Chapter 57 

However, when Ursa thought of how her daughter was hurt by Sophie, she was marinated in hatred. “Just because you’re an Interpol officer, does that mean you can disregard the law? Can you hit someone and not take responsibility?” 

Timothy snorted coldly. “For sure, we have to abide by the law. So, Mrs. Bourn, you can go home and wait. You forced an underage girl to donate blood illegally and even condoned your daughter’s deliberate harm, causing my sister to become paralyzed. The Dawson family won’t let the matter rest. Soon, we’ll settle all the scores with you!” 

Timothy had stood at the door and listened to their conversation for a long time, not missing a single word Roger had said 

He had only met Sophie for the second time and did not have a deep connection with her. 

However, when he heard that his biological sister had suffered such inhumane torture in the Bourn family, a wave of fury crashed through him. 

He would not let any of these people off. 

His gaze was sharp and terrifying as if he wanted to devour Ursa alive. 

In an instant, Ursa’s arrogance disappeared completely She had come to demand an explanation. Unexpectedly, she was held accountable by the Dawson family instead 

She felt a little weak and could not even get up 

Suddenly, there was a sound of someone rushing in at the front gate 

Before anyone could react Russell barged in Ursa, are you alright?” 

He had hurried over upon receiving a notification from the butler that his wife had come to the Nicholls residence 

Originally, he was afraid that Ursa would cause trouble and take Sophie away, but he didn’t expect that when he came in Ursa was lying on the floor. 

Russell was a little angry. “Mr. Norman, even if my wife is in the wrong, you shouldn’t push 


Seeing that her adoptive father could barely control his anger, Sophie couldn’t take it 

Chapter 57 

anymore and said, “Mr. Bourn, please don’t speak irresponsibly before you figure out the situation. She was about to hit me, so my brother pushed her away to save me.” 

Russell was stunned for a moment when Sophie addressed him as Mr. Bourn, but he still helped Ursa up first. 

Ursa said while choking with sobs, “Honey, you’re finally here. They bullied me. The Dawson family… the Dawson family even threatened me to sue us for forcing a minor to donate blood and condoning our daughter’s deliberate harm.” 


Ursa’s words instantly made Russell’s heart skip a beat. 

This was because he knew that what they did was indeed illegal. 

If Timothy pursued the matter, even Laura would not be spared. 

At the thought of this, all Russell’s anger evaporated. He looked at Sophie helplessly and said, “Sophie, do you really have to do this? We have lived together for ten years. Even if… your adoptive mother and I might have neglected you, are you really going to sue us after you leave the Bourn family?” 

Russell made a clever move to retreat while advancing, instantly exerting moral pressure 

on Sophie. 

If she persisted in pursuing the matter, she would appear to be ungrateful. 

But if she didn’t pursue it, all the suffering she had endured in the Bourn family would be 

for nothing. 

She spent countless days and nights in the Bourn family, hoping to escape one day to seek. revenge for herself and reclaim justice. 

However, when she saw Russell’s pleading gaze, she couldn’t help but soften a little. 

Timothy couldn’t stand it anymore and said, “Mr. Bourn, everyone is equal before the law. Just because my sister isn’t holding you accountable doesn’t mean that you didn’t break the law. Let’s leave this matter to the supervisory authorities.” 

Russell was struck dumb. 

He did not expect that Timothy wouldn’t be swayed 

Chapter 57 

Gritting his teeth, he could only say shamelessly, “Mr. Timothy, perhaps you don’t know, but there’s a collaboration between the Dawson Family and the Bourn Family. If it escalates. further, it might affect both families. Why don’t we…” 

“Why don’t you just end the collaboration?” Roger suddenly chimed in, “Your presence is already a form of harm to Sophie. If she continues to see you frequently, it will be like stabbing a knife into her heart. Our family has a lot of projects. The Dawson family can collaborate with us and… they are better off without you!” 

Roger wanted the Bourn family to be a discarded pawn. 

He wanted them to know the consequences of bullying his woman. 

When Sophie saw that Roger was so concerned about her feelings, she could not help but step forward to hold his hand and stand by his side. 

Russell did not expect that even a blind man like Roger would be so tough with him as well. His eyes were filled with indignation. Then, he turned around and wanted to speak to Norman. 

However, Norman felt completely disgusted with Russell and his wife. “Things have come to this far. The collaboration between the Nicholls family and the Bourn family is officially terminated! Mr. and Mrs. Bourn, please show yourself out!” 

Norman did not want to see them ever again. 

Russell had never been treated like this in his life. 

He felt bitter and miserable as if he had been slapped more than ten times. 

“Fine, don’t regret it!” Gritting his teeth in resentment, Russell could only say those harsh words before leaving in a hurry with Ursa. 

Watching them leave, Jasmine suddenly felt extremely disappointed. 

She was hoping that the Bourn couple would teach Sophie a lesson. Unexpectedly, Sophie had turned the situation around again. 

Furthermore, the Dawson family had come over early in the morning and acknowledged Sophie’s identity. 

Now, even Jasmine did not dare to speak rashly. 

11 13:83 

Chapter 57 

If Sophie was indeed the daughter of the Dawson family, then she would have her family 

behind her back. 

Even the Nicholls family could not afford to offend the Dawson family. 

At that moment, she regretted her impulsiveness from before. 

After the troublemaker left, Norman took a deep breath and said to Timothy, “Mr. Timothy, since you’re here, why don’t you join us for breakfast?” 

Timothy smiled. “There’s no need. I’m just here to deliver the results. Also, I want to say a few words to my sister.” 

Sophie’s heart was once again warmed by Timothy’s smile. Unconsciously, she nodded in compliance. “Sure, you can speak to me.” 

Seeing Sophie’s obedient appearance, Timothy’s smile became gentler. “Dad and Mom have received the results, and everyone at home knows that you are our biological sister. However, they don’t want to disturb you rashly, so they sent me to invite you. If you’re willing, come home for lunch.” 

Hearing that the Dawson family had accepted her, Sophie felt as if a rock had been lifted from her heart. 

She heaved a sigh of relief and her eyes turned red. “They… are willing to recognize me?” 

With a soft and cautious voice, she appeared very pitiful, making people feel sorry for her. 

Timothy nodded and said, “Blood is thicker than water. It’s a fact that you’re a member of the Dawson family. How can we not recognize you?” 

The Dawson family was in a state of disbelief when they received the report, but they could not abandon their family. So, they decided to accept Sophie and let her go home. 

Moreover, after learning that Sophie had suffered so much, Timothy had already recognized her as his sister. 

Sophie, who had not cried for a long time, couldn’t help but shed a tear. However, she quickly wiped it away, “Thank you, Timothy… I’m willing to go home. I’ll be there on time for lunch.” 

It was her first time going back home, so she naturally wouldn’t refuse. 

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