Dear Soldier, Put Your Gun Down
Chapter 78 I'm Your Protection and Support

There was always someone in this world that you couldn't let go of, and even a single word of submission from her or him could instantly break down the brick wall of anger, stubbornness, and toughness you had forged, which we called weakness. And Winona happened to be Matt's weakness. Even though he was angry at the moment, his anger was instantly dashed when he heard her heartbreaking and frustrating words.

He turned back and hugged her, "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. I'm just ... just tired."

She didn't want Matt to worry with her until things were clear. Not to mention the fact that this matter concerned Matt's military and political career. If the man really was the president, then she wouldn't pull Matt down. After all, he had spent over a decade in the military using his blood and sweat to get where he was today, and even if he was willing to give it up, she couldn't afford it.

He was about to ask something else when she had closed her eyes and looked exhausted. He reached out and patted her back, "I'll let you off tonight. You get some rest."

He held her in his arms, but his thoughts ran wild. After she had fallen asleep, he quietly went to his study, poured a glass of wine, and lit a cigar. But until the cigarettes went out and the wine ran out, it failed to dispel the irritation in his heart. Immediately afterward, he dialed Anton Cruz's phone number, "How's the matter I asked you to look into?"

"Matt, this man is really something. He's gone from being a poor kid back then to becoming the president of Coscana. He doesn't have a family background or a high level of education, but he had surprisingly made it through the ranks along the way, on par with your path to promotion."

"Cut the crap, and get to the point!"

"Matt, you really need to hear all the details. It's not possible to tell the story in one or two sentences."

Anton then told him what he had investigated. It turned out that the President's name was Abram Cohen before he entered politics, and he was truly penniless back then. He used to work as a librarian at a famous university, then he was liked by a rich girl. The woman thought he was brilliant so she funded his education and begged the headmaster, her father, to granted him special admission. Later, their love affair fell apart, and the disparity in status brought about the end of the relationship.

Later, he disappeared and the rich girl was a person with attitude. She simply severed her ties with her family and traveled around the world in search of him, and nothing more was known of what happened afterward.

Matt learned that the rich girl was Winona's mother, Gwendoline Simmons. It turned out that Winona had inherited her mother's stubbornness.

"Matt, you don't think the President is the one who killed Gwendoline Simmons, do you?"

"Part of me doubted it. After all, I've known him for ten years, and I know something about his character."

"Is there some misunderstanding?"

In the darkness of the night, Matt's eyes lit up like cold stars, "Anton, help me find someone."

"So are you going to let me have three shares of our casino profits this year?"

"You're fucking ripping me off."

"Hey... Matt, I'm a businessman."

"Fine, you get my share!"

"Cool! You're so generous!"

Matt then sent over a few photos. He was the General of Coscana, and with things unsettled, he was now in the limelight and naturally not at liberty to take some things into his own hands.

He lit another cigar and tilted his head to exhale a diffuse ring of smoke. He had a premonition that there was a dark hand behind this affair. But whoever that hand was, if he threatened Winona's safety, he would do everything in his power to crush it!

The next morning, after breakfast, Matt took Winona to the hospital. All the way there she lay in his arms with her eyes closed. She knew very well that he was intelligent and she was afraid that her emotions would be easily exposed in front of him, so she simply closed her eyes. But what she did not know was that her confusion, her struggles, her forced smiles were all seen by him. His heart ached. Even though she hadn't said anything, he had guessed what had happened when he thought of her aberrant behavior at Ruri Palace.

When she arrived at the hospital, Matt kissed her goodbye, and still unable to resist the urge to say, "Don't be impulsive about anything. Remember, I'm the man who will stand in front of you to protect you, and stand behind you as your support and reliance."

Hearing those words, she was moved and saddened. He sensed it, after all. But she could not tell him until her suspicions were confirmed. She smiled reluctantly, "I know. You'd better go now. If people see you later, you'll be surrounded by people again."

"Don't smile like that. It's ugly!"

He lowered his head and kissed her, "I'm only yours."

She closed her eyes slowly, enjoying the sweetness of the moment. As he left, she suddenly called out to him, "Matt."

"What? You don't want me to go?"

"I love you."

He hesitated for a moment and immediately stepped out of the car, then hugged her fiercely and kissed her frantically. Looking at her slightly swollen lips, he laughed, "I really don't want to go. I'd love to have you bolted to me every moment of every day."

"What's the rush? I'll be on time at the end of the month for the battlefield medic selection competition. Won't we be together every day by then?"

He laughed, "I'm inexplicably aroused just thinking about it."

"So... can we postpone our wedding until next month?"

He frowned slightly, "Does the assessment competition clash with the wedding?"

"I just... don't want people to think I'm relying on your ability to enter the military."

"I'm happy to cover you. Who the fuck dares say anything?"

"Matt, I don't want that. And... and the wedding dress and gown aren't ready yet..."

He suddenly gripped her shoulders and stared at her intently, "Do you... not want to have a wedding with me?"

Her body stiffened and she was a little nervous, "What are you talking about? I'm already yours. Isn't a wedding just a formality? I just want it to be perfect, so it will take more effort and time." He couldn't bear to see her embarrassed, so he said, "As long as you're happy."

He was silent for a while and said seriously, "I am not a man who likes to compromise, but I love you."

Because of love, he was willing to give up his principles to compromise. Winona's eyes reddened. She turned around and walked into the hospital. Instead of taking the lift, she climbed the stairs like a madman. The office she was in was on the twenty-eighth floor, and she was panting and sweating as she climbed up there. But this was the only way to seem to relieve the pain she felt in her heart.

Back in her office, she slumped in her seat like a deflated ball. Sweat dripped down her hair and onto the polished desk. She carefully took the cup out and put the one she was drinking from in it, then dialed the DNA testing unit, "Dr. Stanley, can you do me a favor?"

Seeing Dr. Stanley take the Ziploc bag away, she was apprehensive. If the President really was her father, what was she to do when faced with such a powerful man?☐☐☐

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