Cyber Love
Chapter Fifteen

I was putting my makeup on in the tiny hotel bathroom. I had picked Zeke up from the train station and we had gone straight to the hotel he booked. I still felt it wasn't necessary but I couldn't wait to get into bed with Zeke tonight.

"You look fucking amazing". I turned my head to Zeke’s voice. Giggling stupidly.

"You don't look too bad yourself". I grinned at him. Zeke wore the whitest shirt which looked amazing next to his darker skin. He wore red chinos and that colour looked beautiful on him too.

"I'm nervous," he confessed, rubbing his face with his hand.

"What why?" I laughed, walking closer to him. Zeke grabbed my hand and pulled me into his chest. He smelt gorgeous and I nearly ripped his shirt off.

"What if Liv doesn't like me?".

"Why would she not like you? She's going to be full on, I'm not going to lie but she will love you". I smiled up at him.

"I'm so glad I could do this, to see you". He whispered, kissing my cheek.

"Me too" I breathed out, flinching as his hand went down my peach coloured dress.

"I could really fuck you right now."

"We need to leave," I whispered into his chest. I could really let him fuck me right now. Zeke grabbed me by the waist, turning and pushing me against the bathroom door.

"Zeke!" I half giggled, half shouted. His hand came up and grabbed my cheek. I stared into his eyes, feeling myself get wet just by looking at his face. I closed my eyes as his lips met mine, my arms around his neck. His whole body pushed into mine as his tongue travelled my mouth, his other hand hiking my dress up till it sat at my waist. "Zeke, we have to go" I giggled, breaking his kiss.

"Ten minutes. Please, " his lips were inches from mine and my whole body felt like it was on fire.

"Just Ten?" I said cheekily.

"Yeah I want to fuck you with my hand real quick." My head slammed against the door, fucking hell. Zeke kissed me again as he pulled down my knickers with one hand, his other going down and wrapping around my back. My eyes were slammed shut again, my mouth accepting his tongue and my fate. My body tensed as Zeke pushed two fingers inside of me, his thumb going to my clit.

"How did you know I was going to be wet enough?" I asked, slightly pissed. Zeke’s face was in my neck now, licking me gently.

"You're always wet for me." He groaned and I grabbed the wrist of his hand inside me.

"Fuck" I breathed, grabbing his face and kissing his perfect bottom lip.

"Sash fucking hell," he smiled, I could cum just from that, his perfect smile, his gold tooth shining at me. I don't know why I loved it so much.

"I love your gold tooth" I whispered, feeling my whole stomach bubble.

"That's going as well," he laughed.

"No!" I cried, my breathing heavy. Zeke quickened his pace, his thumb driving me wild. He laughed at me, kissing my cheek.

"Keep it please". My voice was all over the place, my orgasm coming thick.

"You get one. My tattoo or my tooth".

"Oh, you're so fucking mean to me". Zeke burst out laughing, biting my chest.

"Why are we talking? Are you cumming or not?"

"Keep both".

"I'm trying to not look like a hood rat Sash, now fucking cum". I chuckled, my hands on Zeke's shoulders. I let my body do what it needed to, grinding down on Zeke's hand. My pussy tightened around his fingers and I heard him laugh. "There you go baby". He whispered, gently kissing my lips. I bit down on my bottom lip, my grip on his shoulders tighter, to stop my knees from giving away.

"Zeke," I shouted, opening my eyes. "Oh my god!" I called out, my clit throbbing and my orgasm coming down.

"Now we can go," he kissed my cheek, pulling my dress down.

"What about you?" I asked, him dragging me out the bathroom.

"Oh I get to fuck your mouth later". He spoke, putting his wallet into his trousers.

"You're so romantic," I teased.

"What can I say? I'm a great guy". Zeke said with a straight face. I pushed him out of the hotel room, making sure I had the key.

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