257 Saving the damsel in distress

All the while that Christine was busy manipulating the audience, Jeslyn had left and returned to Fearless Entertainment, so she wasn't aware of the things going on in the venue. 1

Just when she stepped into the company's ground floor, the loud noises coming from the artists. walking or sitting around the premises all stopped and she suddenly became the center of attention. Jeslyn didn't think much about their reaction because the artists never liked her to begin with. Only a handful saw her as a manageable character, probably because she's still nothing for now. Like the play button on a remote was pressed, the artist suddenly started to laugh while pointing fingers at her and reading things on their phones. It was annoying to be the center of mockery but being a 'weak' rookie who doesn't want trouble, she continued walking without caring.

There must have been another scandalous post about her. She thought. She's used to it now. Every day, someone has one or two things to say about her in some group chats that the jobless artists are

members of.

Jeslyn walked to the elevator but the elevator seemed to be faulty, so she hurried to the stairs. It would be a lot of hassle to take the stairs to the tenth floor. She suddenly wondered why her Manager would choose the tenth floor as her office.

After five floors, Jeslyn grew tired, then bent over and placed her hands on her knees to rest. Just then, the doors to one of the rooms on the floor clicked open and five girls walked out in their shorts and tank tops, sweating profusely. It seemed they just left the dance studio.

Looking at the pretty and delicate girls, Jeslyn smiled in her mind.

Spice Girls. The third girls' group the company is grooming. According to her research, the company found potential in these pretty damsels with overflowing feminine charm, so the company is generously using resources on them.

"Hahaha... that was a hard step but sister Mimi was able to pull it off after a few-" The lady suddenly stopped talking when she saw Jeslyn by the stairs.

"Oh, what do we have here?..." She asked in jest.

"The prettiest face in the world," another replied sarcastically.

Jeslyn knew there would be trouble soon, so she resumed her walk up the stairs but would the troublesome ladies let her go?

"Hey, you!"

She heard the voice and was sure it was meant for her but Jeslyn ignored it and continued on.

"Are you deaf?! Take another step up those stairs and you'll be asking for it!"

Jeslyn paused and turned around. "Senior, you were talking to me?" She asked meekly. It was Mimi, the leader of the group. "Come here, Mimi waved her over.

Jeslyn took a deep breath and schooled herself in her mind to remain calm before she started walking

towards them.

"Senior, hope I haven't offended you?" Jeslyn asked in a small voice. She looked like one who needed protection from the world. "Jeslyn, right?"

Jeslyn nodded.

"What gave you the effrontery to disrespect your senior?"

Jeslyn parted her lips, she wanted to speak but suddenly couldn't find words coming out of her mouth. What senior?

"Has the cat got your tongue?!" One of the girls barked at her.

"N-no, just that I don't understand," Jeslyn replied.

"You don't understand or you're playing dumb?" Mimi raised her perfectly curved brow. Seeing that Jeslyn looked lost, she continued:

"You are a rookie, you haven't even debuted yet, and your leg in this company is still weak, so you should never have tried to be arrogant. Secondly, Senior Phoebe is not one you can mess with and go scot- free." Mimi walked to stand a few inches away from Jeslyn and pulled her ponytail.

"Aaah," Jeslyn whimpered. She was caught off guard or probably she allowed it.

No wonder she hadn't seen the so-called Phoebe after that incident in the studio. The spoiled brat promised to drive her out of the company but Jeslyn never heard from her again. So it was because she wanted her to be bullied by others? Tsk. What a waste of sperm!

Although Jeslyn was disdaining Phoebe in her mind, her persona in front of Mimi and the others was just like a damsel in distress.

"Phoebe is the only daughter of the Mayor of Country M." She smiled. "You had the nerve to call her ugly..." She held Jeslyn's jaw. "Is it because of this face of yours? You think that you can insult people because you have a cute face?" She chuckled and shoved Jeslyn's head, making her fall to the sparkling tiled floor.

Mimi and her friends started to laugh like bullying someone weaker was the greatest fun they'd ever


The lady squatted to Jeslyn's level and asked in a low voice, "Have you never heard of beautiful celebrities suddenly having decaying faces?"

She watched as Jeslyn's eyes widened in horror and she smiled, then moved closer to Jeslyn's ear and whispered: "Watch out, Jeslyn."

"What is going on there?!"

The minute the sexy voice drifted into their ears, the bullies suddenly moved into a straight line and stood there with respect. "G- good evening, senior," they greeted in fright.

Jeslyn raised her head to look and saw it was a handsome, young, and rebellious-looking guy heading towards them with two men behind him.

She knew this person. Before entering the company, she did research and found out this 26-year-old

guy was the biggest male artist in Fearless Entertainment- Toria's male version.

He is respected and almost seen as a god because; he is handsome, almost perfect, and comes from a powerful family. He is extremely talented in all fields- singing, dancing, acting, and modeling and he also has a great body that both boys and girls die for.

If Toria is the company's pillar, Brian is the Company's foundation. Rumors have it that he had grown too big that Fearless Entertainment could no longer pay him but rather, he was given some share in the company. A lot of companies have tried both operily and hiddenly to poach him with enticing offers but he wouldn't budge.

Ah, he is also the face of the gyms. Almost all public and private gyms have his pictures plastered everywhere for motivation purposes.

Too bad none of them have seen her husband's body. Jeslyn immediately snapped back to reality when she heard footsteps walking closer. Where did her mind escape to?

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