Falling For Storm
Chapter 18


I almost had sex with Storm, and I asked him a couple of times to mark me. I didn’t know what came over me, but it seemed that after last night, I’d been wanting him like crazy. I’d never done it with anyone, so for me to want to lose my virginity to him so soon was mind-boggling. I’d become too daring, and that was not something I was known for. Maybe turning into a wolf does this. Aside from all your senses getting heightened, maybe even your emotions and attachment to your mate kick into overdrive too. But nobody mentioned anything about my libido skyrocketing. I don’t know what could’ve happened if Wyatt hadn’t come, but at that moment and even now, I still wanted to give myself to him. I think I have absolutely gone mad.

I needed to take my mind off things, so I started flipping through channels, but I couldn’t settle on anything bearable to watch. When that didn’t work, I grabbed my favorite book and started reading. My attempt, however, was again futile because I’d been reading the same line over and over. I couldn’t get Storm out of my head, and I was getting restless—fidgety, even. I closed the book and dropped it on the floor with a thud. Groaning in frustration, I stomped my way to the bathroom and turned the shower on, contemplating whether I should take a hot one or a cold one. A cold one it is! I thought to myself.

Come dinner time, Storm was still nowhere to be found. I was getting slightly worried because he did say he was going to be back soon. His mother must’ve sensed my distress, so she reached over the table and placed her hand on top of mine.

“He’s going to be fine; he’ll be back soon.”

I gave her a grateful smile before continuing to finish my meal. I was bored to death as soon as everyone was done eating, so I offered to help out with the dishes to kill time. It was almost midnight, but he still wasn’t with me. I guess he had gone to his bar, or maybe he was still doing some alpha business, so I just went to bed right after I did some school work.

Sometime in the middle of the night, I felt Storm pull me closer to him, spooning me. Though I was still half asleep, a surge of joy came over me, knowing that he was safely back and near. It was crazy how I missed him the entire day when we had never been together that long to begin with. All I know is that it was getting difficult not to be clingy to him after what happened.

He gently kissed my shoulder and buried his face in the back of my neck.

“What took you so long?” I sleepily asked, turning to face him.

“We just had a few problems with the rogues, but everything’s fine now,” he answered.

I could sense that there was something bothering him, and he was choosing not to tell me anything. It kind of made me sad that he wasn’t comfortable letting me in, but I figured that maybe he had a big enough reason not to. I have two options here. I could either push for answers or wait for him to tell me on his own. I could tell that he’d had a rough day, so I let things slide and considered asking again later or, more like, forcing him to tell me.

He kissed the tip of my nose and closed his eyes. I watched him drift off to sleep, wondering what it felt like to be an alpha just like him. His main job is to lead everyone and take care of his pack. I couldn’t even take care of a hamster or a goldfish. Heck! I couldn’t even take care of myself sometimes, so I can’t imagine the challenges and the work he has to face day in and day out. Things must be so hard for him, but he was doing what he could in the best possible way, and that makes me fall in love with him more. I’d never admitted that to anyone. I hadn’t even admitted it to myself until now. I think I fell in love the moment he asked me out on a date, or maybe even before that. Maybe it was really love at first sight. I could never define the when and how; all I know is that I am, and that was enough for me.

I woke up feeling something tickling my forehead. I squeezed my eyebrows together before slowly opening my eyes, and when I did, I saw two piercing gray eyes locked into mine. Storm was half lying on top of me, and his face was mere inches from mine. The way he was looking at me made my body tingle because, even if he was just smiling down at me, desire was palpable in his eyes. And for the first time in my life, I felt wanted, beautiful, and confident.

“Good morning,” he said with a seductive smile.

Okay, I could get used to waking up like this.

“Morning.” I sighed sleepily with a lazy smile.

“Did you sleep okay?” he asked with a bit of playfulness.

My mind immediately went blank at that. I knew he was being a tease, but damn, there was also this promise hanging between us that we weren’t going to just end up talking.

“Uh, okay, I guess,” I mumbled, stretching my entire body, and his grin grew wider as he let his eyes take me in from head to toe and then all the way back up.

He gave me the most lustful look there was, and that made me squirm under him. If one look was all it took to get me excited like this, then I could just imagine what would happen once he actually touched me. I thought I was going to come undone. He slowly lowered his head to mine, gently connecting our lips in a very light kiss, and my breathing hitched at the contact. I thought that was going to be it, but then he started kissing me again, like really kissing me, and my toes curled in delight. It was that good—not that I’ve had a lot of experience in that department.

Suddenly, we were all about groping, moaning, and tongue kissing in the next several minutes. It came to a point where I was trying to take charge by pushing him back to get on top of him, and then he would do the same. It was like a tug of war between us. I kept thinking that this was it; I knew it was going to happen, and I was not going to stop it from happening. I was going to give myself to Storm completely—heart, body, and soul. He was about to pull my shirt off, which was the only thing I was wearing over my underwear, when my phone rang. I looked at him wide-eyed, and he looked at me with narrowed eyes.

“Don’t you dare answer that,” he commanded.

“How can I not? It might be important,” I reasoned.

He dropped his head to the crook of my neck and groaned before lying on his side to allow me to stand up, making me laugh. We always end up like this whenever things start getting hot and heavy. It was starting to get frustrating, actually—so frustrating that I inwardly swore that the next time we ended up trying to get it on and someone or something interrupted us, I was going to murder them.

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