Book 1 Chapter 22

I frowned “But-

“But nothing I need you to touch no one but me and Luke okay” I frowned and nodded knowing this was a command not a request. Adrain was my alpha and i didn’t want to disappoint him. I nodded making him smile.

“I’m so sorry for not sensing it earlier. We’ll talk later alright now go with your mate” I looked up and saw Luke standing near the side of the couch beside Andy and Max who had been incredibly quiet the entire time.


Luke’s face was expressionless his eyes hard. I slide off Adrain’s lap and quickly went to him allowing him to pick me as if i was a child. I wrapped my legs around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder.

“She’ll act the age of a four year old for a couple days till her Lycan has aged but she’ll go on her basic wolf instincts and since she found her mate she’ll bascilly be in heat.” Adrain’s face colored sightly and he shook his head. “Don’t deny anything she wants if its reasonable I’ll be back tomorrow to get her”

“Will she try to hurt anyone else?” Luke asked hand up and down my back.

I heard Adrain sigh.

“She won’t to

touch anyone but you but that don’t mean she still can’t hum someone. Remember she’ll think like a child. She’ll get jealous if she don’t get enough attention or she’ll be hurt if you yell or say something harsh. If she does try to harm anyone and Im not

here call me and try to distract her long as possible alright?”

Luke nodded and k*ssed my head.

Luke said something to Max and Andy but I wasn’t really listening.

Luke turned and walked toward my bedroom locking the door behind us. I suddenly became aware i was dressed in only his shirt.

I moaned as he gently

tly laid me on the bed and laid on top of me. “Mmmm mine” i whispered k*ssing his l*ps.

“Yours” he agreed pulling the shirt off and throwing it to the floor forgotten.

Adrain P.O.V

I rubbed a hand over my face as I sat in my car.

Two years!

Two years I had been living with my long lost sister and not once did I sense her Lycan!

Not once did I see our mother in her face as i did now.

At the age of 7 I had moved out the house as had my twin who like me wasn’t able to deal with the grief that poured from our parents. They’d been devastated after their baby girl had been kidnapped. After years went by they lost hope.

My mother would be found sitting outside crying near a memorial that had been created for my sister. For Emma

God I still couldn’t believe I’d found her! Sarah was pissed at me for taking care of Enuma but she just didn’t understand how


Don’t Look Back


Book 1 Chapter

important Emma was

Yes I knew it was wrong to ignore my mate the way I had but Emma had just shifted her Lycan awaking for the first time. I was the only one who knew what she was going through. I was the only one who could control her.

She was the princess of all werewolves the only hope for the continuation of a true hier to the throne Though me and my twin could have children they wouldn’t be true heirs just like me and my brother weren’t. The female Lycan had to produce another female for

the line to continue.

Grabbing my phone I fl*pped it open and called a number I hadn’t su

He answered on the frist ring.

“Adrain whats wrong?”

“Lee…..I found Ella”

Isince I’d moved out.

Silence answered me on the other end.

“Lee you there”

“Yeah…… really found her?”

“Yeah I’v actually been living with her the past two years. She shifted tonight her Lycan woke up and took control. She’s with her mate right now he’ll take care of her”

“She has a mate? God Adrain last time I saw her she was drinking from a bottle.”

I chuckled and laid my head back “I know”

“How does she look” he asked awe

ve in hi

his voice.

“She’s a small thing barely gets to my shoulder. She had brown hair but dyed it blonde. She has dad’s eyes and mom’s face”

“Should we call them?”

1 sighed and rubbed my face. I knew today being her birthday they’d be grieving harder then normal but I didn’t want to tell them over the phone not after disappearing after all this time.

“Can you come over tommrow we’ll bring her home togeather” i told him

“Of course!

God Adrian she’s really okay? I mean she’s not scared or anything?”

“No apparently the people who raised her were loving people” I told him

He sighed I’ll be over frist thing in the morning I’ll call mom and dad and tell them were coming homeTM

I nodded and agreed.

Once I hung up I sighed deeply and drove to the pack house knowing Sarah was pissed at me. I wish I could explain to her how it would be physically impossible to choose her over my sister. My lycan protected its own and Emma was my princess.



Don’t Look Back



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