Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 73

Chapter 73


Carmine clutched his chest with her wee claws as he k*ssed her savagely. She could feel his raw and potent desire mixed with so much rage that it vibrated his chest. They were both gasping when they pulled away. Theo cupped the back of her head and pressed her against his chest so hard, as if he wanted her to merge in him.

The world around them faded away, and time seemed to slow down. She inhaled his scent. “How did you find me?” she asked him.

“I knew Kade was involved. The ba sta rd left a trail of evidence. Although his wolves. tried their best to remove Ruby’s blood that was splattered all over the washroom, they forgot that her scent was very strong. Moreover, the guard informed me that Ruby specifically requested him to deliver the message to you.” He took his bloodied shirt out and put it on her shoulder. “When you and I are alone after this, I want to give you a good bath and you will listen to me.”

Her mouth dropped open.

“At your 3 o’clock!” Winn shouted, and Theo turned to tackle the wolf who was attacking him. The Beta stood before his Luna, his eyes blazing with a protective fierceness. He informed her, “Theo made it extremely clear to all the packs under him. that if didn’t find where you were or where Kade had taken you, he would start killing them one by one.”

Carmine’s stomach plummeted as her gaze went to Alpha Theo, who had snapped the head of a wolf and then pulled out his spine. Goddess. He had the wolf’s spine in his hands.

Winn continued, “Alpha Theo spilled his Alpha aura. Finally, he came across five Blue Moon wolves. After killing four of them, the fifth one finally divulged your location. He told us you were being held in his cave. We came to you within two days, Carmine.”

“And Alpha Kade?”

“That f u cker has escaped,” Winn said with a snarl. “We should have known.”

“He-“I licked my l*ps. “He kept me chained and knocked me out.” I stopped my l*ps from quivering. “He was getting me married to him today. I will not spare him or the Shaman!”

“Of course not,” Winn said as he curled his arm over her shoulder. “Kade is destroyed. Alpha Theo and all the other Alphas under the Gold Moon pack are finding him, but it seems he has escaped.” Winn withdrew a gun with silver bullets in it. “Here,” he

to her.

gave it

Carmine trembled as, for the first time, she held a gun with silver bullets. She shook her

05:51 Thu 25 Jan

Chapter 73

head at first, but then she remembered how these people abused her and harmed her. Anger rose in her chest and her hand steadied on the gun. Kade’s words bounced in her head- ‘You will soon marry me and give birth to my pups!

Unease exploded in her chest, and she fired the bullet at a wolf who was attacking Theo. The bullet went straight into the center of his forehead. He looked at her with surprise just before falling to the ground, dead..

Startled, Theo turned his head, his eyes locking onto her. Pride swelled in his chest. With a few powerful strides, he closed the distance and stood in front of her. He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “That’s like my Luna,” he rumbled.

She wanted to close her eyes and hug his n*ked chest, but in the corner of her vision, she saw another wolf lunging at him. She fired another shot, and that went straight in the heart. The wolf dropped dead with a shrick, half shifting.

Her eyes drifted to a dark wolf who was running towards them with ferociousness. dripping with evil. Theo spun around, preparing to deliver a fatal blow with his claws, when the wolf shifted and, in his place, stood… the Shaman.

“Theo, stop!” Carmine shouted, recognizing him by the rune on his throat. He stopped, his chest heaving. Winn aimed the silver arrow at the Shaman’s n*eck, growling dangerously low. She walked to the Shaman.

“You should kill him,” Theo said through his ragged breath. “Because if you won’t, I’ll do something so horrible that he would hang between life and death!”

“You are making a mistake, Alpha Theo,” the Shaman growled. “She belongs to the Blue Moon pack.”

Carmine couldn’t stop herself and slapped hard on the Shaman’s face. His head whipped to the left as shock flickered through his eyes.

Theo and Winn stood right behind her as her protectors and watched her as she dealt with the Shaman.

“She is the direct descendent of the Moon Goddess,” the Shaman argued. “Imagine the power she has in her. Imagine the pups she can produce. Their power will be so immense that they will reign supreme over the entire world. You can’t make her just your Luna. She should be passed to all the Alphas and have their pups.” His eyes went to Theo and Winn. “Can’t you see? With her presence, we werewolves can establish our dominance and conquer this world!”

Carmine narrowed her eyes as the hot acidity of rage punctured the walls of her patience. “What did you just say?” she asked the Shaman.

The Shaman’s eyes widened and his claws elongated, but Carmine was faster, firing the


Chapter 73

silver bullet in his heart. Grunting, he fell to the ground, his hand cupping his heart as if he couldn’t believe what happened to him.

“When Kade had told me you were the one who crafted my chains, I promised myself that I’d be the one to kill you.” She pointed the gun at the center of his forehead and pulled the

ger. Blood bubbled out of the corner of his mouth. “And I keep my promises.”

She stared at the Shaman as life dimmed in his eyes, but before he crumpled to the ground, a faint smile appeared on his face. “This is not the end,” he barely whispered, and then his eyes went glossy.

Alpha Theo grasped her waist, and it was then she realized she was shuddering. He k*ssed her temple. “You did good, my Luna. If you hadn’t killed her, I would have taken out his guts and strangled him with that and then I would have-” He took a deep breath in as he glanced at Winn. Winn nodded and twirled his finger in the air, signaling the Gold Moon warriors to go back. The Blue Moon wolves were all down, except for a few who had run away for their lives.

When a Gold Moon warrior shifted into his wolf and Winn placed the dead b*dy of the Shaman on his back, Carmine asked, “Why are we taking him?”

Theo’s voice turned icy as he answered, “To hang his b*dy from the gates of the Gold Moon pack with his guts.”

A shudder ran down her spine. “Alpha Theo?”

“No questions, Carmine,” he growled and then shifted into his wolf.

Carmine looked at her beautiful black wolf. As he sat down, she knew what he demanded. So she climbed him and leaned forward. She tightly embraced his girth, taking in the cozy heat emanating from his b*dy and the velvety softness of his fur. “I love you,” she whispered. With a soft purr, Thunder took off.


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