My body is still trembling when Dom lowers me to my feet.

“Jesus, Val.” He presses his lips to my forehead. “You’re fucking perfect.”

I don’t know how to reply to that or really to any of my behavior today, so I don’t try.

Because I’m standing here, clenching my thighs together, trying not to make a total mess of myself since I just had sex with my super-hot, super-strong husband in a public bathroom at my birthday party.

Dom tucks himself back into his pants and straightens his clothes. “I’ll step out so you can get cleaned up. And then we’ll walk back to our table, you’ll eat your dessert, and then we can go home. Sound good?”

I nod my head, biting my lip.

Dom exits the restroom, and as soon as that door shuts, I shuffle over the toilet.

Once I’m standing in front of the mirror, I accept there’s no way to fix the fact that it looks like I’ve been crying. I don’t have any sort of makeup with me, let alone on me, so I dampen a paper towel with cold water and press it to my face for a few seconds.

When nothing else can be done, I pull open the bathroom door and stop short when I find Dominic leaning against the wall next to it.

I know he said we’d walk back to the table, but I guess I hadn’t realized he meant he’d wait for me.

“Ready?” He straightens.

I blow out a breath. “Sorry I ruined the party.”

Dom lowers his brow as he moves to face me. “Don’t apologize. And you didn’t ruin anything. Why would you even think that?”

I gesture at my face and aim for a duh expression. “Everyone is here for me, and I look like I’ve been crying, because I have been crying.”

The side of Dom’s mouth pulls up in that stupid smile I love so much. “Shorty, your face is flushed.” He trails a fingertip down my cheek. “Your eyes are bright.” He traces across my bottom lip. “You don’t look like you’ve been crying. You look like you’ve been well fucked.”

He startles a laugh out of me. “Dom!”


“I don’t want your entire family thinking we had sex in the bathroom.”

He grins. “We did have sex in the bathroom.”


“Valentine, I hate to break it to you, but my mom knows I’m not a virgin anymore. She’s known since she accidentally walked in on me and Stacy having sex on the couch when I was in high school.”

I narrow my eyes. “Who the fuck is Stacy?”

Dominic leans down until we’re eye to eye. “A name I made up just to make you jealous. Now come with me so I can watch you eat your fucking dessert.”

Watch me?

Dom grabs my hand, lifts it into the crook of his arm, and then guides me back into the main dining room.

No one stops talking.

No one stares.

Even the table of guys that cheered me earlier keep their conversation steady and their eyes on each other.

I don’t know if they all really don’t care about our little disappearance or if they were told to act this way after I left. But either way, I appreciate it.

When we reach our table, Bibi smiles and pours me a cup of coffee to have with my dessert, pointing out that it’s decaf.

Bibi starts talking about some Christmas market that the family will be going to soon, and I do my best to tune it out. I can’t add my Christmas baggage to tonight’s tension. That’s too much.

As if he can sense my building stress, Dominic leans closer.

I put the spoon in my mouth, expecting him to tell me to relax when he says something completely different.

“For the record, I wouldn’t mind watching you drip out the cum I filled you with. I stepped out of the bathroom because I figured you’d prefer the privacy.” His voice rumbles low so only I can hear him, and I nearly choke on my mouthful of cream.

A finger trails down the side of my neck. “You just let me know if you want me to stay and watch next time.”

I force myself to swallow, then hold the cloth napkin over my mouth. “Jesus, Dominic.”

He hands me my coffee. “Just being honest, Wife.”

“You’re a menace,” I scoff.

But when he grips my chair and pulls me closer to him, I let myself rest against his side.

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