Falling For Storm
Chapter 9


Wyatt, Hunter, and I arrived at the border sniffing for clues as to where the three rogues had headed, and I was shocked to find five of our warriors badly injured. “What the hell happened here?” I asked more to myself. I couldn’t believe the aftermath and the blood bath that I saw. These warriors are very capable and strong fighters, so they don’t and won’t go down easily, but these rogues have managed to inflict a lot of damage in a short amount of time, and if we don’t hurry, many people and pack members could get hurt or die. It wasn’t something that normally happened in our pack, as we train the toughest and strongest warriors compared to other packs. Luckily, our pack hospital had already dispatched the medics to take care of their wounds. The truth is, we may have healing abilities, but werewolves tend to heal longer when our kind or any other supernatural being is the one who inflicted the cuts and bruises. I was analyzing the situation and the possible outcome when I noticed that we were running closer and closer to my home.

“Shit! Amara was waiting for me there,” I warned, making the three of us run faster. I buried the panic that was slowly creeping in and headed in the direction where the scent was strongest, with Hunter and Wyatt following closely behind. I notified everyone to alert them of the possible whereabouts of the intruders and to be on guard. I ran as fast as my legs could take me, and once we were near the clearing of the back yard, two of them came charging at me. I quickly maneuvered my entire body, narrowly missing being bitten on the throat. Hunter attacked the closest one to me, while Wyatt found the third one hidden behind the trees.

It was a three-on-three deathmatch, but I was confident that we could take them on. Wyatt and Hunter are excellent and strong fighters, so I know that they combine intelligence and strength during encounters like these. They calculate their opponent’s move before going in for the kill. However, it would be wiser for the three of us not to get too cocky, so we devised a plan to stick within each other’s range. This way, we would be able to look out for one another. “Stay close and watch each other’s backs,” I instructed, earning a deep, confirming growl from both my beta and gamma. “Let’s make this quick,” Wyatt suggested. Unfortunately, it took about fifteen minutes for me to tear one of the rogues apart. Once I was sure that it was never going to see the light of day again, I looked over my shoulder and saw that Hunter had just snapped his opponent’s neck while Wyatt was dodging his opponent’s advances, and right before it lounged at him, he twisted out of the way, giving him the opening to bite down, cracking the rogue’s skull.

After we got rid of their bodies and burned them, we patrolled around for a few more minutes to make sure that there were no more threats. We also doubled the number of watchers and warriors for safety measures before we headed back to the house. I didn’t know what the attack was about or what the agenda was, but what I did know was that these rouges were definitely stronger and bigger than the ones we handled before. They also appeared to be able to reason rather than have their bloodlust completely control them. We had dealt with a number of their kind over the years, but what we had to deal with tonight was a bit alarming. Normally, I would be able to take on five at the same time, and it wouldn’t even last for more than ten minutes. I know that sounded like bullshit, but it was the truth. Obviously, the case earlier had a different outcome.

I could sense they were different. Their scent was not as rotten as it should have been, and they locked eyes every once in a while, as if they were communicating with each other. Rogues didn’t do that; they couldn’t use mind-link. Only wolves belonging to a pack could do that. I was certain of it. I also noticed that they moved in a way that most pack members would during a hunt, which was exactly why there was no way that this was only a coincidence or that they were just passing through.

We were still lucky that no other pack member was injured or attacked. However, I had a feeling that this wasn’t going to be the last either, so even though it was just a hunch, I decided to call a meeting early tomorrow morning. We needed to investigate and get in touch with the other neighboring packs to see if they knew anything about these rogues. Training new warriors was also a top priority, so I needed Dakota to keep an eye on Amara and look after the bar while I took care of Alpha businesses. I knew she was going to hate me for it, but if anything happened to me, she would take over as Alpha. That said, she needed to learn how to be responsible for people, no matter how small the task was.

We were a complete mess once we shifted back to our human forms. Our bodies were covered in bloodstains and mud, and we probably smelled awful too. I couldn’t allow Amara to see me like that, so I quickly took a shower in my parents’ bathroom before going upstairs to check on her. I slowly opened the door to avoid startling her, but when my eyes landed on her, she was lying on her side. My heartbeat sped up for a second, thinking that one of the rogues might have knocked her out, but then I noticed that she didn’t look like she was hurt.

She just fell asleep on the floor, hands placed underneath her cheeks, breathing deeply and evenly. My mate looked so peaceful and content that I didn’t have the heart to wake her up. Well, that and the fact that I didn’t want her out of my sight after what happened. At least not for tonight. I gently lifted her up and placed her on my bed. I then tucked her in, pulling the covers over her shoulders, before getting undressed and lying next to her. She stirred slightly and ended up facing me; it naturally made me freeze, wondering if she was going to wake up or not. When I was sure that she was still sleeping soundly, I swiped away the hair that fell on her beautiful face and then pulled her into my arms. God, I love her scent. It soothes my soul and brings every part of me alive. I watched her for what felt like hours, kissing every part of her face lightly. I was enjoying the moment, refusing to think about the dangers that could lurk. For now, I don’t care about anything else. It might take a while before anything like this happens again, so I was going to take advantage of it.

When sleep finally took over, I felt happy and at ease, knowing that Amara was safely wrapped in my arms.

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