258 Brian, the super fan

Brian has never gotten involved in anyone's business before, in fact, he is hardly ever seen around the company. And even if someone is getting killed, he was the type to walk past, but him suddenly showing up here and getting involved sent fear down the bottom of the girls' hearts. 1

Jeslyn's eyes turned watery and the next thing, fat tears poured down her cheeks. She tried to get up but whimpered and sat back on the floor. 1

The more Brian looked at her, the more annoyed he got. "Help her up," he said to one of his assistants standing behind him before he turned sharply to stare at the bullies. "Don't you have work to do?" "W- we do," they stuttered.

"Then get lost." He frowned and the bullies scurried. away.

"T- thank you," Jeslyn managed to say.

Brian looked at her for a long time, "can you walk?" He asked and Jeslyn shook her head.

"Troublesome," he uttered before bending over and carrying Jeslyn in a princess style, heading towards the stairs..

"Brother Brian, weren't you heading to the set?" One of the Assistants asked with a concealed smile.

"Tell them I'll be late," he replied while walking up the stairs.

Being in the hands of this famous god didn't trigger anything in Jeslyn at all. She didn't feel awkward, or emotional, nor did her heart start to tingle with sexual feelings like butterfly effects or whatnot. If Brian was to know that there was finally someone who didn't feel a thing for him, he would have died from disbelief. 1

The two Assistants walking behind him weren't surprised because they knew that one day, Brian would approach Jeslyn. He had always been Jeslyn's fan from the day she did her debut in Country M. He attended a few of her flopped concerts and was also the same artist who was the first to watch the video she posted on the platform.

Thanks to him, VJ Cute got recognition for her first video. It wasn't known how he found out that Jeslyn was VJ Cute. They've asked him a few times but he wouldn't say.

If only Jeslyn knew that she has a secret admirer who had been stalking her for the longest time. Brian carried Jeslyn into Manager Kate's office and sat her down on a vacant seat before leaving without uttering a word to Manager Kate or Jeslyn,

After he left, Jeslyn smiled awkwardly at the woman who was staring at her without uttering a word. After a long while, she spoke: "What was the meaning of your actions earlier?"

"Ah, Manager, I'm so sorry, I don't want to create problems like the rules stated and those girls won't leave me alone, so I made use of what was available. But I had no idea the person whom I was waiting for wouldn't show up but Brian did Instead."

Manager Kate frowned. "I'm asking you what you did at your sister's debut, VJ Cute!"

Jeslyn gasped in shock. Did she know? How? When?

"Don't you dare give me that look. Why are you giving others your talent and pretending to be a waste. in front of me?!"

Jeslyn bolted up and hurried to Manager Kate's back and started to massage her shoulders. "Don't be angry, older sister. Life is too short for us to build up anger. Your face will get wrinkles." 1 Manager Kate stared at her legs as she was hurrying over. 'So her legs were fine, huh?"

"Let go of my shoulders and come stand in front of me," she commanded.

Jeslyn sighed and did as told.

"Spill it all."

"Before I do that, I want you to tell me how you found out," Jeslyn said.

The woman looked at her like she wanted to slap some sense into Jeslyn. "I'm your Manager. Before I accepted to manage your affairs, I listened to your voice, and do you think that as the kind of Manager that I am, I won't find even a little similarity?! Have you forgotten that you're used to straying in voices? You don't only apply that when you sing as VJ Cute, you subconsciously do that as Jeslyn too. Your debu song has some parts where you strayed between your regular alto voice to soprano. Although it wasn't noticeable, however, to learned musicians, they could see you are holding back. So tell me, what's going on, VJ Cute?"

Jeslyn sighed and sat on the chair opposite her Manager. "Good thing my debut song is still in its early phase. I'll sing it again."

Manager Kate doesn't care about what she does with her ongoing debut song right now, what she wanted to know was why a genius would bring herself forward as an average person.

"Christine," calling that name brought Jeslyn lots of good and bad memories. "That girl was one of my favorite people. I loved her so much that giving my life for her would be a five minute thought for me. She was an adopted child, born to my father and his first wife. Haha," she laughed bitterly when she saw the frown on Manager Kate's face.

"Weird, right? Apparently, my dad was married before he tricked my mom into a second marriage and he tried to swindle my mom out of her wealth but failed, then he and his wife came up with the ideal to make my mom adopt Christine. It was a success, Christine was adopted but my dad pretended to hate her, making Christine look even more pitiful that my mom and I had no choice but to love her beyond life itself.

My mom shared her fortune in two between Christine and me but when she found out about my plans, she took back all she gave Christine and put them in

my name.


Long story short, my mom died a few years after and my enemies, including Christine, plotted again to take away everything from me, so they killed my grandfather and pinned the crime on me..."

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