Falling For Storm
Chapter 8


“Where are we going? I thought we were hanging out?” Amara’s eyes widened as we drove past the bar. “We are, but you can’t study there; it’s too noisy,” I said, smirking. She kept looking at me, wondering where we were supposed to be going, and it was a lot of fun knowing that she didn’t have a clue. The thing is, ever since my parents found out about her, they’ve been begging me to take her home and meet them. Of course, there was a part of me that didn’t want to freak her out, but a huge part of me wanted her to feel comfortable with everyone as early as now, so that I could cross out another hurdle and move on to the unending to-do list. By to-do list, I meant being able to tell her what she meant to me step-by-step without ruining everything.

“So, are you going to tell me where we’re going or not?” she asked again. “Home!” I said, chuckling once again. “Home?” she asked, panic evident in her tone. I reached out to intertwine our fingers and gave her a reassuring smile. “Yeah, my room is bigger than my office, naturally, and it’s quieter. Definitely much better for studying. Thankfully, she didn’t protest and just looked out the window. That was one of the many things I like about her. Give her the answer she needs as clearly as you can and she won’t question your decision. Give her a vague one. Well, you’ll end up explaining for hours.

I kissed her hand and then placed it on top of my thigh, which was somewhat of a bad idea because the wolf inside me went nuts. The more I spent time with her, the more it went on a rampage and cajoled me to mark her. It wanted nothing more than to claim her and officially mate with her, which I have no problems with, except for the slight issue that Amara didn’t have any idea that we were more than mythical creatures created by human imagination. I didn’t know how I was going to tell her or show her who I was, and it scared the living daylights out of me, so I had to figure this out and act fast. I was sure other wolves could slightly smell my scent on her, and that put her in a lot of danger.

Amara’s mouth hung open, and her eyes were as big as an owl’s when we pulled in front of my house. “Holy shit! Dakota wasn’t kidding when she said you all live in a huge house.” I chuckled at her words. She looked at me with an arched brow and said, “This isn’t a house; it’s a mall.” I shook my head at her assessment and led her inside the house. Yes, it was huge, but it wasn’t just me and my immediate family who mostly lived there. It was also that way because we conducted our pack meetings and other important gatherings there most of the time. And because we were huge ass beings even in our human forms, we needed to have a huge house to avoid bumping into each other every time we moved. I was just waiting for someone to yell “surprise” when we got in. Everyone was either standing in the hallway or had their heads poking out of the living room. I rolled my eyes at them and shook my head in disapproval. It wasn’t like it was the first time they had seen a human being before, so it was bizarre to see them so curious. Amara hid behind me and smiled at everyone shyly, and I swear I heard someone coo.

I cleared my throat and mind-linked everyone. “Stop making this awkward; you’re going to scare her away.” I pulled her closer to my side, wrapping my arm around her waist. “This is Amara. Amara, this is everyone. Oh, and this is my mom and my dad,” I said, pointing at my parents. They both approached cautiously as if she were a fragile china doll, and it almost made me laugh. My mom extended her arms to give her a hug. “Hello, dear! I’m Sumire, this is my husband Damien.” My father then extended his hand to shake Amara’s. “Hello, sweetheart. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She took my father’s hand in hers and shook it gently. “I’m Amara; I hope I’m not intruding,” she answered. I then went on to introduce her to Wyatt’s family first, then Hunter’s, before pulling her upstairs to my room.

“I’m sorry about that. Me dating and bringing someone to meet them isn’t a normal thing,” I told her after closing the door. “It’s alright,” she answered, blushing hard. She then went on to check every corner of my room, and when her curiosity was satisfied, she placed her school stuff on the carpet. “I like studying on the floor, so I hope you don’t mind,” she said, suddenly lying on her stomach, and my pulse quickened at the sight of her. She looked at me questioningly and gestured for me to join her on the floor. I didn’t know how far I could control myself, so I sat beside her instead. Yeah, now that we’re here, I was thinking that this was a bad idea.

After an hour, she was down to a single homework assignment, so we took a break from all the studying and argued about which answer was correct. We were still seated on the floor, our backs pressed against the foot of my bed, having conversations about all sorts of topics. I didn’t know who moved first, but we’re suddenly on a full make-out session with her legs on either side of my thighs. I pulled her closer to me and deepened the kiss, making her moan. When she started grinding a bit, I smelled her arousal, and it drove me insane. I wanted her so badly, but I had to wait a little longer, at least until I was able to tell her everything she needed to know.

It took everything I had to slow down the kiss, and when she broke the contact, she giggled breathily. “I thought we were doing homework?” I smiled at her question and shook my head at her. “That’s what I also thought, but then you started kissing me.” She smacked my arm playfully and said, “I did no such thing. You started it!” I probably did, but of course, I wouldn’t admit that. Instead, I snaked my hand around the back of her head and pulled her in for another kiss. We made out for a few minutes more until she decided to stop and continue with school work, which made me groan because I wanted to keep going. Two problems in Math later, Wyatt used mind-link to let me know that three rouges were spotted entering the border.

Naturally, I shot up to my feet, almost shifting, which startled Amara. Luckily, she didn’t notice the slight change in my appearance. “What’s wrong?” I shook my head and gave her a wide smile so she wouldn’t suspect that there was something wrong. “Nothing; I just forgot to sign something at the bar that is urgent, so I need to head there for a bit.” She slowly stood in front of me and said, “Okay, I’ll go with you.” Shit! I needed to come up with a perfect excuse quickly; otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to head out and do what I needed to do as the alpha of the pack. “No, please, stay. I’d feel a lot better if you were safely away from all the drunk men out there; I’d be quick. I’ll come back as soon as I can, okay?” I explained. “But it feels so weird being alone in here,” she protested with the cutest pout I had ever seen. “I don’t think it’s weird; no one else thinks it’s weird. Besides, no one will bother you here. I’ll make sure of that.” Thank God, she didn’t fight me about this and just nodded her head. I leaned down to give her a quick kiss and ran as quickly as I could out of the house. Once I was out the door, I looked back at the house to make sure that Amara was nowhere near my window. I then shifted to my wolf form, running in the direction where Hunter and Wyatt were to hunt the rogues down. I hadn’t decided yet if I wanted them captured or killed, but one thing was for sure: I needed to protect my pack, and most especially Amara.

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