Dear Soldier, Put Your Gun Down
Chapter 90 It Is Your Turn To Be On Top

Matt's eyes were full of contempt. When he slightly clapped his hands, a woman in her forties was brought over. As soon as she saw Christopher, she pounced on him, "You bastard. It was you who allowed your daughter to kill my lady. If I hadn't escaped quickly and hidden away, I would have been killed by you!"

Christopher slumped to the ground. It was over, it was all over. His life would probably be taken today.

In the manor, Winona was watching the TV. Matt looked incredibly handsome on the screen. Christopher and Elizabeth were being beaten and criticized. The armed personnel put handcuffs on them two and shoved two of them out.

She turned off the TV and walked out with her bag. The sun was shining and the autumn breeze was cool. She gently let out a breath that had been pent-up in her heart for long. She was finally relaxed. As usual, she bought Aileen her favorite snacks and some new clothes, plus a pocketful of glass marbles.

Aileen was particularly happy to see her. She pulled her hand and pouted, "You don't want Aileen anymore, do you? What took you so long to come and see me?"

She could not wait to unpack the things she brought and happily put the clothes on her body to see if they fit her body, "So beautiful, Aileen likes it very much."

She simply put on the clothes and laughed happily. When she saw the pack of snacks, she excitedly unwrapped them when the glass marbles suddenly fell out of the bag. The colorful glass marbles rolled down at her feet and scattered all over the room.

Aileen's face suddenly turned pale. She hurriedly squatted, covered her eyes and shrieked out of control. The nurse who heard the voice hastily ran over, "Did anything happen?" Winona yelled, "All of you get out!"

The nurses and doctors were instantly shocked by her cold voice and walked out.

Hearing her younger sister's miserable shrieks, Winona forced herself to be hard-hearted. She slowly walked to her side, pulled her hands down and said word by word, "Aileen, I know what you're afraid of. But if you can't get over this, you'll live like a fool for the rest of your life!"

Aileen suddenly felt that her usually amiable elder sister had become hateful. She was so scared that she cowered and was looking at her pitifully, "Winona, Aileen is scared, very scared. Quickly take these things away! Take them away!"

Winona grabbed a handful of glass marbles and slowly released them. The glass marbles rolled down from her palm to the ground one by one with clinking sounds. Aileen screamed hysterically. Winona felt as if a knife was pierced through her heart but she still ruthlessly tied her to the chair and forced her to look at the glass marbles all over the floor and listen to the sound of them rolling on the ground, "Aileen, I know what you're afraid of. Back then, Sharon was the one who spread all these on the floor and pushed Mom down, wasn't it?"

"Ah! I don't know! I don't know!"

"When Mom fell at that time, these glass marbles also rolled down with her, didn't they?"

Aileen's face was full of agony. Her pupils dilated and she was breathing in pain. That was her nightmare. Her mother fell to the ground and the glass marbles were stained by the pool of blood. Since then, she was afraid to see this thing and also afraid to hear its sound...

Winona embraced her, "Aileen, the bad guys are dead. No one will threaten you anymore. I'll protect you from now on."


Aileen suddenly let out a shriek and instantly whimpered, tears streaming down her face. "Winona, I was really scared, very scared. It was all blood, it was all blood..."

"Aileen, the people who killed mom have gotten their retribution. They won't threaten us anymore. Trust me, I'll protect you for the rest of your life. Aileen won't have nightmares anymore in the future."


Aileen hugged her and bawled her heart out. Winona was comforting her tenderly, "Aileen likes painting the most. I'll send you to study abroad, okay?"

Aileen nodded as she cried as if the nightmare was about to end.

Although she had already gotten over the psychological obstacle, she still needed to recuperate in the sanatorium for a while. When Winona walked out of the sanatorium, her phone received a text message which stated that Christopher had bribed government officials, participated in several illegal businesses and was suspected of killing his ex-wife and had been taken to the police station to be investigated by the Supreme Court. His wife, Elizabeth as an accomplice could not escape from the blame too.

When Winona returned to the manor, Matt had not returned yet. When it was midnight, she heard the sound of the door opening but she did not hear the sound of him entering the house after a long time. So, she could not help but get up and walk out. Seeing the lights in the guest room was still on, she pushed open the door and entered.

At this time, his uniform was left on the ground. It was covered with dirt and mud. But, shouldn't he go to attend the celebration banquet today? After all, as Christopher was arrested, the presidential election this time became a joke and another election would be held again. In this case, it was very likely that Abram Cohen would come out to clean the mess and very possibly stay in office, which was greatly advantageous to Matt.

Soon, Matt came out with a bath towel wrapping around his waist. His hair was still dripping with water. The water droplets on his shoulders slid down the curve of his pectoral muscles along the V-shaped abs and accumulated at the secret area. With that exceptionally handsome face, it was a mesmerizing picture of a model walking out of the bathroom. Looking at him, her eyes reddened and her body was burning. Even her breath also became hot.

His voice was with a hint of laziness, "Little devil, hungry now? Come here."

He gestured at her. She surprisingly did not retort this time and walked over. He smiled and embraced her in his arms, "Hmm? Are you hungry?"

"Fuck off! I'm just checking to see if you're back."

Leaning against his warm chest, she actually swallowed and the sound was heard by him. He smiled and nipped her ear in his mouth, "If you're hungry, I can satisfy you. But I'm tired today. It's your turn to be on top."

She squirmed, "I don't want to!"

"Then don't move. Let me hug you."

He seemed really exhausted. Even his breathing became heavy and slow.

"Matt, what's wrong with you?"

"Winona, Christopher escaped on the way to be transferred."

Winona was slightly stunned, "How did that happen, weren't the ones escorting him all your men?"

A trace of hostility was shown on his face, "So, there is a mole hidden inside."

Winona remembered he once said that he hated betrayal the most. Although he was usually very strict with his men, he sincerely treated them as his brothers. When there was danger, he would rather let himself be injured than see them bleeding. She suddenly understood his exhaustion at this moment. It was not just about hunting down Christopher, but also because to find that traitor, it was the same as cutting his heart forcefully with a knife.00000000☐☐☐☐☐☐

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