowly inside Akira, making her moan and wiggle beneath him. She moved to his movements, their bodies becoming one. When he picked up speed, so did she; when he slowed down, so did she. When he took her nipple into his mouth, she cried out with pleasure.

“Zel,” she cried out as an orgasm rocked through her body.

Zelious grunted as he came deep inside her.

“I love you,” she whispered.

Zelious kissed her and mumbled his love for her against her lips.

“I guess the new guy gets his turn,” Niall said as he stood.

Akira looked up at her newest warrior and smiled at the look in his eyes. She had a feeling of what was coming. She squealed when he lifted her off the floor. He dashed to the wall and slammed into her, making her scream.

“Fuck,” Darius growled as he watched the Centaur fuck their Havent against the wall.

“She likes it,” Zelious said as he sat back and watched.

Wolfric walked over to the wall and leaned against it as he watched Akira. When she looked at him, she smiled.

Darius laughed. “I think Wolfric is going to take his second turn against the wall.”

Malique nodded, “yeah. Wish we’d thought of it sooner.”

Akira cried out as her orgasm took over her body. Niall didn’t stop; he didn’t cum; he just kept going. Fuck, he was going to make her go insane. She felt Wolfric’s lips on her shoulder and moaned. She knew her Wolfie was waiting for his second turn. Is this how it will be when she has found her chosen mate? Is Wolfie going to wait for her mate to finish so he can have his turn—again and again? In her ass…

She felt a lump form in her throat. She will never have her Wolfie’s pups. He must be her chosen mate; he has to be.

When another orgasm had her mind focusing on Niall again, she almost cried. She couldn’t just choose Wolfie. She loved them all too much to be satisfied with just one of them.

“Akira!” Niall cried out as he came deep inside her.

Akira moaned as she felt him fill her with his seed. Having a little Centaur baby with Niall didn’t sound too bad, either. Even a little vampire would be sweet. A tear slid down her cheek.

Niall moved out of her and let her slide down the wall to her feet. Akira looked up at her new warrior and smiled.

“I love you,” she told him.

He grinned down at her and kissed her. “I love you too, little one.”

Wolfric tapped on Niall’s shoulder, letting him know to move out of the way. Niall nodded and let Akira go into Wolfric’s arms.

Wolfric grinned down at his Psychi. “Hello.”

She smiled up at him, “hello, Wolfie.”

Wolfric lifted her off her feet and pressed her body against the wall. “You will always be mine, Akira.”

Akira nodded. She knows that. She knows that no matter who her chosen mate is. She will always belong to her wolf.


Akira woke with a start. She sat up and looked around the living room. Her warriors surrounded her; they’d laid down when nothing had happened after Wolfric finished his second run with her. The memory of her warriors fucking her last night brought pleasurable goosebumps popping up on her arms.

A tear slides down her cheek. She thought she’d get a clue as to who her chosen mate was. But nothing happened. No pull, no knowledge, no hum—no nothing.

An ache in her body had her getting to her feet. What could be going on now? Was this how she was going to figure it out? While everyone was asleep?


Akira looked at her Wolfie and smiled. “Hi.”

“Are you okay, love?”

“I don’t know. Something woke me, but I don’t know what.”

Her other warriors started to stir. As if they could sense she was awake. Akira started to shake.

“I think it’s time,” she told them.

All five men jumped out from under the blankets and stood. Akira shrieked as she stepped back. Damn, she’d almost forgotten how big they were.

Broad, sexy shoulders, thick, muscled arms. Heavily muscled chests and abdomens with rippling six packs. Not to mention them being well over six feet tall, making her feel small as a mouse at her low four-foot-four. Just looking at them, she felt her pussy pulse, making her lick her lips.

“Akira?” Wolfric asked, watching her.

Akira shook her head to clear it. She needed to concentrate. She didn’t know why she wasn’t shown which one was her chosen mate last night after they’d all made love to her. She watched them settle on the furniture and study her.

“Do you know?” Darius asked.

Akira shook her head. She didn’t know. Why did she feel like she should know? A sharp pain stabbed her in the chest, where their markings were.

‘No, please don’t take them from me,’ she begged whoever was listening.

When the pain stopped, she looked down at their markings and sighed with relief. All five were still there. But why did it hurt?

“You know. I was thinking before we fell asleep,” Darius started to say. Everyone turned to him, and he shrugged his shoulders. “When we joined her circle, it didn’t happen right away. So maybe discovering who her chosen mate is, works the same.”

“That’s what I figured,” Wolfric said.

“So, are we going to have to wait days? Can we not touch her until they have told us?” Niall wondered.

“I sure don’t want to go without touching her,” Darius grumbled.

Akira watched them as they discussed it amongst themselves. None of them had noticed her sharp intake of breath when she’d been stabbed in the chest. But that was okay. She still had their markings. From what she read when she was learning about Havents and warriors after meeting Wolfric… the Havent doesn’t lose her warriors’ markings.

Then what was that sharp pain?


Akira looked at Malique.

