Guns & Roses
Chapter 34


I woke up to the smell of food inside my room. Opening my eyes, I saw Anya laying down the tray and Viktor with his hands in his pocket.

“Hey there” Anya said.

“Hi Anya” I said smiling at her, feeling the sting on my lips as I cracked a healing wound. I touched my lip to see it bleeding yet again.

When I looked back up at Anya she had tears in her eyes and just broke down.

“Oh Anya” I opened my arms as she gently put her arms around me.

She cried for a bit until Viktor pulled her away from me.

“Alright drama queen, that’s enough, you’re hurting her” Viktor said.

“Drama queen? Who was the one who sobbed like a mess when you guys both got home?” Anya retorted just as Viktor clamped her mouth shut with his hand.

“Alright lovely sister we get the point, now be a dear and shut the fuck up” Viktor grounded as Anya struggled to get out of her twin brother’s grasp.

I can’t help but laugh at their bickering. They both stopped and looked at me with smiles on their faces.

“It’s nice to hear you laugh kroshka” Viktor said.

“Alright alright. Here’s the food Tatiana before it goes cold” Anya said as she set up the table and placed the food in front of me.

“This smells so good” I said as I got the spoon Anya handed out.

About two scoops in, I felt my stomach churn and the urge to barf was so strong. Viktor must have seen my face and scrambled to get the empty bin near my bed and gave it to me just in time.

I emptied my stomach which was close to nothing and dry heaved as I felt Anya’s hands gently stroking my back.

After a while, Viktor got the bin and handed me a tissue box.

“Are you okay Tatiana? Is there something with the food?” Anya asked worriedly.

“You’re cooking’s delicious Anya, maybe it’s just my stomach not used to food yet. I’ve been in the drip for how many days right?”

“I’ll get the doctor” Viktor said.

“There’s really no need-” I said but I was cut off.

“Yes you do, Anya help Tatiana clean up”

With a nod, Anya helped me out of bed and into the bathroom. We took slow steps and I was thankful Anya was patient with me.

When we got to the bathroom, I took hold of the marbled sink and held myself up. I looked at my reflection and I can’t help but widen my eyes in surprise.

“Oh my god” I said.

My face was bruised and I had cuts everywhere. My hair was a bird’s nest and my eyes looked so tired.

“This by far tops my worst after fights look” I said as I tried straightening my hair with my hand.

“You’re still beautiful Tatiana, and what’s important is that you’re alive” Anya said.

“I guess you’re right”

“Of course I am” Anya teased. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up”

Using a cloth, Anya started cleaning my body without letting the deeper wounds to get wet. She got out a brush and started brushing my wavy hair. Opening the drawers, she handed out a new toothbrush and let me brush my teeth. The feel and taste of minty freshness replaced the awful after taste of puke.

She also helped me change my clothes into a fresh pair of large cotton t-shirt and shorts. It was a huge feat considering the IV that’s connected to my hand but we managed even though it took more time than usual.

After what feels like an hour, Anya lead me back to the room and let me rest on the bed.

“Your phone is on the table beside you. I’ll just bring this down okay?” She said as she took hold of the tray and waited for my response.

“Sure. Don’t mind me, thanks for the help Anya”

“No problem at all” she smiled as she left the room.

Reaching for the drawer, I pulled it open to reveal my buzzing phone.

I unlocked my phone to see that I had a notification. Opening the application, I was notified of the tracker I have placed. The location states it was here, for a moment I thought it was Arturo but then I remembered I had two trackers, my earrings. I only put one in Arturo and the other one was still here with me.

Letting out a breath of relief, I heard knocking on the door and revealed a beautiful woman in what I’m guessing is her late 30′s.

“Good morning Tatiana, I’m Dr. Roselyn Moore, I’m the resident doctor here” she said as she offered a hand and I shook it.

“Nice to meet you”

“Likewise. Although I would have preferred it not to be in this circumstances” she smiled.

“Trust me doc, this things happen to me a lot so you better get used to it. This would be like our girl time” I said.

Dr. Moore laughed so hard and I joined in.

“I like you. No wonder Dimitri’s smitten with you my dear” she said.

As the laughter died, Dr. Moore proceeded on checking my vitals and replacing the bandages on my wounds.

After that, she sat down on the chair and faced me.

“Is it serious?” I asked.

“You’re wound on your back isn’t bleeding as much, but it’s still a fairly open wound. You also have a fractured rib and hairline fracture on your cheekbone” she finished.

I wasn’t as shocked because to be quite honest, these wounds are not something I haven’t experienced before.

“One more thing Tatiana” she started.

