Book 1 Chapter 21

I felt my face shift

shifting back into human form my fangs retracting. I heard his do the same,

He rose and jerked me up roughly by my hair making me growl my hands grabbing is arm.

“What the hell let her go!” Luke yelled rage contorting his features. He didn’t appear to like see me getting jerked around. I smirked as i saw his wolf dancing in his eyes

i whimpered as if in pain smirking inside when Luke’s eyes darken even more. He was so close to attacking Adrain. I purred at the thought of him fighting his muscles bunching up and rippling.

Adrain jerked my hair harshly making me growl annoyed.

“Shut up” Adrain snapped at me.



“She’s fine. She’s not Emma right now this is her lycan who most likely is wanting to

position as your mate.” Adrain sighed.

He’s mine” I snapped clawing Adrain’s arm.

anyone who could possibly a threat to her

“Stop it now!” His hand grasped me by the throat with a crushing grip I struggled but finally stilled seething quietly inside. This would have hurt a normal wolf and killed a human but I was different. Better.

“Da mn it I can’t just watch you harm her” Luke hissed his b*dy shaking

I turned my eyes to him making my eyes water. “Help me” I whimpered my voice hitching.

I smirked when I felt Luke snap and move forward knocking Adrain down causing him to let me go.

Laughing I turned to stare at the three sitting on the couch who watched me wide eyed. “His mine” I growled.

I shifted my face again and went for Sarah. This b*tch had to go.

I moved so quickly I was a complete blur. I doubted anyone would be able to see me expect Adrain but he was busy with my the moment.

I grabbed Sarah by the throat and slammed her against the wall. Smirking when she gasped for air but I quickly denied it to her adding pressure.

“He’s mine and you can’t have him. You can’t have Adrain either” i told her seriously.

“Both minet” i growled.

Her face was almost blue now. I watched fascinated as the light slowly dimmed from her eyes

Just as the li

light was about to disappear I was thrown against the wall forcing me to release her. The sound of air rushing into her Jungs annoyed me

I glared at Adarin “Your mine she can’t have you”


Don’t Look Back


Book 1 Chapter 21

His eyes showed a flicker of confusion and shock. I knew he didn’t understand what I meant and I placed a hand over his chest. “My blood, mine” I told him seriously

“Sorry this is going to hurt” he told me before burying his fangs in my n*eck. I screamed arching my back as pain and shock rippled through me.

He wrapped his arm around me tightly pulling me into his chest.

Slowly i felt our bond snap together our minds connecting as one. Our darkness swelled and touched each other, testing, measuring, accepting.

He slowly pulled his fangs out of my n*eck and cradled me to his chest. I was limp against his b*dy rubbing my face agsint his shirt. He smiled down at me fondly.

He walked back to the chair Luke had been sitting in and smoothed my hair from my face.

“She almost kills me and you soothing her! Sarah screamed outraged.

I blinked at her and smirked a the bruise forming around her throat. Adrain ignored her and grabbed my chin making me look at


“She is your sister inlaw. My mate you hurt her you hurt me understand?”

I frowned whimpering. I didn’t like the thought of hurting him.

“Am I in trouble?”

“No little one……it’s my fault.”

1 frowned at his words.

“why are you caring for her over me! I’m your mate not her! Sarah screamed. I seriously wanted to hurt her but Adrain said no

“she’s a baby Sarah I can’t just ignore her not after all this time. She dosn’t understand your not a threat to her if I don’t tend she’ll try to kill you again alright?! Give me a minute to talk to her then she needs to be alone with Luke for awhile”

He grimaced and I almost smiled as I saw he didn’t like thinking of me and my mate together.

“She 8 not some child!” Sarah yelled.

“She’s a Lycan! Do you not understand that?! She’s your princess and my sister she was never trained her Lycanis a child in every sense of the word. She don’t understand the word share. She’ll be like this for a while please….let me take care of her first. Don’t

make me choose”

He watched her sadly and I didn’t like seeing him sad.

“I’m sorry i can’t watch my mate choose someone who just attempted to kill me You didn’t even see if I was okay! I knew you were different but if being a Lycan. makes you choose your kind over you own mate then i don’t know if we can be together”

She grabbed her purse and quickly left

Adrain sighed but k*ssed my forehead Tm sorry little sister. I should have known, prepared you don’t feel bad for anything none of this is your fault he told me reading my thoughts:


Dunt La

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