“Are you okay?” Malique asked.

Akira shrugged. “I still don’t know who my chosen mate is, and it hurts not knowing.”

“I think there’s a ritual or something,” Zelious informed them.

“Now he says something,” Darius grumbled.

“Does anyone know how to start the ritual?” Niall asked.

“I wish I could contact my brothers,” Wolfric mumbled, “both have their Havent.”

“Are they their Havent’s chosen mate?” Zelious questioned.

Wolfric shook his head, “no, but they’ve been through all of this. I should have asked before we started this adventure.”

“You didn’t know we would be this far from home,” Malique said.

“True,” Wolfric nodded, “and I didn’t think it would be this complicated. I thought the Gods would tell her, and we’d be done.”

“I wish they would,” Akira grumbled as she started pacing the room.

“Why won’t they tell me?” she cried.

Wolfric watched Akira as she paced the living room. She looked troubled and confused. He wished there was something he could do to help her. The only thing he can do is sit here and wait for the Gods to tell her who her chosen mate is.

“I can’t do this!” Akira cried out.

Wolfric rushed to Akira’s side when she collapsed to the floor. He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her forehead. He knew he’s told her this many times, but she needed the reassurance.

“Akira. None of us will love you any less if we’re not your chosen mate,” he promised her.

The others nodded in agreement.

Akira sniffled and wiped her eyes. “I know.”

“Then don’t worry. They will tell us when it is time.” Wolfric kissed her forehead.

Akira kissed his cheek, then pulled out of his grasp and stood. He moved back onto the couch and watched her pace the floor again.

Akira didn’t know what to do. She loved them all and didn’t feel anything different toward them after making love last night. She wants them again but knows she can’t. Not until after she has found her chosen mate.

“Kiss them.”

Akira spun around, her mouth gaping open when she spotted her ancestor.

Brynhildr grinned, “hello, child. It is good to see you again, too.”

Akira closed her mouth. “Where have you been?”

Akira felt her warriors staring at her. She turned to them, then back to Brynhildr.

“Brynhildr,” Wolfric said carefully.

“I have been watching and waiting for you to need my help,” Brynhildr said.

Akira sighed. “What would that do? I have kissed them many times….”

“But not during the discover test,” Brynhildr explained.

Akira shook her head. “The what test?”

Brynhildr smiled, “the discover test. The test will show you which of your warriors is your chosen mate. It started with that zap to their markings.”

Akira placed her hand to her chest. So that’s what that was.

“What does Brynhildr say?” Wolfric queried.

Akira spun around to look at her warriors. She had never held such a long conversation with her ancestor in front of her warriors before. Her cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink.

Wolfric chuckled, “it’s okay. We know you talk to her.”

Akira sighed, “she said I have to kiss you now that the discover test has been activated.”

“Of course.” Wolfric jumped to his feet. “I remember my brothers saying something about that.”

Akira looked around the room at her warriors. Who should she kiss first? She looked at Niall and smiled. She’ll start from last to first.

She walked over to Niall and placed her hands on his shoulders. His muscles bunched under her hands when he moved to hold her hips. She closed her eyes and leaned forward, kissing him gently at first, then moaning when he pulled her onto his lap and deepened the kiss.

When the kiss ended, Akira was panting, and the world was spinning. But that was how she felt every time she kissed her warriors. She frowned and pulled away from him.

When she saw the sad look on his face, she reached out and placed a hand to his cheek.

“I wasn’t told no,” she whispered.

He nodded.

Akira sighed, “but I wasn’t told yes, either.”

Akira looked at Zelious and walked over to him. He leaned back and patted his lap. She smiled as she straddled him and kissed him. He grabbed the back of her head and held her to him as he kissed her, his tongue playing with hers.

When the kiss ended, Akira was again out of breath and horny as hell—but felt nothing different. She frowned as she stood from his lap and moved over to Darius.

Darius grinned at her as he stood from the couch and pulled her against him. Akira groaned as his lips ravished hers. Memories of him taking her in his Pegasus form had her body shivering with pleasure. When he pulled back, she forced a smile and shook her head. He smiled at her, but she could see the disappointment in his eyes.

Akira moved away from her Pegasus Warrior and walked over to her vampire.

Malique pulled her onto his lap and captured her lips with his. She moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck. His hands roamed up her legs as he kissed her. Akira sighed and leaned into the kiss. When she pulled back, she blinked up at him and smiled. He smiled back and kissed the tip of her nose.

Akira shook her head and looked over at Wolfric. Could it be? Is he her chosen mate?

Malique helped her to her feet, and she walked over to her Wolfie. She took a step back when he stood and looked up at him. He pulled her against his chest and kissed her. Akira moaned and wrapped her arms around him. Her body tingled, and she wanted to fuck him, but she didn’t feel anything different from what she had felt with her other warriors.

When he stepped back from her, she kept eye contact. She shook her head, and his left eyebrow raised.

“You have shaken your head to all of us,” Darius said.

Akira frowned. Does she not have a chosen mate?

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