“What is it doc? I doubt it’s not something I haven’t experienced before” I chuckled at the thought.

“You might be pregnant”

“I-I.. what?!”

“When we did some tests on you, I noted the irregularities and presumed you might be pregnant since you’re late on your period”

I was stunned to silence. I didn’t know what to say. We only did it once, okay, well multiple times in one night but that’s besides the point. Okay maybe it is the point.

“Fucking Hell” I breathed out.

“Calm down Tatiana, we’re not sure yet, we need to have a pregnancy test. It’s still early so maybe it’s just that your period is irregular” she explained.

I mentally count down the days since Dimitri and I had sex.

“H-how is that even possible? How long was I even out?”

“You were out for a week Tatiana. And if you and Dimitri had sex at a time your ovulation was at its highest, well, it is indeed possible. Let’s get you tested after a week okay?”

“Wait, how did you assume it was Dimitri?” I asked skeptically.

“Who else would it be darling?” She teased.

I slumped down in my bed, and felt the headache coming. This could not be happening.

“Don’t worry, I haven’t told anyone” she said as she patted my shoulder.

“Can I go out Doc? I really need some fresh air” I said.

“Of course. Just be careful with your IV and be back before it gets too cold” she advised.

I nodded my head and watched as she went out.

“Oh my god this is isn’t happening. Nope, it’s just my uterus giving me a nice scare. Yeah, that’s it”

I slipped on my slippers and draped my cardigan around myself. I took slow steps dragging the metal pole with me.

I found myself outside the garden and followed the small path that lead to a secluded part of the garden. I sat on the bench and placed my hands on my knees as I tried to calm myself down.

A million things were running inside my head that I didn’t bother looking up at the intruder.

“Leave me alone Dimitri. I need time for myself” I muttered quietly.

“Aww the cucciola finally learns the truth”

I brought my head up so fast and the breath was knocked out of me.

Arturo was behind me, a gun placed on my temple.

“A-arturo? H-how’s that possible?”

“You should know better by now that bad people live longer” he said as he leaned down and whispered on my ear.

He pushed me roughly to the ground, the needle that was once in my arm pulled of and the pain shot all throughout my body.

I studied Arturo. He literally looked like he just escaped death by a millimeter. His once impeccable suit was stained with dirt and blood. He look pained and I’m guessing it was a bullet wound near his chest. He was clutching it and the blood stain kept on getting bigger.

“Why are you here Arturo? It’s over, many of your men were killed”

“I know, and I blame you for that. If I’m going to hell, I might as well bring you with me”

He pointed the gun at me and cold fear washed through my body. I can’t move, and frankly, I don’t have the strength to do so.

He came closer and gripped me by the jaw forcing me to look at him.

“Shame you didn’t just join me. Dimitri’s sister was easier to fool but I guess you weren’t”

He said as he shoved me down and placed his heavy foot on my mid section. He placed it harder and I was struggling to breathe. With one kick I was sent rolling to the side as I coughed up blood. My vision blurring.

Pulling out the safety, he pointed it at me and smiled maniacally.

“Say hello to mommy and daddy for me”

As he shot the gun, I closed my eyes waiting for the pain but none came. I opened my eyes to see Dimitri just a few feet in front of me. Blood staining his white shirt.

“Dimitri!!” I scrambled up and tried to reach Dimitri but the pain hurt like a bitch and I coughed up more blood.

Dimitri’s expression turned into a murderous one as he stood up from his position and got his gun out.

“You’ll pay for this” he spat.

With the blurriness of my vision, all I could make out was bodies clashing. I struggled to stand up but I still managed.

I saw Dimitri and Arturo exchange punches. Arturo was already swaying and it looks like he already lost so much blood.

He fell on the ground with a thud as I felt the few drops of rain start to fall.

With small steps, I finally reached Dimitri’s side as he pulled me behind him, as much distance as he could away from Arturo.

Arturo chuckled and then faced us with a bloody smile.

“As much as I know you want to kill me, I simply cannot give you the satisfaction of doing so”

The rain was pouring hard and with swift movements, he pulled out a small knife from his pocket and plunged it down his neck.

Blood spluttered across the white roses staining it red. Dimitri quickly had his arm around my eyes blocking my view. I heard him struggling until Dimitri shifted and I heard the gun shot. Two more followed until I could no longer hear the grunts of pain.

Dimitri turned us both around and started guiding me towards the house just as men started running towards the scene.

Both of us were silent, and he only uttered two words at the men.

“Burn him”

I saw Viktor and the others rushing towards our side, but that’s all I could remember as I felt my movements slow down and the darkness consumed me yet again.

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