Her Mythical Warriors (Book Two)
Chapter Thirty-Four: Take Me

Chief Pherick and his mate Esilda threw their son and his Havent, a party. To celebrate their son’s future and to say goodbye—for now.

They stayed the night in a big tent. Akira and her warriors on one side, the fairies, and trolls on the other.

Akira wished she could make love to her warriors before they left, but she had no alone time with them. The following day, Niall’s parents and tribe walked Akira’s group to the gate. Esilda pulled Akira into a hug and held her as she whispered into her ear.

“Take good care of yourself, young one. I hope my son is your chosen mate, but even if he is not, you will always be a daughter to me.”

Akira wiped a tear from her cheek as she backed away from the older woman.

“Thank you,” Akira whispered.

Esilda wiped a tear from Akira’s cheek and smiled. “Take care of her!” she called out to the warriors.

“We will till our last breath,” Wolfric said as he wrapped his arms around Akira from behind.

Akira tipped her head back and smiled up at her Wolfie.

Esilda watched the young Havent and her Wolf Warrior. She could tell those two were close; even if her son turned out to be Akira’s chosen mate, Wolfric would not be pushed aside. She looked around at the other warriors and how they looked at their Havent. If it were possible, this young Havent would choose all four of her other warriors to be her lovers. She wondered if they would accept it. Esilda has never seen or heard of a Havent and her warriors being as close as them.

Akira waved to Niall’s people as they left the camp. She couldn’t believe how exceptive they were of her once they discovered she was their prince’s Havent. Though there were a couple females who seemed a little jealous. She found out from Esilda that the two women had been fighting over Niall for years. Niall had no interest in either woman, but that didn’t stop them.

Niall kissing Akira in front of everyone didn’t help any…

Akira smiled at the memory.

“You seem happy,” Julianne said, taking hold of Akira’s arm and walking beside her.

Akira smiled at her best friend. “Just thinking about Niall’s tribe.”

Jules chuckled and shook her head. “I can’t believe those two females thought they could corner your warrior and talk him out of leaving with you.”

Akira sighed. She’d tried to forget that part. It was what made him kiss her in front of everyone, to show them he wasn’t staying for anyone. He belonged to Akira.

“Can we talk, and think, about something else?” Akira mock pouted.

Jules chuckled, “sure. How about we talk about the fact that you still don’t know who your chosen mate is?”

Akira made a face at Jules. “Not that either.”

Jules shook her head. “I don’t envy you.”


It took most of the day to return to Niall’s cabin. The sun was setting, and Akira was exhausted. But she knew things needed to be done. She was feeling sick again, and it wasn’t the fever. Her stomach kept churning because she was anxious about her chosen mate. What will the others say or do when they find out they aren’t her mate?

“Akira?” Julianne whispered.

Akira turned to her friend. “What?” she snapped, not meaning to. She took a deep breath. “I’m sorry,” she almost cried.

Jules nodded. “We’ll find somewhere else to spend the night.”

Akira wrapped her arms around Jules. “Thank you.”

“What’s going on?” Stella asked.

Akira smiled down at the troll. “It is time,” she said.

Stella’s eyes opened wide with understanding. She nodded, hugged Akira, then grabbed her brother’s arm and dragged him out of the cabin.

Fin complained as his sister dragged him outside. Stella didn’t speak as she pulled Fin down the stairs and into the woods.

Julianne nodded to Akira, then turned to Leviasen. “Want to find a hollow tree?”

Levi grinned at Jules, waved to Akira and her warriors, then left the cabin with his girlfriend.

Akira turned to her warriors. All five were watching her.

She took a deep breath. “It’s time.”

That was all she needed to say. All five warriors moved at her at the same time. Akira closed her eyes and whimpered when she felt hands on her.

“Open your eyes, Akira.”

Akira opened her eyes and looked into her Wolfie’s beautiful eyes.

“We’re here for you, no matter what,” Wolfric assured her.

Akira nodded.

“We’re always here for you,” Malique said from behind her. “Now and always.”

“No matter who’s your chosen mate,” Darius confirmed.

“We will always love you,” Zelious mumbled into her hair.

“From now until the end of time,” Niall said.

Akira closed her eyes and placed her hands on two of her warriors. She could feel Wolfric’s hands stripping her of her clothes. She didn’t know how, but she knew each of her warriors’ touch and could tell them apart.

While Wolfric was stripping her, Malique was kissing her neck. Darius and Zelious had stepped back a few moments ago to strip; she could hear their clothes. Niall was standing to her right, watching Wolfric and Malique. This being his first time sharing her, she wondered what was going on in his head. Especially knowing after this, she will know who her chosen mate is.

The mate chosen for her by the Gods.

The only man who could give her children.

The one she’s meant to love and who will love her forever.

Even though her love for all her warriors couldn’t be beaten. So how could her chosen mate feel better than she felt with all her warriors?

Akira started to cry. Her knees gave out, and she fell.

Wolfric caught Akira and held her as she cried against his chest. Good thing he’d taken his shirt off, or it would be soaked. He rocked with her and kissed her forehead. He looked up at his fellow warriors. They know what has their Havent in tears. She was terrified of losing them.

“You won’t lose us,” Wolfric assured her.

Akira shook her head, “but I will.”

“Akira,” Darius whispered as he knelt in front of her and Wolfric. “You will never lose us.”

Akira opened her eyes and looked at Darius.

