Guns & Roses
Chapter 33


“You’re grandfather”

I recalled the many faces we encountered that night because honestly, that night was quite a blur.

“T-that man” I stuttered.

“Yes, Abram Lunanov. The one I introduced to you before we got separated. He’s your grandfather” Dimitri explained.

Holy shit. From what I remembered, he was the one with a thick heavy russian accent and the one who stared at my necklace! Wait.

“It wasn’t the necklace he was staring at... it was my birthmark” I realized.

“Oh my god. And the name! The name he uttered was my Mother!”

I felt a headache coming as I finally pieced the puzzle pieces together.

“Yes. And also...”

“Also what?”

“He’s here” he said.

“Here? Here as in you house here?” I asked.

“Yes here. More specifically outside your door this very moment” Dimitri said as he sent a glare at the door.

And just like that, the door swung open revealing the old man I saw at the ball dressed impeccably in a well tailored suit with a cane on his right hand.

I stared at the man as he cleared his throat.

“I apologize, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. I just heard shouting which caught my attention”

I saw Dimitri from the corner of my eye rolling his eyes in disdain muttering what I heard was like ‘Eavesdrop my ass’

“I heard that young man”

I suppressed the chuckle that was threatening to come out.

Dimitri stood up not before giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

“I’ll let you two talk. I’ll come back” he said almost leaning in but a cough prevented him from doing so. He only smiled before going outside the room.

“How are you feeling?” My grandfather asked as he took a seat on the small chair.

“That’s the exact same thing Dimitri asked” I said smiling. “Is it a mafia boss thing?”

He laughed at my remark and smiled warmly at me.

“You look just like your mom... and sassy just like her too” he chuckled.

“So I’ve been told” I said.

“Ah yes, that asshole must have told you” he said solemnly.

“Yes, and that asshole had to be the first one to tell me the truth. Even if I had to face the consequences” I said grimacing at my wounds.

“I told Dimitri to tell you the truth as soon as possible but the stubborn man thought you needed more time.”

“I’m starting to think so too... it’s just so many to handle all at once” I said.

He just nodded in agreement and silence filled the room once again. He looked so pained that I don’t recognize him at all and he, on the other hands knows me all to well.

“Let me introduce myself again. I’m Abram Lunanov, your grandfather” he said as he stretched out a hand.

I stared at the hand laid in front of me but I did what any long lost relative is supposed to do.

Against my aching body’s better judgment, I reached for my grandfather and pulled him into a hug in which he was surprised at the gesture. He was stiff at first but then relaxed just as fast.

“Long time no see grandpa” I whispered, tears brimming in my eyes.

We pulled apart and I saw that his eyes held unshed tears as well. He smiled as he placed a hand on my cheek, stroking away the tears.

“Long time indeed my darling little luna” he said as he kissed my forehead.

I cried harder as he gently patted my back, careful not to put pressure on my wound.

“I guess I’m not that fierce after all. I’m such a crybaby” I said chuckling.

“Even the bravest men cry when it comes to family and love ones. I cried so hard when I lost your parents...” he said, a sad smile on his face.

“Can you tell me about them?” I asked.

“Of course my dear. Where do you want to start?” He asked encouragingly.

“I’m ashamed to ask, but I honestly don’t remember a thing... maybe we could start with their names?” I offered shyly.

People may think what kind of daughter I was for forgetting her parents’ names, but the way I grew up, the brainwashing I gone through.. you can’t really blame me for not knowing a huge chunk of my childhood.

“I understand, It’s not your fault” he said patting my shoulder. He smiled reassuringly at me as he continued.

“Your father’s name, my only son, is Nikolai Lunanov and your mother’s name is-”

“Alyona” I said.

“Yes, Alyona Siciliano, the name I called you when we first met.

They first met when I was training Nikolai to take over the business. Alyona was a maid and only one of the few who can handle Nikolai’s temper and at the same time whom my son confides in.

They were both young and soon enough fell in love. But that wasn’t as easy as it sound. My son was arranged to be married to a daughter of another powerful mafia, the Aleksandrovs only daughter, Dimitri’s Aunt. I was best friends with the head of the Aleksandrovs and it was a long standing promise to unite both families through a marital union”

“What happened then?” I asked, genuinely curious.

“Well you see, Nikolai inherited his mother’s hard headedness and refused to marry the girl. And it seems the feelings are mutual since the Aleksandrov’s daughter ran away with her lover. Soon enough your mother fell pregnant with you and it was only necessary for the two to get married. We are still religious people who believed on the sacredness of marriage even though we deal with crimes”

My grandfather continued on telling me stories of how my father and mother would fight but then get back together since they had me. He told stories of how the mansion was always filled with laughter and that the men of the mafia always turned soft when it came to my so-called toddler charms. He also mentioned how the friendship was always passed on between both families since my father was best friends with their son and that I was also best buddies with Dimitri. We laughed and had tears in our eyes as he recalled the fond memories of the past.

