“I’m sorry.” My mom wrings her hands. “Is it something I said?”

I watch the corner where Valentine disappeared. “No, you’re good, Mom. She’s just had a stressful week, and I’m afraid this all might be a little overwhelming for her.” None of that is a lie. “Just stay here and keep everyone occupied. I’ll go check on her.”

I reach across the table and pat my mom’s hands.

Her smile is a little wobbly. “I really like her.”

I smile at my mother’s approval. “I really like her, too.”

I slide back my chair, then follow Valentine’s path away from the table.

My uncles cheer for me just as loudly as they did when Val passed them.

I almost keep walking but then stop and snatch a shot of something brown out of my closest uncle’s hand.

Before he can protest, I tip the shot back and swallow it down, then hold the empty out to his table. “To marriage.”

They all laugh and tip back their own.

I’m far from drunk, but the extra booze will hopefully help ease my guilt.

I don’t know why I thought Val would like that photo of us from the wedding. I know it’s a bad moment in her memory, but I…

I drag a hand down my face.

I thought I could change that. Thought showing her how content she was in the moment would change that. But in reality, what I did was hand her a photo of a memory she can’t remember because she had been drugged by me.

And then my mom’s ring. Followed by her asking about the ceremony…

I’m thinking this whole night was bad planning on my part.

I depress the handle and enter the women’s restroom.

Similar to the men’s, the room is small. Just two stalls and two sinks.

My cousin’s wife is at one of the sinks, washing her hands, and when she spots me, she hurries to turn off the water.

I don’t know her well. And she must be a little scared of me because she doesn’t so much as touch her hand to a towel to dry off before scurrying past me and out the door.

The farthest stall is closed, the other unoccupied.

And my wife’s soft cries fill the room.

Because I don’t want to traumatize her more, I bend down and look under the door. But her feet aren’t in front of the toilet. They’re facing the wall.

I pull the knife out of my pocket, flick it open, and use the blade to unlock the stall door.

Slipping the knife back in my pocket, I push the door open.

The hinges squeak, and Val spins around.

Her hands are over her mouth, and tears are streaming down her face, but it’s her hunched shoulders that break my heart.

I step into the stall and close the door behind me. “Angel—”

But before I can get out more, she closes the distance between us and throws her arms around my neck.

I don’t question it. I just wrap my arms around her in return. And when she tightens her grip, I tighten mine, hoisting her into the air.

I hate seeing her cry. Hate knowing I’ve caused it. But a part of me relishes in her coming to me. In her reaching for me.

I hold her tighter.

She’s so warm. So soft.

So mine.

And then she rocks my world completely.

“Thank you,” she says against my neck. “Thank you, Dominic.”

Did she really just thank me?

I boost her higher, and she wraps her legs around my waist, her loose skirt bunching at her hips.

“What are you thanking me for, Valentine?” I rub my thumb in a circle on her spine.

I feel her sniff. “This is my first birthday party. And… And you even have balloons.”

I slide my hands down to grip her by the ass so I can lean back a little to hear her better. “Your first surprise party, you mean?”

She sniffles again, then shakes her head.

My brows furrow in confusion. “You’ve never had a birthday party?”

“No,” she whispers.

“How is that possible?”

Val finally meets my eyes. “No one ever wanted to give me one.” She lifts her shoulders.

“What about your family?”

Val presses her lips together as she shakes her head again.

I swallow against the uncomfortable feeling closing around my throat. “Why?”

“Because no one ever cared, Dominic.” She heaves out a breath. “I never had anyone.” More tears drip down her cheeks. “And even if you did this for—”

“I did this for you, Valentine.” I can’t let her finish that sentence. Can’t fucking bear to hear her say it. “I did this for you. Because I do care.”

Her lungs hitch.

She’s ripping my fucking heart out.

Her eyes search mine, looking for something, and I wish I knew what it was so I could make sure to give it to her.

“I do care, Angel.” I try to make her believe me.

Another tear rolls down her cheek before she leans closer. “Show me.”

Val slams her mouth against mine.

It’s desperate.


And I think I need this as much as she does.

I raise a hand to cup the back of her head before I shove her against the wall.

Val’s tongue laps against my lips, and I open for her, angling my head and meeting her lash for lash.

“Hurry,” she whines into my mouth.

“I’ll show you just how much I fucking need you. Anytime you want.” I press my hips into her, pinning her against the wall so I can yank her skirt out of the way. “You just need to ask.”

Val moans and her hips tilt, searching for that friction.

“I’ve been away from this sweet pussy for too long.” I boost her higher, above my belt, so I can undo my pants.

“Please, Dominic.”

“Are you ready for me?” I have no right to ask her that. I’ve hardly even fucking touched her. But I know her body and how she’s always fucking primed. “Is that juicy slit dripping for me?”

She doesn’t answer my question, just drags her nails up the back of my neck and over my head.

My eyes roll back. “Do that again.”

She does, and I have to focus to free my dick from my pants.

Val rolls her hips with a whine.

“It’s okay, Angel. Just pull those panties out of the way, and I’ll stuff you full of this dick.”

She shifts, leaving one arm around my neck and reaching down between us with the other.

My cock is there, bumping against the damp cotton, so when she pulls it to the side, I don’t give her even a second to prepare.

Thrusting my hips, I sink every inch of my length into my wife.

Before she can scream over the intrusion, I seal my lips to hers again, catching her sounds and swallowing them down.

She’s everywhere. Her legs around me. Her arm around me. Her breath filling my ears. Her scent surrounding me. Her emotions, her sadness, her gratitude, her heartbreak… It’s all a part of me now.

And I’m never letting her go.

“You have me,” I tell her as I claim her body. “You’ll always have me.” I promise her by pressing my mouth back to hers.

Wetness touches my lips, and I can taste the saltiness of her tears.

I pull my hips back, my cock sliding through her wetness, then shove back in.

“You’re mine now, remember?” Her pussy squeezes me with each movement of my cock, and I can hardly form words anymore. She’s so goddamn hot for it. Hot for me.

“I remember,” she breathes.

“That’s right, Wife. You’re mine.” My fingers dig into her ass as I slam her body against mine. “And as mine, you’re going to do as I say.”

Val nods, breaking our kiss to gasp for air.

I tip my head down and press a soft kiss against the side of her neck. “Then be my good wife and come for me. Rub that little clit and milk me fucking dry.”

She slides her hand back down between us, and I can feel the tips of her fingers against the top of my dick.

I slow my movements, keeping them steady as I feel her response.

When her breathing starts to change and her pussy starts to clench, I pull back so only the tip is inside her. And I hold still.

“That’s it,” I murmur against her cheek, letting her exhalations fill my ear. “You’re so close.”

“I-I am.”

“Be my pretty birthday girl and come all over this dick.”

Valentine tips her head forward, and she bites my suit jacket as her channel clamps down around me.

I pull out just a little more so her entrance is spasming around the head of my cock.

And when her moan reverberates from her body into mine, I slam all the way in

Claiming her.

Spilling into her as deep as I can go.

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