Wolfric frowned when he saw how red her eyes were.

“I love all of you,” Akira whispered. “That wasn’t supposed to happen.”

Wolfric sighed. She was right. No one has ever been as close as the six of them were. Even though Niall hasn’t had sex with their Havent with the rest of them, he felt how close the Centaur and Akira already were. And it’s barely been two days since they found him. But he’s already a part of them.

“Maybe we shouldn’t rush this,” Zelious said as he sat on the floor next to Wolfric.

Wolfric looked at the merman.

“Akira is getting anxious and sick,” Malique said, sitting on the other side of Wolfric.

“I don’t mean we don’t do this,” Zelious said, pointing around the room at all of them. “But maybe, slow it down? Take her slow and easy. Let her feel how much we love her.”

Akira giggled against Wolfric, and he smiled down at her. “Would you like that, little one?”

She looked up at him and nodded. “I would like that.”

Darius grinned, “then we know who gets to go first.”

The group stripped their clothes and moved out of the way for Wolfric to lay Akira on the floor. She looked up at all of them, sadness deep in her soul.

Wolfric kissed Akira, taking her thoughts away from everything but his lips on hers. He grunted when she wrapped her arms around him. He lifted her legs, fitted her heels above his ass, and slid into her. She felt so good he almost came before he even started moving.

“Wolfie,” she whimpered.

“I love you, Akira,” he whispered as he started moving inside her.

Her back arched off the floor, pushing him deeper inside her. He could feel the others around them watching. He knew at least Malique and Darius were stroking their cocks, preparing for their turn.

“I love you so much,” she cried.

“Look at me, little one.”

Her eyes flew to him, and he grunted. The passion and love in her eyes were going to make him cum too soon.

Akira looked up into her Wolfie’s eyes and whimpered. He was going too slow; she wanted him to pick up the pace.

“Faster,” she whispered.

She could see the confusion in his eyes. She lifted her hips off the floor again and slammed herself against him. He grunted, and his eyes rolled back. She knew he would catch on soon, so she did it again.

Wolfric couldn’t handle another one of her slams. If she wanted faster, she was going to get faster.

“Hold on, love,” he told her.

He watched her face light up as she wrapped her arms and legs tighter around him.

He growled as he took hold of her hips and started slamming into her. Her head tilted back, and she cried out. He continued to slam into her, his pulse doubling in speed.

Akira whimpered as she held onto Wolfric. She looked to her left and watched Malique as he stroked his hard cock. She looked into his eyes and knew he was ready to take her. Akira would ask him to join them, but she knew for this to work correctly, they each had to fuck her and each in her vagina. God, she hated that word. She almost chuckled but held it back.

“Akira!” Wolfric howled as he came deep inside her.

Akira cried out as her own orgasm ripped through her body.

No one ripped Wolfric off her to claim their turn. She knew they were waiting because this was the most crucial mating of their lives. Soon, the Gods will tell her who they chose for her. A tear slid down her cheek.

‘What if it isn’t Wolfie?’

“Akira?” Wolfric asked.

Akira looked at her Wolfie and wiped away a tear. He frowned as he leaned forward to kiss her.

“I love you,” he whispered.

“I love you too.”

He smiled as he pulled his cock from her sopping-wet pussy.

“Who do you want to take you next?” Darius asked.

Akira looked at her Pegasus, then at her merman, and smiled. “Can we do it in order?”

“Whatever you want, little one,” Zelious said as he leaned forward and kissed her.

Wolfric moved out of the way for Malique.

Akira smiled up at her vampire as he moved between her legs. He held a hand out to her, and she took it. He helped her sit up and fell back on his ass. She giggled as he moved her to straddle him. She moaned when his cock slid into her wet pussy.

Malique closed his eyes and moaned. She was always soaking wet for them, even before they took her. But to be honest, this was why he was okay with Wolfric taking her first. He stretched her, getting her ready for them, and his cum lubed her better than any lubrication he had stashed away in his duffle bag.

“Akira,” he whispered as he lifted her and slid her back down his cock. She grunted and leaned her head against his shoulder.

Malique groaned as he kissed her bare shoulder. He licked his lips, then sunk his teeth into her flesh. She cried out as an orgasm wrapped around her, making her pussy squeeze his cock.

“Fuck,” he grunted once he released her shoulder.

He licked the blood from his lips and watched her slide her hand over the puncture wounds. The glow of her healing touch surrounded her hand as she healed his bite. Malique watched her lean back and thrust her breasts into the air; he groaned as he took a nipple into his mouth. She whimpered and ran her fingers through his hair.

“So beautiful,” Zelious whispered.

Malique looked up and watched the merman move behind her. Akira’s head leaned against Zelious’s chest as Malique pumped into her, still sucking her nipple.

“Fuck,” Malique groaned, his head tipping back as he came deep inside her.

Akira whimpered as her body climaxed, her pussy clamping onto him as if she didn’t want to let him go. He almost chuckled as he came down from his high.

“I guess it’s my turn,” Darius said, kicking Malique in the ass.

Malique growled, “I haven’t left her pussy yet, jackass.”

Darius chuckled and pushed Malique out of his way. Malique grumbled as his cock popped out of Akira’s pussy. He heard her giggle as she watched Darius take his turn.

Malique smiled as he sat off to the side and watched Darius turn Akira around to face Zelious.

Zelious held onto Akira as Darius entered her from behind, the three of them on their knees, holding each other.

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