Chapter 0332


"You can talk to us about anything that's bothering you. We'll listen," Theo adds with a small smile on his face.

I take a deep breath and then open my mouth. "It's about Rowan,"

Nora coos at Iris before turning to me. "I figured out that much."

"What do you guys think of him? He's hurt me, but I also see some changes in him. My problem is that I don't know whether to forgive him and move forward or not. We talked, and he said some things. Things I'm just not sure if I should accept or not," I don't even know if I was making sense, but I just let it out the way I was processing it in my mind.

They stare at each other before they both turn to me. Theo is the first to speak.

"I don't like Rowan; I have to be honest with you about that. Not after everything he's put you through. I'd rather bury him where no one would ever find his body, but that's just my anger speaking. Anger and bitterness at what you went through at his hands." He begins, and I lean forward, eager to hear what he is going to say.

Hopefully, I could get a different perspective or a light at the end of the tunnel. Anything that would point me in the right direction.

"That said, I witnessed how he was when you were at the hospital. He lived each day like a part of him had been torn and killed. He was a shadow of himself. He wasn't living; he was merely surviving. He was there at the hospital and most of the nights, slept by your side, waiting for you to wake up."

I know there is more he wants to say, but he is holding back.

Nora picks up from him. "We've also been told about everything he did to try to protect you when Ethan sent men after you. I don't think he even realized the meaning behind his actions. Rowan thought he hated you, but only someone who loves you will go to the extents Rowan went to just to protect you."

I sink into the sofa, completely speechless. I didn't know. I didn't ever think that he would do

all that.

"You never know the value of a person until they're gone; that applies to Rowan. He had to lose you just so he could wake the fuck up. Like I said, he's the last man I would choose for

but I also have to admit that through his actions, he proved that he does love you. He was almost late in realizing this fact, but he woke up just in time." Theo squeezes my hand as I fight back my tears.


"So, what should I do?" I ask them, willing them to give me an answer. One that would solve all of my problems.



Nora gives Iris over to Theo and pulls me into her arms. "Oh, honey, we can't answer that for you. Only you know what's best for you. You have to ask yourself if you can forgive him. If you're willing to move forward with him despite the past pains. You have to ask yourself if you're willing to let go of everything bad that happened between you two.'

She pauses, then continues.

"You two have a long way to go if you decide to give him a chance. Your heart won't heal magically in a day or two, and sometimes, when the pain and memories rush back to the surface, you'll question whether you made the right decision in taking him back. Your healing journey won't be easy because you'll have moments when something triggers, but I believe that he's strong enough to take your pain. Given he almost lost you, I believe he's now inclined to do anything to help you heal, even if it takes him his whole life."

I hear, and I love that they've laid down the facts for me. Mom is right; there will always be triggers. Hell, that's what happened about a week ago. The memory I had triggered all my past insecurities and pain. I understand that decision solely rests on me, and that scares me so much because I don't know if I can stay with Rowan, and I'm also not sure if I can let him go. Evelyn M.M


Hey loves, I just wanted to thank you if you've come this far and stuck with me. I wanted to let you know that I plan on completing Ex- Husband's Regret in one or one and a half week. From Monday I'll be doing double updates so we can complete it quickly. After that I'll do a side story on Gabe like most had requested which will also be a continuation of some of the other characters like Calvin and Reaper. When that's done we'll do a separate book on Noah and Gunner's side story will be included in there. That's all. Lots of love, let me know what you think and have a great weekend.

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