As much as I didn’t want the happiness to end, I knew we had to tackle this particular truth sooner or later.

“Grandpa.. I want to know what happened” I said.

Even though I did not specifically state what even I was talking about, he already knew judging by the heavy sigh he breathed out.

“It pains me everytime I recall that tragedy. But I know you deserve to hear the truth” he said.

I was braising myself. Even though I did not recall much of my parents, they were still my mom and dad. And from the stories my grandfather told me, I knew I was never short of love I received from them.

“When your mother first came to Russia, I had men do a little background check to ensure she wasn’t a spy...”

Oh my god. The irony.

“That’s when I learned she was an orphan from a little town in Sicily. It was a peaceful town with basically non-existent crimes. I was also informed of a young boy she was close with, and that was Arturo.

I paid no attention to their communication, even if you considered it one, since it took months for the other’s letter to come through. Even so, I thought nothing of it. But I guess I was wrong. Who knew the boy had feelings for your mother and who would have thought he was a boy who’s Mortelli blood flows in him.

He wanted your mother back and in his pursuit took over the whole Mortelli Family and lead them. What once was a harmless gang became a large known mafia. Your father was absolutely furious, there was a threat and he made sure you’re mother was safe. Months before you were even born, it was just little attacks here and there. It continued to be like that until the time you were born.

They stopped with the attacks and it remained that way for three years. Little did we know that it’s because their attention was on the Aleksandrovs. Because of Giuseppe who had hatred for the Aleksandrovs was what caused the temporary peace”

“I recall a man by the name Giuseppe... He was the man who kidnapped me! I don’t get it though, why do they hate the Aleksandrovs?”

“It’s because the Aleksandrovs are the reason for the Mortelli’s fall. They were once the most feared mafia in Italy until they had a run in with the Aleksandrovs. And when they finally regained power through Arturo’s leadership, they sought revenge.

When they somehow knew that the Aleksandrovs were always at our place, they waited for the perfect moment to strike”

“Shouldn’t the security be ten times more powerful? Both the families are in one place?” I asked.

“Naturally, that would be the case my dear. But mafia dons such as myself have social obligations to fulfill by attending functions that other leaders must also attend.

Me, your father and Dimitri’s father attended which decreased the number of security back at home. It was a fatal mistake none of us had foreseen. The mortellis attacked that day, with the intention of kidnapping your mother. But your mother’s bestfriend, Ivanka, Dimitri’s Mother, is just as stubborn and got herself in that mess.

Arturo’s plan included you as well, and that’s when he made sure his second in command, his maternal cousin, Giuseppe, got you. But the truth is, they had other plans, they sold you off at the agency for a hefty price with the purpose that The Agency might use you as leverage some day.

When we received word of the attack, we immediately went back only to see chaos everywhere. Your father’s first instinct was to find you and your mother. That day, he managed to find your mother while I had my men looking out for you. As much as I wanted to be in action, I can’t let the family crumble down as much as it already was”

“So what happened to them?..” I dreaded asking.

“My men reported that Ivanka died through a gunshot wound, while your mother... your mother suffered great pain under Arturo’s hands...

Arturo was truly obsessed to the point he hurt your mother. He couldn’t grasp the fact that she didn’t love him like that and that she could never love him the way she loves your father.

Arturo released them after that revelation, Your father almost managed to get themselves out but Arturo burned the whole place down himself included. How he survived that fire was beyond me but he nonetheless, a unpredictable psychopath. Good thing he’s in hell right now” he grounded out.

After relaxing a bit, the anger turned to sorrow as he faced me yet again.

“I lost the last few people I ever cared for that day. My son, my daughter, and you my little luna” he said as brushed away the tears I didn’t know was already there.

“But all is well in the end, because Dimitri finally found you after all these years of our search” he said.

“What?” I asked as I sniffed ungracefully and wiped the tears using the back of my hand.

“I don’t know if you remember, but Dimitri was the one you were with that day. He lead the guards away so that they won’t find you. He begged his father to come back for you but of course he did not oblige. He was just a kid after all” he explained.

“So when he got older, he trained really hard to find you. And here we are” he said with a smile.

I was staring at my lap since words failed me at the moment. I didn’t know what to say.

“Don’t be so hard on him my little luna. Forgive him if he thought keeping it a secret for a while would be best for you, he only did what he thought would be less hurtful on your part. Because he too lost a great deal that day and up to now”

“What do you mean?” I asked. I know Dimitri lost his mother, but were there someone else?

“Dimitri might have lost his mother that day but he lost more that one people due to that tragedy. It’s not my story to tell, I suggest asking him” he smiled warmly at me.

I nodded my head in response sinking all the information that was given to me today.

“I’ll leave you be, get some rest my little luna” he said as he stood up and kissed my head.

My grandfather’s retreating back was the last thing I saw as the stress finally made itself known and sleep finally caught up to me.

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