Dear Soldier, Put Your Gun Down
Chapter 89 I'm Here To Destroy You

Matt looked in the mirror and tidied up his military uniform. Winona's lips curled into a proud smile when she turned back. Military uniforms really make a man look super handsome. That camouflage jacket outlined his broad-shoulder and narrow-waist. His two sturdy long legs with military boots were the embodiment of iron will. And not to mention that god-blessed face. Tsk, he was really intimidating, irresistible and invincible.

He turned around and gestured, "Little devil, get your ass over here and help me with the bow tie."

She reached out her hand and tied the bow tie for him carefully. He suddenly lowered his head and kissed her forehead, "Be good at home and wait for me to come back. I'll catch you a big fish today." Of course, she knew that the big fish he was talking about was Christopher.

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

She walked him all the way to the front door and reminded him, "You're not recovered yet. Don't fight against others, understand?"

He kissed her cheek quickly, "Don't worry. He isn't worthy of letting me do it personally. Intelligence is all I need to use today."

He got in the car and from the rear-view mirror he saw her standing at the door with her arms folded. He promptly ordered the driver to stop the car, got out and strode over. He threatened, "Little devil, if you still don't go in, I...I'll fuck you here!"

She laughed and responded, "Matt, is that all you can think of?"

"Good girl, go back to the house now. It's easy to catch a cold during early autumn. I don't want you to get

She bit her lip and giggled, "This sentence works better than a wool coat."

"Go in! I start counting now, one...two..."


She stuck her tongue out at him and then turned around to walk into the house. Only after he made sure that she was inside did he go back into the car. Herman and Samuel muttered in the car, "If we hadn't seen it with our own eyes, who would believe that the tough General Snider would also be so tender?" Samuel tsked and said, "Alas, Matt's tenderness is given to Winona alone. Poor Felix..."

Herman was confused, "What does it have to do with Felix?"

At this time, a plane flew overhead. There was a ghostly deafening cry ringing from above. The two of them looked up together at the unusual scene in the sky. "Oh, can't Felix change his underwear? I want to vomit when seeing it."


Inside the Justice Hall, Christopher who was dressed in a suit was giving a speech enthusiastically. Elizabeth was standing behind him. She nodded and smiled at the crowd. She looked elegant and gentle.

The secretary next to him smiled and clicked the mouse, "Mr. Winston not only has his own unique opinion in politics but also has always been concerned about people's livelihood. Also, over the years he has donated two hundred and fifty primary schools in his own name. Next, we'd like to show you an interview."

The large electronic screen in the Justice Hall lit up but the video that was shown next shocked everyone in the hall. The scene was simply indescribable. Four to five muscular men were serving a woman who was almost fifty years old. They were uttering filthy words and the woman was moaning in extreme pleasure.

Someone shouted, "Isn't that Mrs. Winston?"

At once, the reporters' flashlights were all pointing at Elizabeth. She hastily hid behind Christopher and covered her face, "It isn't me, it isn't me..."

Christopher held back his fury and glared at the secretary fiercely. She was so frightened that she quickly tried to delete the video but the mouse seemed to be out of control. The video continued to play and more erotic scenes were shown in front of the crowd.

The reporters swarmed toward Elizabeth, "Mrs. Winston, is the woman in this video you?"

"One woman had fun with four men simultaneously. Your physical strength is really awesome."

"The saying is really true. Like mother, like daughter. Aren't you going to say something?"

"Does this have anything to do with Mr. Winston? Did he instruct you to have such an indecent deal?"

When Christopher saw his votes on the big screen started to drop, despite his anger and resentment, in order to save the day, he had to block the crowd from approaching Elizabeth and spoke firmly, "I can swear on my life that the woman on the video is definitely not my wife. It must be someone who wants to take this opportunity to smear me. This is a scheme. Guys, don't hold a candle to the devil!" Suddenly, the voice on the big screen was amplified.

"Ah, so good, so good, hurry up, hurry up!"

"The one at the top, don't stop, um..."

"Call me first lady, quick!"

"First lady, it seems that President Winston can't satisfy you, huh?"

"That impotent dickhead never makes me truly happy. Even his fingers are thicker than his penis. If it wasn't for his money, I wouldn't even bother to look at him."

Hearing these words, Christopher's anger could no longer be suppressed, He turned around and gave Elizabeth several hard slaps, "Bitch! How dare you cheat on me!"

Elizabeth was startled. Several teeth flew out and she lay on the ground grimacing in pain. The reporters all surrounded her.

At this point, Christopher immediately decided to abandon Elizabeth. With a sad face, he complained in front of the camera, "In fact, my marriage with this woman merely exists in name. There's no love anymore. But, I didn't know that she would do such shameless things behind my back."

His tearful accusations apparently turned him into a gentle and honest man who was unfortunately betrayed by his wife. Public opinions had always been in favor of the weaker party so people all supported him. At this time, his votes on the Internet were still soaring and some netizens even consoled him on the live broadcast.

Christopher wiped his tears and secretly glanced at the data on the big screen. His lips curled into a triumphant smile. At this moment, a handsome figure appeared in front of the crowd. It was General Matt Snider, whom everyone had been waiting for long. Once he appeared, everyone in the hall burst into excitement. Screams of women could be heard everywhere.

His lips just curled into a small smile. His handsome face showed a charming mix of righteousness and wickedness and was alluring enough to captivate anyone.

"General Snider, is your disappearance some time ago related to the assassination of the president?"

"I heard that you became a wanted criminal. How come you show up here today?"

"Are you also here to run for the president?"

Matt walked onto the stage domineeringly and ignored the reporters' microphones. His hawk-like eyes scanned over every corner of the entire hall, "I came here today to expose a conspiracy and to reveal the true colors of a person. If you guys don't mind, please keep quiet and watch the show."

Seeing Matt's soldiers with firearms, everyone quieted down and was excitedly and nervously waiting for what was about to unfold.

Christopher's pupils contracted rapidly. He gritted his teeth and asked, "Matt, are you here today to thwart me?"

"Thwart you? No, I'm here to destroy you!"☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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