Dear Soldier, Put Your Gun Down
Chapter 77 Are You a Stallion?

Matt soon received orders from the President to immediately return to Coscana with the Peacekeepers. Until the moment she sat on the plane, Winona was still confused, "So, on the one hand, you are trying to capture Logan in this operation, and on the other hand, you are using this as an excuse to get rid of people who are against you and the President?"

"You're so smart. It's a shame you're not a politician."

"But even if he wipes out those who are creating the rumors, he may not be able to restore your reputation. After all, gossip is a fearful thing. Why don't we go back and have a wedding to save your reputation? After all, a happy event can drown out a lot of gossips."

He frowned slightly, "I don't need to care about their feelings. I'm having a grand wedding for you alone."

She was so touched that she couldn't help but interlock her fingers with his.

The two had just stepped off the plane when a Lincoln limousine pulled up next to the airfield. The car was surrounded by bodyguards dressed in suits, with sunglasses and cold faces. The bodyguard opened the door and the President stepped out of it and personally went to greet Matt, "General Snider, it was a hard trip."

Matt didn't shake his hand and just smiled, "It was even harder for you to eradicate the rest of the Johnson family in one fell swoop."

The Johnson family was also a strong contender in the presidential race. Eliminating them would give him a better chance of staying in office. He obviously sensed Matt's indifference, so he smiled and patted his shoulder, "I know I've wronged you this time, so I'm hosting a banquet at the Ruri Palace today to personally fete you."

"Okay, I happen to have some things I want you to give me a clear answer about."

The President turned to Winona, "Miss Winston, we meet again. I wonder if General Snider often gets the feel of your palm."

Winona blushed, "President, I'm sorry. I was so eager to save him that I misunderstood you."

"Haha... You're quite brave. I have a great appreciation for you."

Matt and Winona then got into the president's car. He whispered in her ear, "This old man rarely compliments people. What exactly did you do to make him praise you so highly?"

Winona then told him about how she had slapped the President. His mouth twitched and he then gave her a thumbs up, "You're really brave."

Upon arriving at the Ruri Palace, the butler guided the group to the President's VIP room. Inside, the gleaming crystal palace overhead was gloriously luxurious.

The Ruri Palace was not only a place for the President of Coscana to entertain his guests, but also his personal residence. The palace was so big and winding that Winona got lost when she went to the bathroom and walked into a similar room before realizing that she had entered the President's private study.

She was about to exit when she spotted a photograph on a bookshelf of a woman who was clearly her mother, Gwendoline Simmons.

She slowly walked over to it and trembled as she stroked the picture. Her mother was radiant in her youth, with a distinctive aura about her and a happy smile on her face. And the man standing beside her was handsome and upright, with a pair of bright piercing eyes. The two were intimately embracing each other. Clearly, they were lovers.

Could her father be the president? With a clang, the frame fell to the floor while so many thoughts whirled around in her mind.

Was this righteous man the one who had gotten her mother pregnant? And then to erase this stain on his political career, he killed her silently. But why hadn't he killed Winona as well? There was only one possibility and that was that he didn't think she could be his daughter.

She felt so sad and angry that she wanted to use the gun in her bag to kill this hypocrite who had deceived her mother!

But she knew that she could not do it at this moment. She was not only Gwendoline Simmons's daughter but also Matt's wife. He loved her so much. How could she let him get hurt?

She quietly put a wine glass in her bag and rushed straight out, then walked down the street and hailed a taxi back to the manor. She was afraid she wouldn't be able to resist killing him if she saw his sanctimonious face!

Karen and Amber were very excited to see her back, "Mrs. Snider, you're back?"


Karen was good at reading people's emotions. Seeing the downcast look on her face, she couldn't help but ask, "Mrs. Snider, what's the matter with you? Did you have a fight with General Snider?" "No, I'm just a little tired."

She walked up the stairs with heavy steps. She came around the corner and ordered, "Prepare a glass of milk for General Snider."


Karen and Amber looked at each other. Didn't Mrs. Snider do all these things herself? What was wrong with her? The two of them took greater care in serving her and didn't dare to make any mistakes. Winona lay in bed and thought a lot. The image of her mother sitting on the balcony from time to time in a daze came to her mind. Her mother often cried out that man's name in her dreams, and could never sleep again after waking up. She must have loved this man, but why did she marry Christopher? Could it be that the man had failed her?

Many people said she was like her mother, both in looks and personality. So how could a woman as strong as she was willing to give up her love? What had happened back then?

She carefully took the cup out of her bag and put it in a Ziploc bag to be taken to the hospital for examination tomorrow.

It was late at night when Matt returned. He closed the door carefully and came over, fearing to disturb her from sleeping.

In fact, she wasn't sleeping at all. At the moment, she could even smell the alcohol on him and the burning breath he let out as he slowly approached.

"Why don't you take off your clothes when you go to bed? Are you waiting for me to undress you? Hmm?"

He probed his hand into her dress and she suddenly grabbed his wrist, "Matt, I'm tired tonight. I don't want to have sex."

"You're not happy? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm just tired."

"How could you hide it from me? You obviously have something on your mind. You won't tell me? Then I will turn nasty."

She was so annoyed that she lost her temper, "Are you a stallion and having sex all day? Don't you have any respect for my opinion? I'm a human being, not an animal! Even if you let a donkey push a mill, you have to let it breathe!"

"You... think that about me all the time?"

His eyes were downcast, his face was gloomy, while veins throbbing on his hands hanging down at his sides, but he managed to suppress his anger, "Well, you get some rest."

Seeing him turn away, she felt a little sad, regretful, and heartbroken, and then, she lunged forward and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind, "Matt, I'm sorry. Don't leave me."

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