Falling For Storm
Chapter 19


Amara retreated to the bathroom to take the phone call, and I was left lying on the bed feeling pissed.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” I groaned.

I couldn’t believe that everything and everyone kept butting in whenever I and Amara were trying to mate. I was going to suffer from blue balls if this kept happening. More importantly, I was going to have problems in the next couple of days if I didn’t claim her as my mate any time soon. The thing is, a newly turned wolf’s sex drive will intensify for the next two weeks or so, and that for sure is going to drive her crazy with need and want. Male wolves will certainly sense and smell her arousal, which will put her in a very dangerous situation, so unless we complete our mating process, she’s going to be out there for everyone to lust after, and that definitely didn’t sit well with me. If we are not going to be able to do this soon, then I might just lock her inside my room if I have to, which will not end well and will never happen, as she’s very adamant about going back to school after today.

I was not even going to dare force her to mate with me because, for one thing, that was just plain wrong. I wasn’t like other alphas who exert so much dominance that they end up becoming too barbaric and cruel, even to their mates. And for another reason, I wanted her to do this willingly. I needed her to know that she had a say in this matter as much as I did, even if it meant holding back some more.

I understand that she has never done anything with anyone, which made me so damn lucky and happy, so that said, I wanted this experience to be no less than spectacular for her. I may be a beast, literally and figuratively speaking, but she deserved the best, which is why I was giving her only the best. I was not going to stop hinting at or seducing her, though, because I’m still a man and I’m nowhere close to being a saint. I just wanted everything to come from her mouth and not mine.

I waited some more, hoping that she was going to come back to bed, but then the shower turned on right after I heard her say goodbye to whoever she was talking to. I sighed, knowing that we’d just have to wait another time for this unless... Maybe I could shower with her? Would she refuse, or would she accept? I guess I’d never know unless I tried, but how should I do this? Should I knock or just go right in? I knew for sure she didn’t lock the door, so fuck it. After much deliberation, I finally took my remaining clothes off and walked right in to find Amara just getting under the water. She turned to look at me and froze at the sight of my naked body, her eyes roaming ever so slowly, as if she were memorizing every part of me. I stood in front of the glass door, letting my eyes study her from head to toe, and damn, I don’t think I’d ever get tired of ogling her body. She was freaking hot, and she didn’t even know it.

A small, shy smile appeared on her lips before she turned her back on me, giving me a perfect view of her curvy hips and luscious ass. I stood behind her as close as possible, and her breath quickened once she felt my hardness right on the small of her back. That’s right, that was what she did to me. Every move she made made me rock hard. I slowly reached out to grab the bottle of body wash and poured some into my hand. I lathered it between my hands before gently rubbing my hands over her shoulders. My hands rubbed her neck down to her arms, giving them a soft massage. It must’ve felt good because she leaned her head on my chest, releasing a soft, contented sigh. I then glided my hands down to her perfectly round breasts, making her nipples pucker, and I watched in fascination as they elongated some more.

“Storm...” She moaned, pressing her breasts further into my palms.

She was getting excited; I could tell based on how her body was moving, and that drove me crazier than ever. I was suddenly fighting the urge to bend her over so that I could ram into her from behind.

“Settle,” I told my inner wolf.

I continued to rub my right hand over her right breast and slid my left hand down, cupping the mound of her cunt. She turned her head to look at me, her eyes now filled with both surprise and lust. Hot... She was hot like lava, looking like that. Her lips slightly parted as I gently rubbed her clitoral area, and I captured her mouth with mine, moving my tongue in a circular motion the same way my fingers were moving. She kept whimpering softly in between our kisses, and that drove me to push my middle finger into her.

“Hmm,” she sighed, and I felt her insides tighten around my finger.

“Is this okay?” I asked before kissing her ear down to her neck.

“Yes, more than okay,” she whispered.

I slipped another finger inside her, testing how tight she was, and her hands flew to the wall in front of her. If my fingers were having a blast coming in and out of her, and I just couldn’t help but imagine how it would feel when I was balls deep in her, so I pinched her nipple lightly before rubbing my thumb over it while I continued to finger-fuck her.

“Please,” she begged, and I was not sure if that meant she wanted me to keep going or to stop.

“Please what?” I asked.

“I want you, Storm. Please,” she pleaded in between breaths. She was dripping wet, and it wasn’t because of the shower, which was driving me insane. I pulled my fingers out of her and quickly turned her around. As much as I wanted this, I really had to have a taste first, so I swiftly kneeled in front of her and buried my face in between her thighs.

“Ah,” she moaned as my tongue lapped over her folds and circled around her bud.

She grabbed a handful of my hair and rolled her head back, eyes closed, grinding her hips a bit. Fuck! She tastes so good. I was certain that she wanted this just as much as I did, and that made me happy. I looked up, watching her writhe in pleasure as I tortured her sensitive parts with my tongue. I then slipped a finger in and quickened the pace, which made her eyes fly open, looking down at me. She was now losing control and balance, so I hooked her leg over my shoulder and deepened my assault.

“Oh, God. Storm-I...” she breathily said, and I knew she was close.

I closed my mouth over her clit and moved my tongue faster, and that did the trick. She whimpered and screamed my name like it was the only thing that was keeping her sane and upright as she rode what could possibly be her first orgasm.

I stood up slowly, making sure that she didn’t slide down, and pulled her from the waist.

“Are you okay?” I asked when she just kept lolling her head.

She looked at me ever so slowly, with a lazy smile on her face.

”Wow!” she said.

“Did you like that?” I asked, and she just nodded her head, looking all flushed.

“Should we continue?” I asked, secretly hoping that she’d say yes, and I held my breath as she buried her face in my chest.

“Yes,” she answered in a muffled voice, and I stopped myself from fist-bumping the air.

“I swear if anyone calls or knocks before we even get to the best part, I’m going to kill whoever it is.” I gritted my teeth, and that made her laugh.

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